To Roam Into the Unknown


The grand ballroom was like a place from another world. Beautiful white chiffon sheets draped down from the ceiling, surrounding the dining area and dance floor. The lighting was soft blues and purples, giving the appearance of dusk and causing the giant chandelier to reflect the light like raindrops.

Loki looked around at the seemingly hundreds of people all dressed in elaborate costumes as they laughed and danced. Tables lined the walls with delicious looking food. Intricately carved ice sculptures sat on either end of the tables , some with red wine cascading down them, pooling in large bowls made of ice.

He made his way to the wine and accepted a glass that was offered by a waiter hiding behind a solid white larva mask. Nodding his thanks, Loki turned to face the crowd once more. Upon their arrival, Olivier spotted and acquaintance and quickly abandoned Loki with a pat on the shoulder.

He tossed back the wine as the lights dimmed and the music slowed.

“Hello stranger…” Loki felt warm breath on his ear and spun around.

She stood in a beautiful emerald colored taffeta gown that bunched up in a bouffant at the backside. The corset top fit snugly, pushing her breasts practically up to her chin and was lined with delicate black lace. The straps hung off her shoulders with tiny black tassels lining the edges. Her golden hair was piled high on top of her head with two peacock feathers tucked in. A black and gold Columbina mask disguised the upper half of her face.

He lifted his mask and squinted as the lighting temporarily blinded him. “Amora?”

Lights flashed across her face and she smiled, removing the mask. Loki felt his heart drop as he realized his mistake.

“Loki…your costume…” She looked him up and down.

He looked down. “What? Is it too much?”

Aurora laughed. “Not at all. I’m actually incredibly turned on.” She ran her hands up his chest, grabbing the lapels of his coat. “I’m fighting the urge to steal you away to the coat closet…”

“Why would we go to the…oh.” He smiled as he caught onto her meaning.

“So this is continuous happiness
You know, I always
Imagined it something more…”

“You look positively ethereal.” he replied, taking her hand in his own. He lifted it to his lips and placed a delicate kiss on her fingertips, leading her onto the dance floor.

“I didn’t know you could dance…” she said, wrapping an arm around his neck. He clutched her hand in his and led her to the beat of the song.

“There’s not much to it.” he said, resting his face against the side of her head.

“I can’t believe you dressed as the Phantom of the Opera…” she laughed.

“So where has all the day gone?
And why are my lungs aching when I breathe?
Is there something wrong with the heat?
Why am I so cold?
And my heart feels sick
And it hurts when I speak”

“And you are…?”

“An French vampire…” she replied. It was then that Loki noticed her sharper and longer than normal incisors.

Aurora giggled and laid her head on his shoulder.

It was at that moment that he felt truly at peace. If he could have stopped time, he would have frozen that moment.

“Was this what we hoped for?
Was this what we hoped for?”

He tightened his grip on her, afraid that it was just a figment of his imagination. They stayed that way, even when the music changed to Dev’s Dancing in the Dark.

“I must confess…” he pulled her close and kissed her neck. “I find you incredibly arousing right now.” he nipped at her neck.

“As opposed to any other day?” she asked.

“Even more so tonight…”

“Good…“ Aurora leaned in close, her lips brushing against his ear. “Let it build up. Then you can meet me in the upstairs green room.”

Loki smiled. “I believe I may take you up on that offer.” he growled, lowering his head. He was just about to plant a kiss over her left breast when someone cleared their throat behind him.

“Daddy there you are!”

Loki stood up straight and readjusted his mask.

“Aurora I’m glad you finally made it.” He replied, leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek.

“Are you feeling ok? You look pale-”

“Aurora, I’m fine. Come with me, there is someone I’d like to introduce you to.”

Aurora took her father’s arm as he led her across the ballroom to a group of people chatting.

“Sweetheart, I would like you to meet Helen Eve, one of my colleagues.” Olivier said.

The woman was dressed in a gorgeous taffeta gown very similar to Aurora’s. It was a deep shade of garnet, gathering into a bouffant at the backside. She wore her long blonde hair pulled half way up in a bun, the rest cascaded down her back in elegant waves. A single bright blue gem hung just over her breasts on a black ribbon.

She wore a black lace Columbina mask over half of her face. Her teeth were pearly white as she smiled, extending her hand. “I’ve heard so much about you, Aurora. Its nice to finally meet you. Olivier, she’s a beauty.”

Aurora smiled as Olivier patted her shoulder. “She takes after her mother. This is her beau, Loki. Loki, Ms. Helen Eve.”

Loki offered her his hand and felt an electric shock as their skin touched.

“Loki…that’s a very unique name. Is that Norse?”

Loki’s eyes narrowed briefly as he caught a glimpse of her sparkling green eyes from behind the mask. “You’re a clever one. Is Helen your real name?” he asked.

Aurora looked at Loki, shocked. “Loki!” she turned to Helen. “Excuse him. I think he may have just had too much wine.”

Helen smiled. “I love a man who isn’t afraid to speak up. Wherever did you two meet?”

“How did you and Olivier meet?” Loki shot back.

“They work together. Loki, what is wrong with you?” Aurora swatted at his chest.

Helen laughed. “Come Loki. Why don’t we see if we can break through that wall of ice?” Before he could react, Helen had his hand in an iron grip and was dragging him onto the dance floor.

“Did you think it's cool to walk right up
To take my life and fuck it up
Well did you
Well did you…”

“Hello Lover…” Helen purred, wrapping an arm around Loki’s neck.

“What are you doing here, Amora?” he growled.

“I’m here to support the local charity. All those poor souls lost because of your ill planned attack on the city.”

“What are you talking about?” he snapped.

“This fundraiser is to help the people and families who were affected by your attack.” she said, stroking his cheek. Her eyes flashed bright red, so quickly Loki thought he imagined it.

“I see Hell in your eyes
Taken in by surprise
Touching you makes me feel alive
Touching you makes me die inside…”

Loki jerked back at the electric shock she delivered. His body suddenly felt alive. His fingers began to tingle. He looked at her with wide eyes. “What have you done?”

Amora tilted her head back and laughed. “Returning something once lost to you.”

He gripped her waist and pulled her close to him. “What are you up to?” he asked.

“Returning you to your former glory.” she said, bringing her lips up to his. He pulled his head away, looking for Aurora and Olivier. They stood chatting with two other men on the opposite side of the room.

“And what do you get out of this?”

“Satisfaction. Security.” she replied, twirling away.

“How so?” he asked, pulling her back to him.

“With your newly restored power, and my own, we will do together what you could not alone. We will rule Midgard. You will have your throne, and I will be at your side.” she slipped her hand down, brushing against the crotch of his tight fitting pants. “This world is the only one left and it is ripe for the picking.”

“I no longer wish to rule this world.” he said, gripping her hand. His eyes found Aurora laughing next to her father.

Her eyes flashed red again. “Don’t tell me the great God of Mischief has fallen in love with a human? Taking a note from big brother are we? A pity humans are so…mortal.”

Rage temporarily blinded him and he gripped her chin roughly. “Hold your viper tongue.”

“I've killed a million petty souls
But I couldn't kill you
I've slept so long without you…”

“Or what? You’ll punish me? I’m counting on it.” she whispered, breaking away as the song ended.

Loki was left on the dance floor as Amora returned to the people Aurora and Olivier were talking to. He looked down at his hands, flexing them as the tingling became stronger. He began to feel nauseous and broke out into a cold sweat.

“Loki-” his head snapped up. Aurora stood before him.

“What is it?” he asked.

“What’s wrong with you?” she asked.

“Wha-nothing. I’m fine.” he said, adjusting his cufflink. “Just a bit too much wine I suppose.”

“What was all that with Helen about? Do you two know one another?”

“No. Why do you ask?”

Aurora shrugged. “You just seemed…hostile.”

“I was not hostile.”

She nodded. “You were pretty hostile.”

Loki scoffed and chuckled. “I don’t like the woman.”

“You've only known her for thirty minutes!” Aurora laughed.

“And the first impression is made in thirty seconds. I know very quickly when I don’t like someone.” he rubbed her bare arms.

“My God your hands are cold.” She’d never complained about that before.

He nuzzled her neck. “Maybe you could warm them up for me…”

Aurora giggled and shoved him away. “I promised daddy a dance.” she leaned in, brushing her lips against his cheek. “Give me ten minutes, then meet me at the stairs.”

Loki looked at her and she winked, returning to her father’s side.

With a sigh, Loki raked his hands through his hair and made his way to the stairs and up to the men’s room.

He locked the door and stalked over to the marble sink. Removing his mask, he turned the faucet on and splashed his face with the water.

“Returning you to your formal glory…”

Loki stared at his reflection in the mirror, his hands pressed flat against the marble.

He looked down at the water pouring into the sink. “Surely not…” He held out a shaky hand, willing the water into solid form. A bit to his surprise, the water froze solid, forming a layer of ice in the sink. A nearly hysterical laugh escaped his lips, fogging the mirror.

He pushed himself up straight and closed his eyes. He felt the familiar pull at the pit of his stomach and opened his eyes. His projection stared back at him and smiled.

“The bitch did it…” he mumbled. With a wave of his hand the illusion disappeared.

With a new sense of strength and confidence Loki opened the door, nodding at a few people as he made his way down the stairs and to the edge of the dance floor.

Aurora rested her chin on Olivier’s shoulder as he led her around the dance floor, disappearing into the crowd.

“She really is a beauty…” He turned to see Amora leaning against a pillar, glass of wine in hand. “A pity really…”

“What are you-”

There was a commotion of women shrieking and men crying out.

“Daddy!” Aurora screamed. Loki rushed onto the dance floor, shoving his way through the crowd.

Olivier was sprawled out on the floor, Aurora over him performing CPR.

“Aurora what happened?!” he cried, collapsing next to him.

“He just collapsed…” a woman answered him.

“One two three…” she huffed as she rushed through chest compressions. “Get help..” she sobbed and continued counting as she compressed. “Check his eyes!” she cried.

“For what?” Olivier’s eyes were blank and staring.

“Call an ambulance!” someone yelled.

“They’re on their way!” another person responded.

Aurora pulled back his head and breathed into his mouth and began compressions again. “Daddy…..PLEASE!” she shrieked, trying to feel for a pulse.

Loki watched helpless for what seemed like an eternity, looking around for those who would help. His eyes locked with Amora’s as she lifted a black hood over her head and pushed through the doors, exiting into the night just as the paramedics rushed in.

Time moved in slow motion as the paramedics pushed them away. He watched as Aurora fought to stay with her father, cradling his head in her lap until they lifted his body onto the stretcher. Her hands which were frozen in the air as she had supported his head when they lifted him now fell limply into her lap.

Loki crawled over to her, taking her face in his hands. “Lets go. We’ll follow him to the hospital.”

Aurora’s eyes were blank and she shook her head slowly. “He’s gone…”

“You can’t know that Aurora.”

“His pupils were fixed and dilated and he had no pulse…of course I know that.” she whispered.

Loki pulled her to her feet and wrapped his coat around her shoulders. “We’re going.”
♠ ♠ ♠
The first song is City and Colour's remake of Happiness By the Kilowatt-a very beautiful song. The second is Jay Gordon's Slept So Long, another good song quite fitting for Amora. Below are links to the images of Olivier and Amora and the Grand Ballroom. Leave a comment! Much Love!

Gotham Hall

Olivier Moreau
