The Secret

The Treehouse

Harry's P.O.V.

"Aquamarine." I repeat, thinking about the name.

"Yep." She says, popping the p at the end. "I prefer Aqua."

"That name sounds familiar, like I've never met anyone with that name before, but it sounds familiar." I say.

"Oh... umm... really?" She asked, sounding really concerned.

I looked down and see she looks worried, really worried. "Uh.. yea. I just don't remember where from though." When I said that she put a relived look on.


After walking for about 5 minutes we reach this little tree platform. There's a lot of wooden planks all over the ground. Aqua starts to climb a little ladder that leads to the platform. I follow her.

"The walls and roof are under construction. It's still a nice little place to come and just relax, ya know when you just want some time alone. I like to come out here at night and look up at the sky and watch the stars. It's peaceful. You can anytime you want. Whether it's to get away for a little bit, relax, or just chill." She told me.

"I might just have to take you up on that offer." I told her.

We sat there, just listening to the sounds of nature. I started to sing quietly to myself.

"You like to sing?" She asked me.

"You don't know who I am do you?" I asked her, sending her a confused face.

She just shook her head.

"I'm Harry Styles. I'm in the world famous boy band One Direction. We are actually the most famous boy band ever." I told her. She showed no sign that she even recognized the name One Direction.

"I think I've heard of you. I'm not too sure, but I think I have."

I guess I was wrong. I started singing "Baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, but when smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell you don't know oh oh you don't know you're beautiful oh oh that's whats makes you beautiful." After that a look of realization came over here face.

"I do know you. I didn't know what you looked like because I haven't seen a lot of pictures. I feel kind of dumb now." She said then faceplamed.

All I could do was laugh at her now. She was acting so silly. Before I knew it, it was time for me to leave. Before I left I made sure to get her phone number. She gave me a goodbye hug and I returned it gladly. She was standing a couple inches away and took a big breath in through her nose and smiled.

"Bye Harry, text me later." She said while walking to Papa's house.

" I won't, I promise. Bye." I said while waving to her.

Aqua's P.O.V.

"Run, run, run." I told myself as I hurried to get back to Papa's house.

Once inside, I slammed the door shut, a little harder than intended. I slid my back down the door until I was sitting in front of it.

Papa came running in "Whats wrong?" he asked once seeing me.

"I just- I- I need something to eat."
♠ ♠ ♠
I tyoed this story for another website first and it was on the phone-I just copied and pasted. If there any mistakes feel free to point them out. thought-comment-hate accepted