Status: Updating whenever I can!

Please Stay Forever With Me

Chapter Four

I woke up the next morning with Kellin on my mind. That Jesse guy was being super protective over the other male, and it didn't make much sense to me.

There was a soft knock at my door and I let out a soft, “Yeah?” before the door opened, revealing an energetic looking Amanda.

“Good morning,” she said, keeping her voice low. “I just wanted to let you know I have some breakfast ready, if you wanna come eat,” she smiled at me, keeping the rest of her body out of my room. I just nodded to her, and waited for her to close my door before rolling out of the soft bed. I stretched my arms up above my head, allowing my muscles to relax after stretching them.

I went over to the closet where I had set my unpacked bags, taking out one of them and rummaging through it, and trying my best to find an outfit I could wear today. I finally settled on a pair of cargo shorts, a Pantera shirt, and my faded black Vans.

I walked across the hall to the bathroom designated for me, and started preparing myself for a shower.


I felt refreshed after my shower, which I had spent most of the time thinking about the dark haired boy from last night. I didn't even know the guy, so I'm not exactly sure why I kept thinking about him. I sighed, dismissing thoughts of him for right now, and I quickly made my way down the stairs.

Bacon. That's the first thing I could smell, and it set off a beast in my stomach; it growled fiercely, causing Amanda to turn and look at me, a chuckle escaping her lips. My face turned red in embarrassment.

She handed me a plate with a mound of bacon, two pancakes, two links of sausage, and an overwhelming amount of syrup dripping off the sides of the pancakes and onto the rest of the food, “Someone's hungry,” she smirked. I flashed her a smile, taking a seat at the bar. “Orange juice, milk, coffee, or something else?” she asked me.

“I'll take some orange juice,” I requested, picking up my fork and digging into the pancakes.

Amanda set the orange juice beside my plate started asking me questions, “So, did you have fun last night? I heard you got back late. Did you meet anyone new?”

I swallowed down the food I had in my mouth before answering her, “ Oh yeah. Uh, Alex introduced me to a lot of people,” I told her. A smile flashed across her face and she nodded.

“I figured,” she chuckled as she picked up a piece of bacon and bit a piece off. “Do you have any plans today?” she asked me, taking a gulp of what I assumed was coffee.

“Not sure yet,” I replied. I really just wanted to sit around all day and settle in. Maybe I'd call Alex and see if he wanted to hang out.

“Well, I'm sure you'll find something to do! I have to go into work in an hour, and your dad is already gone to the office,” she told me, the two of us continuing to eat our breakfast. “Your dad thought you might need some money, so he left you some money in that jar over there,” she pointed to a small red jar. It sat next to the toaster on the kitchen counter.

“Okay, thank you,” I said to her. She smiled at me.

“Well, I'm going to go get ready for work now. Try not to burn the house down or anything today,” she joked. I let out a laugh and went back to eating my food.


It was around twelve and I have absolutely nothing to do in this house. My dad didn't own a gaming system, so video games were out of the question. He had a computer, but there was nothing interesting to do on a computer, so I settled for watching some weird show on the television.

I was engrossed in the show, captivated as the characters were trying to find the man who had murdered some girl while she was hiking. I was pulled out of the suspense of the show when I heard my phone ringing from upstairs. I groaned, standing up and making my way up the stairs as quick as I could without falling.

I grabbed my phone off of the bed, and pressed the green button.

“Hello?” I asked into the phone, not being bothered to check the caller I.D.

“Vic!” Jaime's usual excited voice filtered through the phone. I chuckled at this, immediately missing being there with my best friends.

“Hey, Himes,” I said softly.

“I miss you,” he whined, causing me the chuckle again.

“I miss you, too,” I replied in all honesty. I would have to remember to ask my dad if Tony and Jaime could come over with Mike. I'd do anything to get him to say yes.

“Good,” he stated, I heard him talking to someone in the background before he was talking to me again. “Ugh, I gotta go. I'm at work,” he said, sadness evident in his voice. I sighed loudly.

“Just call me later, okay?” I told him.

“Of course,” I could practically hear the smile in his voice.

“Bye, Hime,” I said to him. I could hear him talking in the background again and I laughed a little. He really didn't like dealing with the people he worked with. He was always in a good mood, but as soon as he got around the so called 'idiots' he worked with, he became serious.

“Bye, Vicky, love you,” he confessed. I just laughed it off because I knew it was just a joke. Me and Jaime joked around like that most of the time. Tony even thought we had something going on for the longest time.

“Love you too, dork,” I replied, ending the call and flopping back onto my bed. I sighed, getting back up. Might as well go eat some lunch or something. I slipped my phone into my pocket and left my temporary room.

I ended up making just a peanut butter sandwich, getting frustrated every time the thick substance would get stuck to the roof of my mouth. I was about halfway through my sandwich when there was a knock on the door. I grabbed my half eaten sandwich and went to answer the door.

Jesse, the guy from the party, stood there looking at me.

“Uh, sorry. Did I interrupt you?” he asked me. There was no longer any hostility in his voice, in fact, he sounded disappointed that he may have disturbed me.

I just stood there for a moment before answering, “Oh no, you're fine,” I answered. I again just stood there, the silence was becoming really awkward and I was tempted to just go back inside and pretend he wasn't even here.

“Look, I just want to apologize for last night,” he started. “I was a little under the influence and I shouldn't have acted like that to you,” he shifted his gaze to the floor. I was a little dumbfounded. I mean, he almost beat the shit out of me last night, so having him stand here and apologize to me is a little shocking.

I cleared my throat, causing him to look up at me. “ It's all good,” I said, my voice shaking a bit at the end. He stuck his hand out to me, waiting for me to shake it.

“My name's Jesse,” he said. I nodded my head and shook his hand.

“And, I'm Vic,” I stated. It was his turn to nod. I dropped his hand and stood there again before I realized how rude I was being.

“Oh! Uhm, do you wanna, like, come in?” I asked him. He chuckled and shook his head, politely refusing my offer.

“I'd say yes, but Kellin's waiting for me,” he said, motioning to, what I assumed was his car, sitting in the driveway of my dad's house. The Kellin boy sitting in the front seat, his feet resting on the dash board.

I looked back at Jesse, “Oh,” was all I could think to say.

“Yeah, he wanted me to come apologize to you,” he said, glancing back at Kellin, who was now looking at us. Our eyes met and I felt my heart race a little bit. I hadn't even exchanged a single word with the boy, and he was already making me melt just from looking at him.

“Oh,” I said dumbly, repeating myself.

“Not that I wouldn't have done it on my own!” Jesse said quickly, causing me to chuckle a bit.

“It's okay, I understand,” I said. Kellin was still looking at us from the safety of Jesse's car. “Is he like, really that shy?” I asked, motioning to Kellin.

Jesse shrugged his shoulders, “Yeah, he is. Do you want me to introduce you to him?” he asked me.

“Yes!” I blurted out. My cheeks blushed red and Jesse just smirked before motioning for me to follow him. Once Kellin saw that we were walking toward him, he dropped his feet from the dashboard and sat up straight, looking at me with curiosity.

Jesse told Kellin to open his door, which the black haired boy did, still looking at me.

“This is Vic,” Jesse said to Kellin, waving his hand in my direction.

“H-hey,” Kellin said in a quiet voice. I had to stop myself from gushing at his cute voice. I smiled at him, hoping I didn't look too creepy.

“Hey,” I replied, looking over him. He was wearing a Goo Goo Dolls shirt, the sleeves rolled up a little, showing off his tattoos. He wore dark blue skinny jeans, which were also rolled up at the ends, and black Toms. He looked adorable, if I must be honest.

“Well,” I said, looking down at my sandwich, blushing once I realized I still held it. “I'm gonna go back and eat.”

“Yeah, sure. Sorry, again. Maybe we'll see you around,” Jesse said, lightly punching my arm. I shot him a smile and made my way back into my dad's house. As soon as I had the door closed, my phone went off. I pulled it out of my pocket, and answered it.

“Dude! I just saw Jesse over at your house! Is everything okay? He wasn't making plans to beat you up, was he?” Alex's worried voice shot through the phone. I started laughing at him. “Hey! Why are you laughing?”

I stopped laughing long enough to answer, “Because, maybe we were making plans to come beat you up!” I joked with him.

“Not funny Vic!” he shouted, the door to the house opened, and in walked a smiling Alex. I ended the call, sliding the phone into my pocket.

“Ever heard of knocking?” I asked him in a teasing tone. He just rolled his eyes at me and started walking through the hallways toward the kitchen.

“Do you even know where you're going?” I asked him. He scoffed playfully.

“I sure do,” he stated, going over to the fridge and pulling out a bottle of water. I just laughed at the whole situation. Here was Alex, in my dad's house, pulling out a bottle of water as if it were his own house.

“So tell me, what did Jesse want?” he questioned. I sighed and sat on one of the stools.

“He came here to apologize,” I said. Alex's eyes widened a bit and he took the vacant seat next to me.

“No shit?” he asked in disbelief. I nodded my head. “Well, did he seem mad or anything? I mean, he seemed pretty mad last night. And Jesse isn't the kind of guy that just apologizes.” Alex said.

“He said that Kellin wanted him to,” I informed him.

“Oh,” he said, going silent. “Wait! You mean Kellin wanted Jesse to come apologize to you?” Alex asked me. Again, I nodded my head, giving Alex a confused look.

He chuckled lightly before smirking at me, “It would appear that you have captured the attention of Kellin Quinn,”

What's that supposed to mean?
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