Love in a Time of Magic

Chapter One

‘I really hate my life’
This thought echoed through Gislaine’s head as she walked the desolate woody path of Balin Forest. She had heard rumours that a lot of strange things happen here, but nothing out of the ordinary had happened to her so far, although she wished something would happen because she was actually tired, not just physically but mentally as well. She longed for something to break this repetitive quiet but deep down she was also grateful for the peace, because in her home she never got any. Especially since her uncle had insisted she marry a man she didn’t love. She wished her parents were still alive, they would have never made her marry for convenience. She needed to find her sister. Annabeth had escaped her uncle and was living her own life.
This continued for thirty minutes before she finally found a place she could rest. She placed her pack down beside her as she sat on a fallen log. She sat in silence for a moment and a cold chill sent a shiver up her spine. She looked up at the sky and noticed it was beginning to get dark.
‘This is as good a place as any to stay for the night’ She thought to herself.
She stood up and began to gather wood to build a fire. After it was built she looked around to make sure she was alone before she cast a spell to light the fire.
She breathed a sigh of relief as she felt the warmth was over her. She rummaged around in her pack for her blankets and placed them on the floor, although she often wondered why she did this as she hardly ever slept, because she was afraid that her uncles men would find her as she slept. She removed her boots to air her swollen and blistered feet.
This sound echoed towards her catching her attention. A million thoughts raced through her mind. What if whoever was out there saw her using magic? What would they do to her?. She pulled a dagger out of her right boot and stood up staring in the direction the sound came from.
“We’re lost” A mans voice said from behind a patch of trees.
“No, we’re not” A second mans voice replied.
Judging by the note of annoyance in his voice this was not the first time the other man had complained.
Gislaine listened to this while trying not to make any noise, the dagger firmly grasped in her hand.
“How do you….” The first man said but had suddenly stopped. “Do you smell smoke?”
She felt her heart beat faster and looked at the fire she had made.
‘Damn. I knew I should have put it out’ She thought to herself as she turned to look back where the voices where coming from.
“Yes” The second man answered. “It’s coming from this direction”
She heard rustling moving towards her and she braced herself for what was to come.
The two men appeared from behind the trees. The first man that appeared was wearing armour with a sword on his belt you could see he was well built, his blond hair was partially covering his eyes, he had a somewhat noble air about him a noble maybe. Now the second was completely different. He was wearing slightly worn clothes that showed his thin frame, his black hair was a mess and he looked like was used to following him around, the other mans servant maybe. It took them both a moment to realize she was there.
She took a step back, her grip tightening around the dagger.
“Don’t come any closer” She said trying to keep a calm demeanour but her voice shook as she spoke.
The two men seemed to be taken aback by this. It seemed she wasn’t the only one expecting to encounter any one here. The blond one went to grab his sword.
“Arthur” The other one said.
Arthur turned to look at the other man and decided against it placing his hands back at his side. The other man stepped forward.
“Please. Lower the knife” He spoke in a tone she was not used to hearing. It was full of warmth and kindness. “We mean you no harm”
Gislaine had to think for a moment. Would Arthur have really attacked her? or was he trying to feel safe because she had a dagger pointed at them? For some reason she could trust the other man and lowered the dagger.
“I’m Merlin” The man said with a smile that justified her decision. “And this is Prince Arthur”
“Prince Arthur?” She asked “As in the prince of Camelot?”
Arthur nodded. Another million thoughts bombarded her head. She had a dagger held out at the prince of Camelot. What if he saw her using magic? Would he have her executed? She thought about other things for a moment before she snapped back into reality. They had introduced themselves and she was being rude.
“My name is Gislaine” She said as she returned to the log and put the dagger away.
“And what brings you out here?” Arthur said as he and Merlin moved closer to the fire.
She thought for a second if she should answer them but she eventually decided too. She straightened up and turned to look at them.
“I’m looking for my sister” She answered.
“Where is she?” Merlin asked the kindness in his tone was reassuring.
“I don’t know” She answered. “I’ve searched every town near here.” And she had she was exhausted. “I’m not really sure where to look next”
“Maybe she’s in Camelot” Merlin said with a smile. “You could come with us. Right Arthur?” Merlin continued and flashed Arthur a smile only he could see.
She turned to look at Arthur who rolled his eyes at Merlin but in truth he didn’t seem the type to leave a woman alone in a dangerous place.
“Of course” Arthur replied with a smile.
“Thank you” Gislaine said with a smile. It was the first time she had smiled in ages and it felt good.
“We should get some sleep” Arthur said as he sat down near the fire. “We’ve got a long journey ahead of us” He turned to look at Merlin. “Merlin, get the horses”
Merlin groaned at this as he had just sat down himself but he got up and moments later reappeared with two horses. He tied them to a tree before sitting back down. They talked a little before getting some sleep.
A few hours later….

The sound of snapping branches and the horses displeased neighs awoke the three travellers, the fire had died out sometime ago. They managed to get up before a group of men appeared from behind a patch of trees, swords drawn.
Arthur unsheathed his sword and Gislaine grabbed her dagger from her boot as Merlin stood just in front of her. He was trying to protect her, if only he knew she didn’t need him too. Gislaine looked at the man at the head of the group. It was the man her uncle had hired to reclaim her. She had escaped from him in the past and was certain that they wouldn’t follow her here. She was wrong.
“Stop where you are” Arthur said in a demanding voice.
“Our quarrel is not with you, sir” The leader said as he stepped forward. “Just give us the girl and you can be on your way”
Arthur and Merlin both glanced towards Gislaine and could see the fear in her eyes.
The leader motioned for two of his men to grab her and as they began to walk forward, a dagger came flying towards the first man stabbing him in the chest. The second looked to see that Gislaine had thrown it.
“I’m not going back” She said her voice trembling slightly as she took a few steps back.
The second man moved towards Gislaine and before he could reach her he was stabbed in the chest. Arthur pulled his sword out of the second man and looked back at the leader.
“It appears she does not want to go with you” Arthur said preparing his stance for a retaliation.
“Too bad” The leader said with a smile. “This could have been avoided….. Men, kill the fools and get me the girl”
The men charged towards them and Arthur cut them down one by one. The leader looked on in disbelief. Apparently he had not expected to encounter any real resistance and had hired thugs from a nearby village. After the last one was dead Arthur turned his attentions to the leader.
“You’ll regret this” He said before fleeing.
Arthur sheaved his sword and looked at Gislaine.
“I think you have some explaining to do” He said as he walked towards her and Merlin.
Gislaine was shaking slightly and had to sit down. She was so sure she’d be safe and she wasn’t sure what she was going to say.
“Gislaine” Merlin said as he sat beside her.
She felt his hand on her knee and her heart beat faster. She felt she could trust them and Arthur did just save her.
“That man works for my uncle” She finally managed to say weakly “I ran away”
“Why?” Arthur said as he sat down.
“He was trying to make me marry someone I didn’t love because his father owned a farm” Gislaine said shaking slightly “I overheard him talking to one of his friends that after the wedding he would have the father and son murdered so that I would acquire everything, giving my uncle the right to claim the profits as my guardian”
Arthur and Merlin shared a look as they listened to her speak.
“I knew right away that I couldn’t stay there” Gislaine continued. “My sister had gotten away from him a few weeks ago so I’ve been looking for her”
“Why didn’t she take you with her?” Merlin asked.
“She tried, but I fell and hurt my ankle” Gislaine answered as her mind wandered to memories of that day. “I knew that I would just slow us down so instead of both of us being found I told her to go without me and I haven’t seen her since. I hope she’s alright”
Merlin looked at Arthur with a look as if to say ‘We have to help her’ and Arthur simply nodded before looking at the sky.
“Come on the suns coming up” Arthur said while standing. “We have a lot of ground to cover”
Gislaine put her things away before putting her boots on. Merlin stood and offered her his hand which she took and he pulled her to her feet before walking over and retrieving her dagger. He came back with it an offered it to her.
“Keep it. I have another” She said with a smile.
They heard Arthur untie and get on his horse.
“You can have my horse” Merlin said with a smile. “I’ll walk”
“I can’t ask you to do that” Gislaine said with a smile “How about we share?”
Merlin simply smiled at this before going to untie his horse. Gislaine collected her pack and saw Merlin get on the horse. He held out his had for her as she approached, she took it and he pulled her onto the horses back. She wrapped her arms around his waist for support which caught him off guard. Arthur simply smiled at this as they rode off.
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I currently have a couple more chapters. I will add them during the week.