The Secret

Sworn to Secrecy

3rd Person P.O.V.

Aqua was sitting in the almost complete treehouse. She was bored and thinking 'I should have brought my phone so I could listen to music. I'm going to my phone' and with that thought she was on her way to get her phone.

At the same time Harry was heading to the treehouse to see if Aqua wanted to go get lunch- as friends. He would have just text her but he did not have her number. He decided he would ask for her number even if she said no.

When Harry got to the treehouse he started to climb the ladder when he heard a noise. His head snapped to the direction the noise came from. 'It's just a rabbit. Don't freak out.' He thought when he discovered the source of the sound. He began to climb the ladder again. When he was able to reach the point where he could see into the treehouse he saw a sleeping Aqua under a blanket with headphones in.

He pulled out a pen and paper he carried around in case a fan wanted an autograph and didn't have their own. He left a note saying 'Hey, I stopped by to see if you wanted to hang out but you were asleep. Text me 421-282-9210 -Harry Xx'

As Harry was walking away from the tree house Aqua was waking up. She saw the note and sent Harry a text 'hey it's Aqua. sorry I just needed a nap, but I would love to hang out ' 

Harry wasn't to far away from the tree house when he received the text, so he just just turned around. When he got there this time Aqua was awake and ready to go.

"Wow that was fast." Aqua said as Harry climbed into the treehouse.

"I had just left a couple minutes before you sent me the text so I just turned around." Harry told her.

"So what are we gonna do?" Aqua asked.

"Well I was thinking we could go get some lunch. What do ya say?" Harry suggested.

"Oh I'm not hungry but if you want to eat I'll go with you."

"Alright. let's go then."

They were on the way to get to the restaurant when they were starting to get followed. Harry didn't notice but Aqua did. She started to look a little worried so when Harry looked over to her he asked "What's wrong? You look a little nervous."

"Its nothing. I just feel weird because that guy behind us has been following us for a while." she whispered back.

Harry didn't think anything of the guy following them, he figured that the guy was either headed the same way to get food as well or he was just a pap.

When they got there Harry was right, he was just going to get some food too. Harry ordered his food and made sure Aqua didn't want anything. She wound up getting a smoothie.

Shortly after they left, they noticed the same man behind them. Harry thought his house was one of the ones they see when walking down the street. Aqua in the other hand thought he was up to something, she just didn't know what. Harry was right, as his house was one that they walk by. The man walked up his driveway and into his house while Harry and Aqua continued to walk.

She just chalked it up to her own imagination.

It soon got dark and they were on their way back to the treehouse so Harry could make sure Aqua got home safe. Out of nowhere the  man that was following them earlier came from behind them screaming unintelligible things. The man ran around them and fell.

"Stupid drunks." Harry said unable to hold in his laughter.

Another man then began screaming behind them.

"Tempus est dicere vale ad vitam tuam!" the man screamed.

Harry stood confussed while Aqua's eyes went wide.

Before either one of them could react the man had Aqua on the ground. She was struggling to get him off while Harry just stood there even more confused and scared for his life. The man ripped open his shirt to reveal an ax. He ripped the ax off the carrier that was strapped to his chest. With the ax in hand he rose his hand up and brought it down. Aqua was fast to act and tried to move his arm. She was successful slightly as the ax hit her shoulder. She let out an ear shrieking scream that could be heard for miles.

Harry began to look around and started to panic even more when he saw that no body walking by was even glancing at the sight. The attacker lifted the ax again but this time he had Aqua's hand captured so she wouldn't be able to block the strike. Before Harry could react the attacker strikes, this time with success. He got up off of Aqua's body and began to run down the street, leaving the ax. As soon as the man was out of sight Harry looked down to Aqua. He let out his own blood curdling scream. He fell to his knees, ignoring the fact that his knees got scraped by the concrete. He continued to stare at the girl who was now dead. Her head just a foot away from where her body lay.

Harrys P.O.V.

I sat up gasping for air. Tears running down my face, mixing with the sweat. What just happened? It felt so real. I check the time. It was 4:38. I sighed and laid back down.

I won't be getting back to sleep tonight and I'm positive about that. The nightmare won't leave my mind and I feel tears slowly falling. I can't help but think about how she looked laying there dead.

Now that I think about it, why didn't I see any blood? Her shoulder had a huge cut on it and her head was cut. If I'm not mistaken, there would be blood. A lot of it. But there wasn't. Was it just because it was a dream?

It had to be.

-5 hours later-

It was now 9:30 but I was still in bed and planned to stay in bed. I was exhausted and refused to get up. That was until our publicist decided to call. We have an interview today and I need to get up and get ready even though the interview was in 6 hours.

-during interview-

"So Harry it seems to have been heard that you've been hanging out with a girl. What's that about?" the interviewer asked me.

"Well, I have a new friend. She has a great personality. She's always joking around but when she needs to be serious she is." I tell them.

"Well she seems like the kind of person who's great to have around. Maybe you could bring her on the next time you're here. Do you think she'll mind?"

"I'm not sure. I'll have to ask her next time I see her."

"Well I geuss we'll see then, but for now I'm sad to say it's time to go. Ladies and gentlemen, this has been One Direction!" the interviewer says then a buzzer goes off signaling we were off air.

-later that day-

I decided to go see Aqua and see what she was up to. As I was walking to the treehouse I heard a noise and that reminded of my nightmare last night. A shiver went down my spine at the thought of that.

As I reach the tree house I see Aqua coming toward it too. Wait... what the... her hair is different.

She comes up to me and smiles at my confused face. Then she just burst out laughing like she's seen the funniest thing in history.

"Two questions. One, what the fuck did you do to your hair? Two, what's so damn funny?" I asked her shocked and confused.

"One, it's blue. Two, the face you made." She burst out laughing again after mimicking the face I made.

I couldn't help but laugh with her, even though I wasn't laughing as hard as she was. She was practically dying. She looked at me again and started laughing harder. "I feel a six pack coming on." she said. Was it really that funny?

After she finally calmed down she started looking around. "Stay here I'll be right back." she said then took off the way she came. Minutes later she returned with someone. It was Kita.

"Hi Harry, what's up?" she asked.

"Nothing. I just came to hang with Aqua."

"Yay, we can all hang out together." Kita cheered.

It hadn't been that long since I got there to hang out that I heard fans off in the distance. I could see Kita and Aqua looking at each other but not saying anything.

"Well I'm sorry to go so early in our hang out time but I must get home as my mother sent me a message  saying she needs me. Bye Aqua, bye Harry."

She started walking in the direction I came from.

"Kita, wait!" I called to her. "Don't go that way unless you want to get mobbed because you were hanging with me."

"Okay. Thanks for the warning." she replied and started walking in a different direction. Before I knew it, she was out of sight.

We stayed silent for a while. It was awkward. my mind was traveling around trying to find a way to break the awkward silence. I was just staring at random things, lost in thought. When my mind was brought back to earth out of nowhere I realized I was starring at Aqua. That's when I started thinking about why she would do that to her hair. It's so weird. I then started to wonder what was going through her mind. She was just looking around the treehouse. That's when I thought of a conversation starter.

"Oh, I forgot to ask you something." She looked startled for a moment but then nodded to tell me to continue. "Well, earlier today I did an interview. Apparently people know I've been coming here." I said the last part as if it was a joke. " The interviewer asked what I was doing so I told them 'hanging with a friend.'" She nodded. "Then they asked me to ask you if you wanted to come with us to our next interview. So do you want to come?" I finished and looked at her.

"I would love to... but sadly I can't." She looked a little worried.

Why is it that she always looked worried?

"Why not? Do you have stage fright or something?"

"No, its just I... its really, really complicated." She said, stressing the second really.


"I can't tell you." She looked down.

"Why? You can trust me." I  reassured her.

"I know but, I was sworn to secrecy. I can get in a lot of trouble if I tell anyone."

"How much trouble?"

"I can't tell anything that was mentioned when I was sworn to secrecy. Please just drop it."

"It's really that bad?" I asked, astonished at her words.

"Yes, now please drop it!" She was almost yelling while again looking worried.

Before I could say anything, she spoke up again, "I need to go." She said and jumped out of the treehouse, completely forgetting the ladder.

When I went to the door to see if she was okay from the jump, she was nowhere in sight.
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Yay chappie 5! Enjoy? Comment thoughts. Hate accecpted.