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A New Hope for the Galaxy

Meeting Luke

A few weeks later, I was fast asleep. I had tried escaping from these Jawa’s for the longest time, but every time I got away, they would always find a way to find me again. So after the first few times, I kind of stopped trying to escape, but that didn’t mean that I wasn’t desperately trying to get away. I was just waiting for the perfect opportunity to be able to leave. The door opened, and a burst of bright sunlight streamed through. It had been a while since I saw daylight that bright, so it hurt my eyes.

The next thing that I knew, a Jawa started pushing towards the exit. When we were almost there, the Jawa shoved me hard to the ground, since my hands were bound, I wasn’t able to stop myself from falling to the sandy ground. I got a face full of sand. I struggled to get up, but my hands were bound behind my back, so it was almost impossible. Just then, I felt a pair of hands, help me up. They weren’t Jawa hands, they were……human hands?! I looked up to see a young boy, who was helping me up. Little did I know that this young farm boy was about to change my life. Forever.

*Luke’s Point Of View*

I saw the young girl who got shoved to the ground. I pitied her, so I went over to help her up. Her hair was a light brown, and it was dirty and matted. She had gray/blue eyes that were scared and full of fear, but she had a beautiful face. She then, muttered something that was inaudible. I knelt down in front of her.

“What did you say?” I asked her, gently.

“Can you help me?” Her eyes looked at me pleadingly.

“I’ll try my best…” I replied. I looked up to see Uncle Owen, looking over some droids. I ran up to him.

“Uncle Owen…” I said to him. He looked over to me.

“Yes?” I looked back to the young girl, and I noticed that the Jawa’s kept continuously shoving her to the ground. Owen noticed too, and he walked over to the girl. He shooed the Jawa’s away from her. He knelt down in front of her.

“Are you okay?” He asked her gently. She shook her head. He looked at her face, and his forehead crumpled.

“We’ll take the girl as well. She deserves better treatment, than what these Jawa’s have given her…” The girl gave my uncle a smile, thanking him. He walked over to the Jawa’s and paid for the droids. She looked up at me.

“Thank you…” She said to me. I just gave her a smile. I stood her up, and I turned her around, and undid the bounds that held her hands together. When I undid them, I saw that the binds had left ugly red marks on her wrists. When I undid the binds, she gave a sigh of relief. After when Uncle Owen had finished paying for the droids, and the young girl, he told me to bring them to the garage, I sighed, but I noticed that the girl really needed some attention, so I gave in. I looked back at the girl and saw her waiting with the 2 droids. I turned and walked back to the three of them.

“Come on, let’s go…” I said, as I lead them into the garage.

*Max’s Point Of View*

The young boy, brought me and the other 2 droids into the garage. I sat down on a workbench, and watched as he began to work on the 2 droids. I didn’t say anything, I still couldn’t believe that someone had saved me from the Jawa’s; it was just too good to be true. The boy noticed that I wasn’t talking so he stopped working on the 2 droids, and he sat down beside me. “What’s your name?” He asked me. I didn’t answer him right away, because I still wasn’t sure if I could trust him. He obviously noticed, and he gave me a small smile.

“Don’t worry…I’m not going to hurt you…” He said, truthfully. From the tone in his voice, I could tell that he wasn’t lying. So I decided that I would trust him.

“They call me Max...” I whispered.

He smiled. “I’m Luke, by the way…” He said.