Love in a Time of Magic

Chapter Three

The next day…

Gislaine was awoken to the sound of birds chirping outside and a ray of sunlight hit her eyes as she opened them.
“Arrrgggg” She said as she shielded her eyes.
She rubbed her eyes as she sat up and put her feet on the floor. It was cold on her skin and she recoiled a little. She looked around for the boots and saw them on the floor at the edge of her bed. She noticed that her other dagger was not there as she put them on, she assumed Merlin took it for reasons she didn’t understand but she trusted him.
She stood up and walked over to the door and opened it. Merlin and Gaius were sat at the table eating their breakfast, they were completely unaware of the fact she was awake.
She walked down the steps leading to the room, the noise from her boots alerting them to her presence. Merlin stood up as she approached.
“Good morning” He said with a smile.
“Morning” She said with a small smile.
“How are you feeling?” Gaius asked as he stood.
“Much better, thank you” She answered as she approached them both.
“Are you hungry?” Gaius asked with a concerned look.
She had to think for a second and the twinge in her stomach told her she hadn’t eaten in a day.
“Yes” She answered with a small smile.
“Here” Merlin said as he offered her his chair.
“Thank you” She said with a smile as she sat down.
Merlin got another bowl which Gaius filled with stew. The three ate in silence until it was broken by the sound of a door opening. Stood in the doorway was Arthur, Gislaine barely recognised him without his armour. He looked around at the three.
“I came to see how our guest was fairing” He said as he looked at Gislaine.
“Much better, my lord” She said as she finished her stew.
“Well that is good indeed” He said as he turned to Merlin “Merlin, come”
“Yes Arthur” Merlin said with a look only she could see and she couldn’t help but smile a little at this as he left.
“Well is must be off to do my rounds” Gaius said as he finished cleaning up. “You should stay here until Merlin returns”
“Sure” She said with a smile.
She did not feel like going anywhere alone at the moment so she went back up into the room. She sat on the bed and read her mothers book.
After a couple of hours Merlin returned and found her asleep on the bed with her mothers book still in her hands. He tried to move quietly around but tripped and knocked something over. Gislaine awoke looking around scared.
“Sorry” Merlin said with an apologetic smile.
“It’s alright” She said with a smile as she stretched a crick out of her neck. “Are you finished for today?”
Merlin nodded at this as she placed her feet on the floor. Merlin sat on the bed next to her and looked at the book still in her hands. Gislaine noticed him looking and smiled.
“That book is very special to you, isn’t it?” Merlin asked.
“Yes” Gislaine answered “It was my mothers. It is the only thing I have of hers” She gripped the book tight in her hands. “She died when I was young”
“I’m so sorry” Merlin said as he looked to the floor, he felt awful for bringing it up.
“It’s alright,” Gislaine said with a smile looking at Merlin. “It was a long time ago”
Merlin looked at her and smiled. Gislaine stood up and went over to the window she climbed onto the small table and looked out.
The city was bursting with life and sound and she was beginning to feel cooped up. She needed to get outside and take in all this wonder. She felt a body press up close to her and turned to see Merlin staring out at the city. She felt a wave of heat pass over her and she began to blush and she was not the only one, Merlin could hardly believe what he just did and yet he didn’t want to move.
“Would it be possible to go for a walk outside?” Gislaine asked trying to hide the fact that she was blushing from her toes to the top of her head.
“Sure” Merlin said with a smile and he got down from the table.
Merlin held out his hand to help her down with she took graciously. His hand was rough but gentle and it took her a moment to realise she was still holding it. Aware of the awkward situation she let go and out on her boots.
As they left the castle they met Arthur who was talking with one of the knights. He saw them and waved them over.
“I see you are feeling well enough to walk around” He said with a smile.
“Yes, my lord” Gislaine said with a slight smile.
“Please call me Arthur” Arthur said as he guided them out of the courtyard.
“Ok… Arthur” Gislaine said hesitantly.
“So where are you two going?” Arthur asked as they walked through the large archway of the courtyard.
“I’m going to show her the city,” Merlin answered.
“That sounds like a good idea. I’ll come too,” Arthur said as he looked behind them.
Merlin and Gislaine looked and saw a noble woman walking down the steps of the courtyard and Arthur rushed them forward. They both looked at each other and smiled.
They walked down the crowded main street of the city and people were bowing at Arthur as he passed. They looked at the stalls in the market and Gislaine was enthralled by what they were selling. Never in her life had she seen such exquisite things. The sounds of arguing could be heard from down the street pulled the away from the market as Arthur went to investigate. They arrived just in time to see a man fly out of the taverns open door.
“And stay out” A voice said from inside. A voice Gislaine new all too well.
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Sorry for the delay. Have had a hectic month.