Love in a Time of Magic

Chapter Two

The ride to Camelot did not take long on horseback, unlike if she had walked which would have been the case if she had not met Merlin and Arthur. Come to think of it had she not met them she would have been alone when her uncles thugs found her and would be on her way back home right now. Arthur and Merlin where a blessing, her knights in shining armour though she would never tell them that.
“We’re almost there” Arthur said from a short distance in front.
Gislaine was snapped back to the present just in time to see the beautiful city appear on the horizon. She had often dreamed about what it was like but in truth it was more beautiful then she could ever imagine.
“It’s beautiful” Was all she could manage to say as they moved closer.
“Yes, It is” Merlin said as he turned around to look at her.
They both shared a smile which made her heart beat faster and she couldn’t understand why. Merlin was unlike any man she had ever met before, he was kind and caring and when he smiled a wave of calm washed over her like all her troubles had gone, but in a moment she was snapped back into reality and everything came rushing back.
As they approached she could see people entering and leaving the city and the guards that were posted along the walls and at the gate. The guards stood to attention as the prince rode past them.
The streets were busy with people going about their lives and the market stalls were teeming with goods they could buy. People moved out of the way as they passed before continuing their routines.
They continued riding until they approached the beautiful white stone castle where they entered a large stone courtyard. Arthur dismounted his horse and a servant came to take it from him and Merlin dismounted before helping her down.
“Thank you” She said with a smile.
Before she could do or say anything else a sudden dizzy spell enveloped her and she collapsed on Merlin.
“Arthur” She heard Merlin yell before the world faded into darkness.

Three hours later….

Gislaine awoke to the sound of muffled voices. She opened her eyes and saw a stone ceiling above her. Shocked she sat up quickly which was a big mistake as she felt dizzy again.
After the dizziness had passed she looked around at her surroundings. She was in a small room which was a mess, clothes thrown about and a dirty helmet placed on a chair. The muffled voices where coming from behind a closed door which lead into another room.
She got about of the bed quietly and approached the door, opening it slightly so she could here what was going on.
“The poor girl’s exhausted” She heard a voice which clearly belonged to elderly man. “With some sleep she should be fine”
“That’s good to hear” She heard Merlin’s voice and she felt safe again. “But there’s something you need to see. This fell out of her pack when we were bringing her here”
There was a moment of silence.
“Did Arthur see this?” The man asked.
“No” Merlin answered. “I hid it as soon as I realized what it was”
She opened the door a little more so she could see what they were talking about and she saw her mothers spell book on the table between them. She gasped and stepped back.
She had stepped into the chair knocking it slightly, making the helmet fall and hit the floor. She heard movement coming towards the door and before she could react Merlin and the man were stood in the now open doorway.
They stood there in silence, no-one knowing what to say. Gislaine was the first to speak.
“Are you going to turn me in?” She asked shaking slightly.
Merlin and the man looked at each other.
“You don’t have to be afraid” The man said. “My name is Gaius. I’m the court physician and you need to rest”
He moved closer to her and she backed away from him.
“We’re not going to turn you in, Gislaine” Merlin said as he moved towards her.
He looked at Gaius who seemed to know that he was about to do, he nodded his approval. Merlin closed his right hand and lifted it to his face.
“Mae Bwuenith” Merlin spoke into his fist before opening it.
There in the palm of his hand was a small flame. He had conjured it with magic, he was like her. She calmed down as she saw this and actually managed a smile.
“You can trust us” Merlin said with a smile as the flame disappeared.
Gislaine nodded at this.
“Now you need to rest” Gaius said moving her to the bed.
She got in it without any objections. She felt safe. Safer then she had felt in a long time. Gaius left the room and Merlin approached her. He put her mothers spell book under the pillow.
“Welcome to Camelot” He said with a cheeky grin and he left he room.
For the first time in days she actually slept deeply.