‹ Prequel: Keep Holding On
Status: New sequel to Keep Holding On, I love comments on how I'm doing so don't be shy.

Keep Breathing My Angel

Baby Talk

Angela left the car to go join the rest of the group. She looked around at the people she had come to consider family. Some when they caught her eye sent her a small smile or a quick nod. Two people though didn't give her any acknowledgement for they were wrapped up in their own conversation; Daryl and Carol.

Angela slowly came to a stop as she watched them, mainly the man she cared dearly for, and began to feel uneasy. What if he didn't want this child she was carrying? What if everything Lori said was wrong and Daryl never came around her again? She wouldn't survive. She couldn't.

A hand being placed on her shoulder caused her to turn suddenly, tearing her eyes from the two friends. It was Lori.

"Come on." She said quietly, leading Angela to where Rick and Carl were gathered sorting through supplies that were found in a shed by the house. Rick looked up from the supplies when he heard the two approach and sent a small tired smile towards them.

"How are you Angela?" He questioned.

"I'm alright." She quietly responded, wrapping her arms around herself. Truly she was unsure how she should feel of the situation she had found herself in, but she was trying to cope with it.

The day went on and, thankfully, the group was not run out of the house they had taken refuge in for the night. Dinner was small and quiet and soon everyone found themselves, like every night, sitting quietly around the living room, waiting to hear from Rick of the next day's plans before going to sleep.

"We're gonna keep moving out tomorrow, hopefully there will be somewhere with cars so we can siphon some gas for the vehicles. We can figure out exactly which direction we plan on heading in the morning. For now, everyone get some rest." Rick said and everyone began to shift around to get comfortable.

This house was bigger than most they had stayed in. The family room of the house being considerably large enough for everyone to lay or sit comfortably without being right on top of someone else. Angela and Lori, both being pregnant, were practically ordered by the rest of the group to take the two small couches the room had that had been pushed against the walls to make more room for everyone.

Angela had put up a fight about getting to sleep on a couch, it was one that she lost of course, but she did insist on taking the smaller of the two couches. She threw the blanket out across her "bed" and was straightening it out when she was tapped lightly on the arm. Turning around she saw it was Daryl that had wanted her attention. She didn't speak, not quite sure what to say to him, but gave him a questioning look.

"We need to talk." He whispered, sounding almost uncertain if that was what he really wanted to do. Angela nodded and though her face was void of most emotions, her eyes shone with uncertainty and fear. She knew if she spoke her composure would fall apart and that wasn't what she needed to happen right now.

Daryl nodded back and turned heading away from the group and up the stairs like they did at a previous household. Once in the room Daryl went and stood by the window, while Angela closed and leaned against the door. She watched him nervously for a moment waiting for him to say the first words, but that seemed unlikely.


"Are ya sure?" He interrupted, but He was so quiet Angela wasn't sure what he said.


"Are ya sure yer pregnant?" He questioned louder. Angela went to speak, but her voice caught in her throat and she settled for a nod as she fought back tears. It was silent again until Daryl broke it. "Do ya... Do ya wanna keep it?"

"I don't know." Angela's voice was a whisper as the tears began to fall. "I don't know if I'm ready to be a mother, especially in this world. I don't think I'd make a good mother." Daryl scoffed at that last comment finally crossing the room to her.

"You'd make a good mother, 'specially with the way you took care of Layla. If ya don't want ta keep the kid though, then ya don't have to. We can talk to Hershel figure out how to-"

"I don't know Daryl..." Angela interrupted this time. "I don't know what to do, I don't want to kill it, but it's going to put the group in even more danger. I'm going to be an even bigger burden now."

"Ya ain't a burden, ya help out plenty... Ya don't have to make a decision now 'bout the baby, ya know that right?" Daryl reassured. Angela nodded and stepped forward, wrapping her arms around his waist. He was hesitant about it, but hugged her back.

"Do you want it?" She whispered, earning a shrug from the man she cared so much for.

"Ain't really the father type."

"You'd be a fine dad Daryl. You also helped take care of Layla, you handled her well, better than I could sometimes. You could handle a baby."

"Maybe, when hell freezes over." He stated a bit bitterly.

"So you don't want it then?" He could hear the sadness painting her voice and dropped the bitter tone of his.

"Don't know Angel, never been in a situation like this before. Still new to me."

"I know, but this isn't just my decision Daryl, this baby is ours, we should decide this, it's fate, together."

Daryl was quiet again. Angela couldn't tell whether he was upset with her or just deep in thought and the wait for an answer was killing her. Tears still continued to fall from her face as they stood there in each others arms silently.

Daryl's sigh was the first thing heard as he tightened his hold on her.

"Want ya to keep it if it makes ya happy. If it will keep ya here and not tryin' to off yourself. B'sides, don't want ya to have that burden of killin' our kid on yer shoulders."

"I don't want to keep it if you don't want it..." Angela replied.

"I don't think if be a good father, but I... I want ya here, alive and we've gotta live with any mistakes we make."


"Hopefully this ain't gonna be one. It's still gonna take time though."

"I know Daryl, I'm still not sure about it either."

"Well get by, got the whole group ta help us out." She nodded and hugged him tighter.

"As long as I've got you, I'll be okay. Just don't ever leave me."

"Ain't gonna do that if I can help it. S'long as you do the same."

"I will, I promised you earlier, no more suicide attempts. I'm gonna stay strong for you, or at least try to be."

"Good, now c'mon." He said letting her go and stepping away a bit. "Gotta get back down stairs and take watch."

Daryl stepped over to the door and opened it, beginning his way back downstairs with Angela trailing behind him.

"Daryl?" He stopped on the steps and turned towards her.

"What is it?" Angela's hands rested on her still flat stomach for a moment before she hugged herself.

"I wanna give this baby a chance, it deserves that at least. Lori's not getting rid of hers, she's staying strong and she doesn't even know if it's Shane's or Rick's. I said I'd try to stay strong, and I think this baby might help me with that, even if it slows me down later on, it gives me another reason worth living." Daryl nodded albeit a bit uncertainly.

"Then that's what we'll do. Now c'mon ya need to sleep." He said continuing down the steps.

Angela looked down at where her stomach was without in crossing her arms. This baby might really help her through her struggle, might help we see some hope in living another day in this hell of a world. Even if it didn't and turns out for the worst, at least she can say she gave it a chance.
♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry I'm taking forever to get this story updated. Started college again the other week, plus I've had writers block still. Anyways thanks for reading. Oh and does anyone know about how far along it is when a woman begins to show, any help is welcomed, I unfortunately don't know much about pregnancies.