Status: Updating whenever I can(:

This Is Paradise

Chapter Two


We walked around the parking lot for a while, then, the doors of the actual venue opened. It was thirty minutes before the show. We got to the barrier some how and I smiled. I was totally going to go backstage.

"I'LL BE RIGHT BACK! I'M GETTING A WATER." I lied. Seraphina nodded and turned around, introducing herself to another Pierce The Veil fan.

On the P.A. was a song by a more... upbeat band.

"We can't hide, we let go, we've got more than you know, my friends are a different breed, my friends are everything." The lead singer of the upbeat song sang.

I made my way over to a security guard next to a door that read "BACKSTAGE" in white block letters.

"Hey!" I held up my hand to the beefy security guard. He shook his head.

"Anyone could've forged that." He said, his mustache moving up and down.

"I swear! Vic Fuentes wrote this!" I counters. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up that he would want to talk to me. I told the guard whatever and tried to make my way back to Seraphina. I couldn't make it back to the barrier, but I was pretty close. Maybe ten feet back.

"P! T! V! P! T! V!" The crowd started chanting. I joined in, pumping my fist in the air. I smiled. This was kinda stupid.

Then, almost twenty minutes later, Vic, Tony, Mike and Jaime ran onstage, smiling and adjusting their collective instruments. Vic leaned into the mic.

"This one's called Props And Mayhem." He said, wasting no time and smiling at the crowd. The bass made the room shake. Or maybe it was the teenage girls' hips twirling to the sound of Pierce The Veil, wanting it to be the members, not just the sound.

I listened as they played their music. I felt like the sound was swallowing me up, taking me to another place. It just felt... right. Closing my eyes, the bass practically held onto me, hugging me. I could barely feel the movement of people pushing me around and creating a mosh pit.

Almost half-way through the song, I opened my eyes and looked back up at the stage. Victor Vincent Fuentes was staring at me. As the words escaped his lips his eyes were locked on mine. He cocked his head to the side, squinted, smiled, but kept singing all the while. He looked like a puppy. He looked plain sexy.

I couldn't tell what he was singing about. The crowd was singing along and jumping up and down. I tried to stay still but I was moving along with them like a plastic water bottle someone littered into the water. But no matter how much I bobbed along, Vic kept his eyes on me.

Then, his eyes widened, he straightened out his neck and he smiled a giant smile, ending the song. He recognized me. He RECOGNIZED me. He recognize ME.

I smiled back.

What else could I do?


I sighed. That girl. She hadn't come backstage.

"C'mon. Let's go on early." I said, getting up off the puke orange sofa that was backstage.

"B-but I'm eating!" Jaime said, holding up his slice of pepperoni pizza. I shook my head.

"Yeah, let's go." Tony said, walking towards the side of the stage.


There she was. She looked... perfect.

I didn't even know her.

But I didn't care.
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