Status: Updating whenever I can!

Please Stay Forever With Me

Chapter Two

We pulled up to my dad's house about two and half hours later, with a trunk full of groceries and a garden gnome that Amanda just had to have.

I could see my dad's black Mazda parked in front of the white, two story house.

“Will you go run and tell your dad to come help with groceries?” Amanda asks as she opens the door.

“Yeah, sure,” I say, as I also open my door and get out of the car. I grab my book bag and head to the front door, hoping that my dad would be in the kitchen or living room. I really didn't want to go searching the house for him.

As I open the door I hear my dad yell, “Is that you, Amanda?”

“No, it's me, Vic!” I call back. My dad walks around the corner, smiling brightly once he sees me. He was wearing suit pants and a button up shirt tucked into the pants, his normal work clothes.

“Hey, hijo. How've you been?” he asks, pulling me in for a quick hug. I smile at him.

“I've been great dad, but uh, Amanda sent me in here to come help with groceries,” I tell him.

“Oh! Of course,” he laughs, slipping on some shoes and walking quickly out of the house, me trailing behind him.

Once my dad gets to Amanda he pulls her into a hug and kisses her forehead, asking her how her day was. The two grabbed multiple bags and then started carrying them to the house, leaving me to grab my stuff.

“Hurry up, Vic! I wanna talk to you,” my dad calls over his shoulder.

I sigh and grab my bags out of the trunk, then close it, still kind of bummed that I have to be here. I walk back into the house, closing the door behind me. I head upstairs to the guest bedroom that I'd always use whenever I used to come here for Christmas and other holidays.

I set my bags on the bed, opening them to reveal all of my clothes and my song writing book. I never leave home for long periods of time without it. I use it as an escape, a way to get away sometimes.

There's a knock on the door and I turn quickly to find Amanda standing in the door way, smiling at me. “Hey, there's someone at the door for you,” she says to me. I give her a quizical look.

“I don't know anyone here,” I say.

“I know, just come on,” she motions for me to follow her, so I do. We go down the stairs, but no one is standing there waiting for me. Amanda looks back at me and notices I'm confused, “Oh, he's outside, waiting for you.”

“Oh,” is all I say, walking over to the door, and stepping outside.

“Hey!” a boy is standing on the big porch, his hands shoved in his shorts pockets. “My name's Alex, I live right over there,” he says, pointing to a few houses down from my dads.

“Uhm, my name's Vic,” I say, still confused as to why he was here.

“Oh, I know! Amanda told us all about you,” he smiles. He has a nice, friendly smile. I'm not going to lie when I tell you he's an attractive guy. The way his brown hair looked slightly disheveled, but still neat enough to look good.

“Us?” I question.

“Me and my mom,” he says, “My mom and Amanda are really good friends,” he smiles again.

“Oh,” I say. I go and sit on one of the steps that lead down to the driveway, Alex following my lead. “So, why'd you come over here?” I ask him.

“To see you, duh,” he tells me, chuckling. “I thought it'd be nice to come and be your friend.”

I smirk, “Who say's I wanna be your friend?” I joke with him.

“Look at me!” he exclaims, motioning to his face and then his body, “Who wouldn't want to be my friend?” he jokes back. I start laughing, because it's true. He just seems like a nice person, and again, he's extremely attractive.

“Well, I guess I can't argue,” I say, making his face turn red. I laugh because it's cute.

“So, Vic,” he says, causing me to look over at him. “There's a big party some guy is throwing tonight to kick off summer, and I think you should tag along with me. It'll be fun,” he says, looking at me expectantly.

I sit there quietly for a moment, I mean, what's the harm in going to a party? I'm obviously going to need some friends to keep me company until Mike can come. “Sure,” I say to him.

“Sweet!” he says, jumping up from his spot. “Here,” he says, reaching in his pocket and pulling out his phone to shove at me. “put your number in there so I can text you when I'm coming to get you.”

“Alright,” I say, opening his contacts and punching my number into his phone, then adding my name. “Done,” I hand him his phone back.

“Thanks,” he beams at me. “I just have to go get ready and eat and then I'll text you,” he says, walking down the rest of the steps.

“Okay, see you soon, I guess,” I call to him, as I get up and go back into the house.

“Hey, dad!” I call out, waiting for a reply.

“In the kitchen!” he calls back. I walk into the kitchen where my dad and Amanda are both making dinner, playfully pushing each other.

“Hey, Vic!” Amanda says, smiling up at me. “So, did you like Alex?” she asked me right away.

“Uh, yeah. He's pretty cool,” I say to them, “actually, he invited me to go to a party with him,” I inform them.

“Well, are you going to go with him?” my dad asks, joining the conversation. I shrug my shoulders.

“I guess I can,” I answer. Amanda smiles at me.

“Good, I think you and Alex will be good friends. I'm really good friends with his mom, they're both great people,” she tells me. I nod my head once she says this.

“Yeah, he mentioned that you guys were friends,” was all I could think to say. I sit on one of the stools at the bar, and watch as they both cut up different kinds of peppers. “What's for dinner?” I ask.

“Cheese and bell pepper quesadillas,” Amanda answers.

“Why not chicken quesadillas?” I ask, frowning slightly.

“Amanda's a vegetarian, remember?” my dad asks as he scoops the red bell peppers he had been cutting, into his hand and sprinkles them onto all of the cheese coated tortilla shells.

“Oh yeah, vegetarian,” I say, trying to remember if I had ever known that. “Well, I'm going to go get ready for the party, call me down when dinner's ready,” I say, getting up from the stool and making my way to the stairs.

“Alright,” my dad says. Once I leave the room, I hear them start conversing about my dads meeting today.


From: 123-456-7890
Hey dude! Its Alex you almost ready?

I read the message before saving his number into my phone.

To: Alex
Yeah I just got done eating.

I reply. I pull out another shirt and set it in the second drawer of the dresser that sat against the wall, across from my bed. Might as well unpack my stuff, huh?

My phone buzzes and I grab it from the bed.

From: Alex
Come out side. Im here to steal you away ;)

I laugh at the message before sliding my phone into my pocket, and leave my room, calling to my dad and Amanda that I was leaving.

“Have a good time! We'll leave the door unlocked for you!” Amanda answers back.

I walk out of the house to find Alex sitting in an old, white Honda, a smile appears on his face once he sees me.

“Come onnnnn,” he says, sticking head out the window.

“I'm cominggggg,” I mock him. He just laughs and starts his car as I open the passenger door and get in.

“Don't you look nice,” he says, making me blush. I look down at my black skinny jeans that holes ripped into the knees, and my red Converse.

“Well, thanks, I think,” I reply, making Alex laugh at me. “What's so funny?” I asked him, poking his cheek, causing him to laugh harder.

“Nothing, Vicky,” he says, still laughing as he pulls out of the driveway.

“Vicky?” I say, trying to sound as offended as possible. “Do I look like a girl to you?”

“Nah, but you're pretty, and usually it's girls that are pretty, not dudes,” he says, smiling.

“Whatever,” I mumble, feeling my face heat up.

“It's true, anyways, I can't wait for you to meet the guys,” he tells me. “They're really cool,”

I just nod my head, because there was really nothing left to say.

“What kind of music do you like?” Alex asks me as we drive down a road. I look over at him, thinking for a reply.

“Well, I guess rock, or metal,” I answer. He seems pleased with my answer.

“Good, then you won't mind it if I play some Pantera,” he presses the 'Play' button on his dash board and War Nerve floods the car, causing me to smile.

“You have good taste in music!” I say to him. He just smiles and nods his head.

I could tell Alex and I would be good friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wanted to go ahead and get this chapter up. Next chapter will be the party, obviously, and Vic will then learn who Kellin is. :)

Alex Gaskarth as Vic's new friend? Mhmmm.