The Secret


"I'm gonna kill you!" Heather screamed at me while chasing me through the streets.

"If you can catch me" I yelled to her. BAM! "Oh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to were I was going." I told the boy as we both got up "I'm sorry I ran into you." I apologized again. I heard a scream and quickly looked at the boy. Our eyes meet for only a second. "Gotta run." With that I took off.

"Wha-" He was saying before I cut him off.

"No time to explain. Maybe later." I yelled to him as I headed for the woods. I always fled to the woods, they were my safe place. My escape. I burst through the opening in the woods. A few feet in, I stopped and turned around. Seconds later the boy who I had ran into appeared at the edge of the woods. He just stood there and stared at me as I smiled. About a minute later, Heater appeared. The look on her face was pure anger and hatred towards me.

"AAAHHHHHH!!!" Heather began to scream as she looked at the boy next to her. " You- You're- OH MY GOD YOU'RE HARRY STYLES!!!"

"Yes, yes I am, but will you please explain why you were chasing her and why you're wet?" The boy, now identified as Harry Styles, spoke.

"Well, I was hanging out with some friends when all of a sudden miss runs-a-lot here came up to me and poured my water all over my head." She said trying to act all innocent with a pouty tone. She put on a puppy face also, to try to make it seem more believable.

Before Harry could speak I spoke up " That is not true. You and your friends came up to me while I was eating lunch. Then you said 'Oh looky here, the little geek is eating a salad. Good for you, you should lose a couple pounds anyway.' ,so I said 'Well I rather eat a salad than starve myself like you.'. That's when you picked up my salad and tried to throw it away, so I took it and said 'Why walk over there when there's one right here.'. That's when I dumped the salad on you.Then I said 'Oh, and lets not forget to wash it down with water.' then took your water and dumped it on you then took off.

"So, why haven't you gone after her yet?" Harry asked.

"The owner of those woods will fine you if he catches you on his property. I've chased her in there before but, every time I go in there, I get caught. I don't know how she wasn't caught she was like three feet in front of me every time. I've had to pay that old man over a thousand dollars and I've only been caught three times." Heather stated.

"Oh well. Looks like we'll continue this some other time, yeah?" I said smirking at her.

"Whatever." She sassed then left.

I watched as she left. Her blonde hair being blown everywhere by the wind, making her mad. She started to use dry patches of her clothing to wipe the water and sweat from her pimple free face. She had half of her shirt up, revealing her flat stomach and body curves. Then she left my range of vision.

We stood where we were for a few seconds when I decided to break the silence "Do you wanna come in?"

"What if I get caught?" He asked looking worried.

"Have no fears, if you get caught I'll handle it." I gave him some time to think before he started to walk towards the woods.

He looked back to where he was when I bumped into him "Hey guys, I'll be back later." He yelled to his friends. They all said O.K. and he was in the woods ready to explore now.

"C'mon, I wanna show you this place." I told him. He looked confused now. "Trust me, you should like it. Or at least not hate it." With that he followed me.


After walking for like 5 minutes we reached the little place.

"Stay here, I have to go check something first." He did as I said while I walked over to the little platform up in the trees. As I was walking back I heard someone yelling.

"Hey you, boy get off my property and pay the trespasser fee. That'll be six hundred dollars or I can call the cops on ya!!" A man shouted.

Well time for me to step in.
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so this is my first story. Whatcha think? Comment your thoughts. Any suggestions?