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Thorin's Long Lost Daughter

Her name was Aiyana, and she was the daughter of Thorin Oakenshield. She was long thought dead, when Smaug attacked. But, they were wrong. Everyone of them. Wrong. Thorin's daughter had been with him, he just didn't know it...Will he ever find his long, lost daughter, and if he does, will she be the same? When she finds out about who she really is, will she be able to forgive him? But, when you are on a journey with 13 dwarves, one of them should catch your eye. What if it was your father's youngest nephew?

“My dear Frodo.” Bilbo lit a match, then used it to light a candle. He walked through a hallway in Bag End, as he was carrying the candle.

“You asked me one once if I had told you everything there was to know about my adventures. And while I can honestly say I have told you the truth, I may not have told you all of it.”

Bilbo said, as he opened a chest. He glanced with fascination and recollection at Sting, his sword in its sheath, and reached out to touch it. At the last second, he hurriedly restrained himself and pulled out a large red book from the chest instead. As he sat down at his desk and he opened up the book, he saw a drawing of his younger self. He picked up the picture and gazed at it.

“I am old now, Frodo. I’m not the same Hobbit I once was.”

Bilbo dipped his quill in a pot of ink, and poised to write in the book. He hesitated for a moment, before he began writing.

“I think it is time for you to know what really happened. It began long ago in a land far away to the east, the like of which you will not find in the world today.”