Prince Gerard, Prince Frank and the Evil Bert-Dragon

Make one up!

Gerard could really act like a child sometimes. We all do, but occasionally, Gerard Way would go just a little overboard...

"Read me a story, Frankie!" Gerard yelled from his spot under the blankets.

Frank rolled his eyes and finished up in the bathroom before heading back into the bedroom.
Only the very top of Gerard's head was visible from under the duvet so he stood and watched his boyfriend for a minute, pretending he wasn't there.

The duvet was pushed away and Gerard yelled out again, "Frankie! Tell me a...oh, you're there..." His voice lowered as he saw the younger man standing in the doorway, shaking his head.

Gerard grinned and Frank rolled his eyes once more, making his way over to the bed and sitting on the edge of it.

"And what d'you want me to read?" he asked, playing along with the childish behaviour.

Gerard pretended to think for a moment before again raising his voice. "Make one up!"

"...I'm not gonna do anything until you stop shouting." And Frank left the room for ten minutes.


When he returned, Gerard was pouting with his arms crossed.

"M'sorry," he mumbled. "Can you please tell me a story, Frankie?"

The younger smiled and sat down again, making things up as he went.

"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful Prince named Gerard."

Gerard grinned and snuggled further into his 'nest'.

"One day, Prince Gerard was out walking in the woods when he stumbled across a monster's lair. He was curious, so he wandered inside to have a proper look.
There was a horrible smell coming from somewhere inside but the Prince kept going...until he heard a growling snoring noise."

Gerard's eyes were wide as he lay there listening, and Frank really couldn't help but think of a young child as he looked down at his boyfriend.
He smiled and ran his fingers through Gerard's hair before continuing with his story.

"Prince Gerard stopped, and with the little light that was inside the cave, he was able to see the sleeping monster's outline. The monster had long, matted hair and a scruffy beard and the body of a dragon, and it was then that Prince Gerard realised that he was in the home of the Bert-dragon!!!"

Gerard squealed, actually squealed, and hid himself entirely.
Frank laughed and tried to coax him out, but Gerard only held onto the covers tighter.

"I'm not telling any more until you come out of there," Frank warned, and Gerard whimpered, bringing his 'sheild' to just under his eyes. Frank sighed. "It'll do. Now...where was I up to?"

"The," Gerard paused to gulp, and then whispered, "Bert-dragon."

"Right! So...right at that moment, the Bert-dragon opened its eyes and let out a roar as it saw Prince Gerard standing there.
The Prince didn't know what to do, so he quickly spun around high-tailed it out of there!

"The Prince tripped as he got to the cave's entrance and the Bert-dragon leaned down to grab him but he was stopped as a sword appeared in front of his face.
The monster froze and Prince Gerard looked up to see another Prince holding the sw-"

"Ooh!" Gerard squealed in excitement this time. "Is he a handsome Prince? And did-"

"Are you gonna let me finish?"

Gerard nodded and settled down again.

"Okay. Well. The other Prince was holding the sword. While the dragon was distracted by the pointy weapon in its face, the stranger held out his hand and helped Prince Gerard up. And then they galloped away on the Prince's horse.
Not too far down the road, the Princes' were thrown off the horse by the Bert-dragon; the stranger Prince made sure that Prince Gerard was okay before he stabbed the Bert-dragon in the heart, killing it instantly.

"'I'm Prince Frank,' th-"

"I knew it!" Gerard grinned. "Sorry." But quietened down at the stern look received from Frank.

"-the stranger introduced himself. 'And I'm Prince Gerard,' the other Prince replied.
They smiled at each other and rode off into the sunset on Prince Frank's horse.
Everyone rejoiced because the evil Bert-dragon was dead and the Princes got married and lived happily ever after. The end."

Gerard giggled and clapped and Frank smiled down at him.

"I like that story," Gerard said through a yawn, snuggling down again and closing his eyes.

Frank nodded and brushed his boyfriend's hair back, kissing kis cheek and whispering, "Me, too. G'night, Prince Gee."

He climbed into bed himself, and both boys fell asleep with smiles on their faces.