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A New Hope for the Galaxy

Facing His Abuse

“Max! Get back here!” I heard Christopher calling me, but I just kept running. I heard him start running after me, but I had a lot of experience running from him, so I had the advantage here. Finally, his footsteps died down, tears still streaming down my face, I slowed down my pace. My face still stinging from where his hand left a mark on my face, and it wasn’t the first time that Christopher had hit me, I had been abused by him for the longest time, I told my mom about it, she didn’t believe me. I told my dad about hit, he just hit me. I was trapped. I couldn’t tell anyone about Christopher’s abuse because no one would ever believe me. In public he would play the role of a loving, caring and a non-abusive “husband”.

I still couldn’t believe that my parents were trying to get me to marry him. And if I did end up marrying him, I will be covered in bruises so quickly. My eyes were filling with tears that my vision was blurred and I couldn’t see where I was going, because the next thing I knew, I felt something strike me across the back of my head, and all I saw was darkness. The last thing I remembered was the sound of Christopher’s hand against my face…