Status: A short story that I worked hard on, hope you all enjoy it c:



October 1st

Police surround the bloody filled river, dragging caution tape, connecting it to four oak trees. Men carried a pale body out. Breathless. No pulse. Dead. A police man zips up the body bag slowly, taking one last glimpse at those sad, brown eyes.

September 30th

It was a cold day, where it rained so much, the water went up to knee length. Walking down the sidewalk was a raven haired woman, her makeup was smeared, and her complexion had a depressing undertone. She stopped in front of a coffee shop, starring at the hours on the open sign, which read in bold letters "11:00-9:00"

When she clutched the door handle, the thunder let out another roar. She quickly went inside, people stared at her, some didn't, only paying attention at the news.

She found an empty booth to sit down at, she crossed her legs and fiddled with a strand of her hair. A waiter came over to place a order. "What would you like sweetie?" She asked with a friendly smile, holding a pocket note pad in her small hands. "I-I'm sorry .. I d-don't have any m-money" The raven haired woman stuttered on her words helplessly. The waiter looked at her, "don't worry I'll put it on my tab." She gave a wink. "Th-thank y-you" before she turned away, she paused in place "by the way, what your name?" And with that, the young woman thought for a while. What was her name?... She looked at the floor, and so she came up with a fake name. "Amanda"

The waiter smiled, "I'm Hollie". After exchanging names, Hollie went back to her post. The young "Amanda" looked at her fingers and hands, they were rough, a unnatural texture, as if they were burned. "Who am I?, why can't I remember my name?" She thought to herself- minutes passed by, Amanda finished her cup of coffee, leaving in a hurry. Why? She had no where to go, she didn't even know if she had a home.. But it didn't stop her from breaking into a abandoned house. She jumped over a torn wooden fence, landing on her feet, which the water splashed furiously into her face, drenching every inch of her clothes. "Just my luck" she mumbled under her breath. Amanda ran up the stone steps, finding out the door was nailed shut. She ripped the edge of her dress, wrapping her fist with the cloth. With one swing, her fist broke through the window pane. She started to break the rest of the glass off of the window corners. Amanda climb through it, struggling. Though, her break in was successful, and to cover up the evidence of the broken window she put up a bath towel over it. To a huge surprise, the house on the inside was in well condition, a little dusty, but not entirely dirty. It had a old fashion feeling to it. the walls were painted with a beautiful shade of red: vermillion. The pattern of vintage designs was outlined in white, and over coated in a vine green. The air was intoxicating with the smell of roses, babysbreath, and a rare flower called black dahlia. The floors were marble white, smooth and cold, yet, pleasant to the eyes. Amanda toured around the house, everything was just incredibly perfect to her. "Who would ever abandon a home like this?" She said out loud spinning in circles. She stopped herself in place, she was getting tired quickly. She started to stumble up the stairs, trailing her hands on the walls, suddenly loosing her eye sight. Amanda opened the nearest door, falling upon a soft feathery bed. Soon, in minutes, Amanda drifted to sleep...

- "lies! Lies! Do you dare spread serpent tongue to us?!" Voices bloomed boldly in each corner of the room. It felt empty, muggy, and uncomfortable. Amanda stared around, nothing but blurry images. "The audacity you have too!" Called out another voice. "Accusing one of your own!" And the voices kept coming, feeling like a cold slap to the face. Amanda was entirely baffled, nothing was making sense. "Where am I?!" She yelled. "Silence!, your serpent tongue is a sin!" Beamed a much louder harsh voice. " brother.. Her words are already poisoned enough, we all know the lies. And we know the price for this behavior." A female voice, broke through, all voices had stopped. "Very well, brothers strip her." Said a voice calmly. Amanda started to shake her head, crying, still baffled. Then a sudden pain, unexpected shock and a tearing sound was made. "You can never return!"-


Amanda in cold sweats, woke up turning and tossing around. Screaming. She looked to see people around her, or anyone, but no one. Even more confused, she was sitting on a beat up mattress. What happened to the feathery bed? And the painted walls? Or the marble floors? Was she dreaming the whole time about everything?

But the pain was real. Too real. Her hands burned and started to shake, and her back was itchy. She started to scratch, even at the expense of her hands. Hives formed beneath her fingers, but it didn't stop her, she kept picking and scratching, until it started to bleed. Lines of blood dripped down her back, but Amanda didn't stop, she kept going and going, but a unfamiliar touch on her finger tips lead to curiosity. Pulling out a string, string? No. She pulled more, and more. Until she was staring at a black feather. She burst out into a scream, twisting in pain, something morphing, growing out of her skin. She went to her knees, her nails clawed at her skin still. The pain was excruciating, terrifying, but Amanda had no choices. but to endure. The muffled sound of feathers fluttered in dead silence. Amanda, tried to scratch at her back, but in the way was black wings. This isn't real, she thought.


Amanda walked along the sidewalk once more, back to the coffee shop. She needed help. From anyone. Whoever was willing to help her. But would anyone?

She walked into the shop casually, her oversized leather jacket hid her... Wings, well enough. She walked slowly to the cash register, and the man stared at her. "Is Hollie here?" Amanda asked, finally she wasn't stuttering. "Yeah. Hold a sec doll face." He said turning his head. "ANGEL CAKE, YOU'RE NEEDED AT THE FRONT" he yelled with a funny southern accent.

Amanda looked at the ground, feeling a little embarrassed. How was she going to explain the large wings on her back? She couldn't even explain it to herself. She looked around the room, people stopped paying attention to the tv and stared at Amanda. They stared in awe. Amanda felt uncomfortable. Why were they staring?

Soon, Hollie came up to the front, Amanda looked back to see the waiter.

Hollie had a huge smile on her face. Hollie was happy to see Amanda, and in a second, Hollie took off her apron and jumped over the counter. "Lets go." She beamed. The manager, the guy with the funny accent called out when they left "WHO'S GOING TO SERVE THE CUSTOMERS NOW?!" And Hollie laughed "Paul, There's only poor Jim over there in the corner passed out."


Amanda And Hollie walked in the middle of the streets. Laughing and talking. Amanda didn't know how she was going to explain this unusual happening.

"So.. Hollie.. I need your help." Amanda said putting her hands in her coat pockets. Hollie kept walking side by side with Amanda. "With?" She said with a sweet Loving voice. Amanda guided her into a alley way, where they walked slowly and quietly Amanda stopped in place, then Hollie as well.

Amanda went to unbutton her coat. "Woah there sweetie, you have to take me to dinner first." Hollie jokingly said with a chuckle. Amanda hit her lightly on the shoulder with a smile. "Be serious for one minute." And so Amanda continued to fuss with the coat buttons, until, hollies hands joined to help. "Easy, or you'll break the coat." She said softly. Amanda blushed helplessly as Hollie met her eyes. "Did you know, the name Amanda means 'lovable' or 'able to love'...did you?" Hollie said with seriousness. Amanda blushed even harder, staring into those sad eyes. Hollies body slowly moved closer to hers. "I don't know what... But, you're irresistible."

Their lips pressed hard together, Amanda pushed hollies back against the wall in the alley. Harder and harder their lips clashed together, like a electric circuit, sparks ignited. Hollie threw off Amanda's coat, and the muffled sound of feathers was louder. And in more pain, the wings grew bigger. Hollie came to a stop, staring at the unusual happening. "This... Is... Strange.." She paused on each word.

Amanda stepped back. "I don't know what's happening to me.. I need your help." She said pleading. Hollie touched amandas wings. "They're incredible...soft.." Hollie beamed. Amanda sighed, "I need you to cut them off.." she said sadly, "please.."


In the abandon house, amanda sat down on the mattress that laid on the floor. Hollie sat down beside her with a large knife in her hands. "Are you sure you want me to do this?" hollie questioned. Amanda was uncertained about this decision, but she couldn't just causually walk around with wings on her back. That would attract attention, even more, people would try to experiment on her, or throw her into a circus and call her a freak. Amanda only wanted to be noticed for who she was, not because of something strange. "Yes.." she mumbled under her breath.

Hollie took the knife to amandas back, at the edge of amandas skin, the cold blade lies. Amanda took a deep breath. Hollie started to cut through the wing, but instead, the knife snapped in half. The wings glowed. It was like a shield around them, it wouldnt let her cut them, and a force threw Hollie against the wall. Amanda stood up fast, running to help hollie.

Amanda picked Hollie off of the ground, holding hollie in her arms. "Well...that was a smart move..." hollie said jokingly. "Hush, smart one." amanda kissed her lips and laid her down on the mattress. Amanda went to pick the broken knife up, but hollie, pulled her back down to the mattress, where amanda landed on top of her. A glowing light bloomed inside of Amanda's chest. Right at that moment, their hands trailed on each others bodies, their lips touched passionately, and their clothes, came off one by one.

The incredibly feeling took them off of the ground, twisting and iterntwining their bodies in mid air. Breathless. full of life. full of passion. full of love. Images flashed through amanda's head. Disturbing images of battles, wars, blood, and death. The horrible images left amanda in shock.

Swiftly and slowly, they landed back on the mattress. Amanda, frightened of what she saw. laid helplessly beside Hollie.


- "Do you really think, you, of all creatures could possibly find love?" said that famillar female voice. Amanda stared, looking at herself...herself?...impossible. she was right there, in flesh... "Who are you?!" amanda cried. "Oh, sis...did you really hit the ground that hard?..." the female said. Sister?...what sister?...twins?...questions pondered through amandas mind. "well, i wouldn't blame you...but everyone up here did.. you thought you could get away with it?...after all, they think you're the evil thats been lingering through father sky." she added on. "accusing one of your own!" amanda remembered from her dream...and then...everything came back to her...the place she stood before Gabriel, telling him the truth of her twin sister; the room of people, yelling and screaming at amanda, stripping her of her white wings. and then, casting amanda down to earth... "Remember now?.." her twin said with a smirk, a twisted smirk... "Go to hell!" amanda cried out, but her sister had just laughed it off. "Oh, poor, poor, sis... theres no need for that...but, you better be prepared... because im not letting this one slide. a war is coming your way. just a little heads up." the twin disapeared with a manical laugh. -

"Amanda!...Amanda!" hollie yelled shaking amanda. Amanda woke up, screaming. "No!..No!..No!" she cried louder, and hollie had to pin her down. "Hush now, was just a nightmare." she tried to sooth amanda's screams. "Its not a dream!...shes coming!..." tears fallen from amanda's eyes. silver tears..


"What do you mean your twin sister- your angel twin sister- is coming to earth to start a war?!" hollie said confused. "Its only her, shes coming to end me once and for all." Amanda said, wrapping string around a stick... "what in the world are you doing?! shouldnt you be preparing?" hollie said fustrated. "Im making a bow an arrow.. what else would i be doing?" amanda said with sarcasm. Hollie sighed blowing a strand of her light blonde hair back. "You know, for someone that's about to be killed by her twin sister, you're very optimistic about it." She said with a frown. Amanda turned around " well, I was built for war. I'm used to this. I was made to be Gabriel's right hand. But, my sister was created, from me. She formed from my despair, pain, and love. They say, no one was a mistake, but she was. They wouldn't listen to me. Which is why, she became Gabriel's right hand. And I became a mistake."

Hollie stared at amanda, coming closer, planting a kiss on her lips. "you will never be a mistake in my eyes.." hollie said sweetly.. "which, is why, you need to stay here.. you cannot come with me..this is my war i need to face alone.." amanda said. Hollie shook her head. "I cant let you do this alone.." said crossed her arms.


Amanda ran through the woods in bare feet. She thought of hollie, she couldnt let hollie come. Tears streamed down her face. It started to pour down rain. This was the last war, the last time amanda will be alive.

Loud harmonies played furiously through amandas ears, this was the sound her twin sister gave off, the sound only amanda could hear. It mixed in with deep voices, "mum my, mum my.." over and over again. Amanda screamed, "not this time!" and she continued to run, her speed increased, and her wings fluttered, but she couldnt fly, the rain was pouring down too much.

"Mum my, mum my, mum my, mum my."


Amanda had fallen into the river, the water was now above her knees. she gasped for air. The thunder roared violently, and lightning struck a oak tree. Flames burned through the wood. The battle had already started.

"MY DEAREST SISTER, MY FLESH AND BLOOD, SO NICE THAT YOU HAD MADE IT. HAVENT YOU HAD ENOUGH OF ALL THIS, LOOK AT THE MESS YOUR SELFISH HANDS CREATED!" echoed a voice through the distance. "Apalla!, stop with the wars, you have what you wanted, why keep this up?!.. the blood, the deaths, the battles..why want this?..." amanda said sadly but bold. she divided the river in half, leaving a space between, the waters were built tall like walls. "I do not have all that ive wanted, sis.. what i want is your head." apalla said furiously. Apalla's hand went down her throat, pulling out a sword... each angel, had a sword barried within their body. Apalla's sword was made for destruction. "now my dearest sister, let us play our game of chess."

Amanda guided her hand down her throat, pulling out her own sword. The sword of justice, glowed brightly. Amanda jumped high into the air, clashing her blade against apalla's. "isn't this fun!, just like we use to do, play together?... dont you remember sis.. our times fighting each other to see who was worthy enough to be gabriels right hand. those were the best times, if only the SWORD sliced right through your neck!" another clash of the blades sparked off fire. "Oh apalla, those times were long ago, BEFORE YOU BANISHED ME FROM MY PLACE TO EARTH." amanda yelled, swinging her sword below, but apalla saw the attack and blocked it with her white wings. "it surprises me, that you'd actually fight your own flesh in blood to the death.. were sisters remember?" apalla sighed without compassion. "That was yesterday!, today youre some bitch trying to cut my head off!" amanda cursed with anger. The battle had continued but they were the same, knowing each others moves before they start. It was hopeless against each other. It didnt stop them though. With another clash of the swords, the outcome sent them both hitting the ground. "GIVE UP SIS. YOURE NO MATCH COMPAIRED TO ME," apalla said standing on two feet.

Amanda had gotten up. badly injured her right wing, which made her unable to fly, so she remained on the ground. "I am not weak!, I will not back down, this is MY war!, i created you from MY despair, MY pain, and MY love!... WHAT I AM, IS WHAT YOU ARE, WHAT YOURE CAPABLE OF, IS WHAT I AM CAPABLE OF, IF YOURE THE QUEEN PIECE OF THIS GAME, THEN I AM THE SAME, AND I WONT STOP UNTIL MY QUEEN SAYS CHECK MATE." amanda charged straight towards apalla, with the sword pointing out, but, apalla dodged the attack again. Amanda feared her powers were growing weak, maybe she was unable to compete against her own sister.

The thunder roared even louder. Lightning struck two more oak trees, setting the woods on fire. Apalla was the destruction of this world herself. Amanda, stood in place, frozen, paralyized, this was the end, the end of amanda.

Amanda closed her eyes. ready for the sharp pain of her sisters sword piercing through her stomach. but the feeling didnt come. why?...what stopped?... a sudden choking sound muffled through the thunder. Amanda opened her eyes, staring face to face...with hollie...

Blood poured from the corners of hollies mouth. Amanda stared down to see the sword pierce right through hollies stomach.

Apalla removed the sword quickly that sent hollie landing on her back, amanda fell to her knees, lifting hollies head, crading her in amandas arms. Amanda screamed with horror and pain, the sound of a dying heart grew louder, bursting through apallas and amandas ears. Amanda knew, Hollie couldnt be saved. The destruction sword is coated in sweet poison. no one or anything could survive.. The sound amanda gave off, grew ontop of apallas... the horrid voices faded...

"mum my, mum my....-"

The sound was more powerful, the sound of justice, like bells or cellos, violins, more angelic.. soft voices echoed of heart break and death... Hollie drew one last breath before the posion spread to her heart. Amanda kissed hollies lips, the kiss of goodbye..

Amanda stood up, with her head down, the sword dragged along the ground. Anger boiled through her veins. "Checkmate" she whispered while slamming her sword into apallas heart. " you know what you have done?!...." apalla managed to say.

"I am well aware...sis.." Amanda/Muna...said pushing the sword more into apalla. She hugged her sister tightly, as their bodies glowed brightly... in seconds they burst into gold dust.

-Tell me the story, where the sun loved the moon so much, he died every night to let her breathe.-

October 1st

"Sir, did you find the identity of the body yet?..." said a detective near the caution tape. The police man stood looking at the body bag.. He remembered the sad brown eyes... with a soft voice and full of despair, the police man spoke... "Her name is Hollie mayfire..."

"My twin sister..."