To Roam Into the Unknown

The Rift

Loki watched as Aurora devoured her burger with the ferocity of a starving person.

She glanced up at him. "Loki, you've barely touched your food."

He smiled and bit into a French fry. "I'm not all that hungry to be honest."

"I am." She shoved three fries in her mouth and washed them down with a gulp of soda.

He chuckled. "Yes, I can see that."

"Oh I almost forgot. Helen called me earlier.

He felt his heartrate speed up and strained to keep a calm face. "Oh?"

"Yeah, she wants to offer you a job with her firm."

He exhaled through his nose. "Aurora, I don't know the first thing about investment banking."

"She needs a personal assistant and she wants to offer you the job."

"I don't want to work for her." He said.

"Loki! Are you serious? I told her you would meet her tomorrow afternoon." She set her burger down.

"Why on earth would you do that??" He asked, angrily.

Aurora was taken aback. "What? I assumed-"

He gave a cynical smile. "Well that's why you don't assume. I have no desire to work for that woman."

She huffed and slumped back against the booth. "Do you have a desire to work at all? Or do you intend on living off my inheritance?"

Loki's brow furrowed. "Gods Aurora is that what you think?"

"What should I think Loki? The economy is still on the mend and jobs are still scarce. And here is this incredible opportunity of a job starting you in the face-and you don't want it. So Loki, I ask again, what should I think?"

He sat back and laid his hands flat against the table. There was no way out of this, he could tell. Amora had made a bold move and he had no choice but to accept her offer. If he didn't, it would no doubt cause a rift between him and Aurora. And if he accepted, no doubt there would be consequences as well. He closed his eyes, rested his arm on the table and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Aurora, I'm sorry. Please know that I would never take advantage of you in that way." He glanced up. She sat starting at him, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Baby..." He watched as her anger began to wan. "I know you only meant well. I will meet with her tomorrow, and take the job."

"I don't want you to take it if you don't want it." She said.

He smiled. "I will take it gladly, if it will make you happy."

She smiled. "You mean it?"

He nodded and held out his hand to her. "I'm sorry I got angry."

She placed her hand in his. "I'm sorry I made a decision without speaking with you first." They starred at one another lovingly for a moment before Aurora changed the subject. "I can't wait to get home and decorate the tree."

"Sweetheart, after that fainting spell, I really think tree decorating should be postponed."

Aurora scoffed. "I didn't faint."

"Alright, you didn't faint. You just decided to randomly let your legs give out on you."

"Loki, Uncle Max-"

He held up his hand and took a sip of his tea. "Aurora, please. I don't wish to argue. Max will be fine without a decorated Christmas tree."

She got a sudden gleam in her blue eyes. "I'm decorating the tree tonight."


"With or without you, Loki. The tree will be decorated tonight."

There was a brief stare down before Loki wiped his mouth and smiled. "Alright dearest. If it is that important to you."

"It is."

He looked down at his watch. "Then I suppose we should go. The snow doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon."


"Just a little too the left."

Loki stood on a ladder adjusting the large golden star. "How is it now?" He glanced over his shoulder to see Aurora squinting her eyes.

"Little more to the left..."

He pushed the star more to the left.

"It's perfect..." She said.

"You sure?" He looked down in time to see her swoon. "Aurora?"

"I'm fine Loki." She rubbed her eyes.

He stepped off the ladder and took her face into his hands. "You are going to see doctor Jones tomorrow."

The doorbell chimed and Aurora slipped out of his grip. "Please Loki. I'm fine." She smiled at him but he could see the fatigue in her eyes.

He closed the ladder and carried it down the hall to the utility closet, smiling when he heard Aurora's laughter.

"How was the flight?" She asked.

"Long. I'm just glad to be on solid ground." Max replied.

Loki walked in the room, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to his elbows.

"There he is." Max said with a smile.

Loki smiled and shook his hand. "Max. Good to see you again. I trust your travels went well."

"Well enough. How goes everything here? I trust you're taking care of my niece?"

Loki glanced at Aurora, who starred back at him with tired blue eyes. "I'm taking care of her as best as she'll allow." He replied with a chuckle. "Would you like a drink?"

Aurora perked up. "I'll bring in some wine."

Loki and Max were left watching as she entered the kitchen.

"How is she, really, Loki." Max asked quietly.

"Unwell, I'm afraid. She seems fatigued and she hasn't been sleeping well." Loki replied.

"Have you called Dr. Jones?"

"I've been trying to talk her into seeing him for the last six hours. She's strong willed."

"No. She's stubborn, just like Olivier." A smile formed on his face as Aurora returned with the glasses and a bottle of red wine.

"Here's to safe travels." Loki said lifting his glass.

"To family..." Aurora said, holding hers up.

"And to health." Max finished, as they clinked their glasses together.


Aurora hunched over in the shower, letting the hot water fall over her back. She rubbed her lower back and sighed. She was exhausted and it took all of her strength to keep from sitting down on the shower floor. The argument with Loki earlier had sapped the remainder of her energy.

It was so unlike him. The entire time they'd known each other, he'd never acted that way. He'd never raised his voice to her. Ever since her the night her father died, Loki had been different. He had become cold. Not directly to her, but just in his ask around demeanor. She tried to push it to the back of her mind, but the idea that something was different continued to weasle it's way back into her thoughts.


Her eyes snapped open at the sound of his voice.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"I'm fine, Loki." She replied.

He stepped into the shower and looked at her.

"You look pale." He said, lifting her chin gently.

"I'm just tired." She felt goosebumps rise on her arms. "Why are you so cold?"

He wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her forehead. "Max and I were outside catching up."

"That's nice..." She whispered.

"I love you." He said, rubbing her back.

She closed her eyes and lay her head against his chest. His heartbeat was calm and strong. "I love you too."

"I'm going to meet with Helen tomorrow, but I need you to do something for me." She looked up at him, her eyebrow arched.

" Please go see Dr. Jones tomorrow." She opened her mouth to protest, but he silenced her with a kiss.

"You are important to me. And I only want what's best for you."

She gave him a half smile. "If it will make you feel better..."

"It will." He said.

She closed her eyes and laid her head against his chest. "Alright, I'll go."


Loki hurried down the stairs and answered the door. His eyes narrowed ever so slightly.

"Ms. Eve. Please come in." He stepped aside.

"Loki Nicholls. Just the man I need..." Amora removed her black coat and golden scarf, shoving them into Loki's arms. She wore a dark green silk shirt with a tight black pencil skirt and black Loius Vuitton pumps.

"Please, come in.." He mumbled sarcastically, dumping her garments on thcoatst rack.

She waltzed over to the fireplace. "Where is our darling Aurora?" She ran her fingers over the photo frames.

Loki felt his eye twitch and resisted the urge to respond with a snide remark. "Max has taken her into town to see Dr. Jones." He sat in the chair next to where she stood. "What are you playing at, Amora?" He asked.

She turned to him and smiled, running her finger down his cheek. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

The power emitted from her was intoxicating. His eyes rolled as the electric feel of the energy flowed through him. He grabbed her wrist roughly. "You know exactly what I'm talking about." He growled.

"You think you scare me..." She brought her red lips down to his ear. "But I think it's the other way around." She slid her hand down his chest and began to rub his groin. Loki took a moment, reveling in the feeling. He and Aurora hadn't made love in nearly two weeks and the need was almost unbearable. "I do believe we have the entire house to ourselves lover..." She whispered.

At this point, Loki couldn't think past the growing pressure in his pants. Amora hiked her skirt up and straddled his lap. "What are you doing??" He asked.

"Nothing you don't want me to..." She ground her hips, brushing against his now bulging groin. His head rolled back and he sighed. She pressed her chest against his, her lips hovering inches from his.

His body stiffened and he opened his eyes. She bit down on his bottom lip. With another groan, he ripped her shirt open and buried his face in her breasts, taking an erect, pink nipple between his teeth. Amora threw her head back and smiled, running her hands through his hair. He kissed his way up to her neck, grabbed a fist full of her hair and gave her head a vicious yank.

She glared at him, waiting for a curse or threat. He stared at her with pure malice, his jaw clenched tightly, but never said a word. She reached down and unzipped his pants, lifted herself slightly and slid down onto him. He gripped her hips as she began to rock back and forth, her eyes never leaving his.


Aurora sat on the table, the paper crunching loudly with the slightest move she made. She crossed her ankles to keep from kicking her feet like she did as a child, and tested her hand in her lap. Max had insisted on coming back with her, but after assuring him repeatedly that he would be ok, he finally sat down in the lobby with an old tattered magazine.

There was a light knock on the door and Dr Jones entered.

He smiled. "Aurora, how are you?" He leaned in and gave her a light peck on the cheek.

She shrugged and smiled. "As my patients have said, if I was ok, I wouldn't be here."

Dr.Jones chuckled and sat down on his stool. "Well what seems to be the problem?"

Aurora sighed. "Loki made me come in. I've been getting really dizzy and light headed for the last few days. I collapsed yesterday."

"Do you not feel like you needed to come in?" He asked, glancing at her over his bifocals.

"I guess I figured it couldn't hurt. I've been pretty-"


She nodded. "To say the least." She exhaled a shaky breath. "Ever since daddy died...I..." She paused as tears filled her eyes. "It's just been a lot to take in, y'know?"

Dr. Jones nodded. "Aurora, you've been put under an immense amount of stress. Anyone in your situation would feel under the same way. Are you getting enough support at home?"

Aurora nodded and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. "Loki is wonderful. If it weren't for him, I don't know how I would have gotten through this."

Dr. Jones stood before her. "Well, let's have a look. Lift your chin for me." He placed his hands on either side of her neck. "Your lymphnodes aren't swollen. Did you lose consciousness yesterday?"

"No. But there are times when I'm standing still and the room starts to spin."

He placed the stethoscope in his ears and listened to her heart and breathing.

"Well, your vials seem fine but you do look a little pale and the dizziness concerns me. I'm going to get some blood work and a urine sample." He began to scribble down on the chart. "Is there any chance you could be pregnant?"

Aurora have a visible start. "What? No...I don't think so. It's been over two weeks since we last..." She ran a hand through her hair. The thought had never occurred to her.

"When was your last period?"

She pursed her lips. "I couldn't's been incredibly abnormal since daddy died. I had a very light one last month...and didn't even have one before..."

"Well I'm going to order a pregnancy test as well." He patted her leg. "I'll send Sabrina in."

"Thanks doc."


Loki lifted Amora up by her hips and threw her down before the fireplace. A scream erupted from her lips as he shoved himself into her again and again. She wrapped her legs around his waist and dragged her nails down his back so hard it drew blood.

He hissed at the pain but it only fueled his desire.


Fifteen minutes later, Dr. Jones walked in with a female doctor and sat. He exhaled and set the chart down on the table. "Aurora, this is Dr. Mendez."

Aurora felt her stomach drop. "What?"

"Your pregnancy test is positive. You are also very anemic, which is probably what has been causing the dizziness."

Aurora took in a shaky breath as the room began to spin. "And you're sure?"

The doctor nodded. "Dr. Mendez to do an ultrasound to confirm, if that is alright."

Aurora nodded and laid back on the tab


Aurora pretend to sleep on the drive home. Her hand in her pocket clutched the picture of the baby. After the initial shock had worn off, it was replaced with excitement. She and Loki loved one another, why shouldn't they have a baby? She began to imagine what the baby would look like. What Loki would look like holding the baby.

Max reached over and shook her gently. "Sweetheart, we're home."

Aurora opened her eyes. She pulled her coat closed as Max helped her out of the car. Snow had begun to fall lightly.

"I forgot to put blankets on the horses." She said.

"I'll take care of it. You just get inside and get warm." He replied, kissing her forehead.

He made his way to the stables. She noticed Amora's silver Lexus parked in the driveway.

Her adrenaline began to surge as she opened the front door with a shaking hand. How would he react to the news? Suddenly she was nervous. She walked into the foyer, shaking of her coat. She clutched the picture in her hand. "Loki?"

She could hear muffled noise coming from the living room. Her brow furrowed and she made her way down the hall. "Loki, I'm hom-"

The words caught in her throat. She was staring at Loki's naked backside. Bright red scratches decorated his back. Amora's legs were wrapped around his waist. She glanced over his shoulder and gasped, pulling away from Loki.

"Oh my God-" Amora grabbed her shirt.

Loki tumbled off of her and grabbed his pants. "AURORA-"

"I guess I understand now why you didn't want to meet with her..." She felt as if her voice weren't her own. Her arms dropped to her sides.

Loki's heart nearly stopped at seeing the anguish on her pale face. "Aurora please-"

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Max shoved past Aurora and lunged for Loki. She turned just as Max knocked Loki to the ground.
♠ ♠ ♠
O.M.G. forgive me if there are any type-o's. My lap top died and I've been using the word processor on my phone. And it's quite possible that I may be wanted for the murder of writer's block. Puh-lease comment!!