To Roam Into the Unknown


Loki gasped in pain as Max's foot collided viciously with his ribs and he was certain he felt one break.

"I told you!" Max screamed, grabbing him by the collart of the shirt he'd barely had enough time to put on. Max's fist slammed repeatedly into Loki's face, but Loki never fought back. He deserved every bit of whatever was going to be dealt. He could vaguely make out Amora's angry demands for Max to stop.

"I told you if you hurt her that I would kill you, did I not?!" He grabbed Loki by his throat and sent him sprawling into the hallway. He rested his face against the cold floor, trying not to lose consciousness. He pushed himself up to his knees and looked down. A small crumpled photo was under his knee.

"Leave him alone!" Amora screamed, shoving Max.

Max spun around and backhanded her across the face. "SHUT YOUR MOUTH, YOU WHORE." He turned back to Loki. "You piece of Shit. She trusted you. My brother trusted you...."

Loki turned the photo over in his hands and drew in a deep breath. He suddenly felt as though he were in a tunnel. The voices in the room were muffled. He focused on the picture and what looked like a tiny peanut. It read: Aurora Moreau, 10 weeks, 3 days. E.D.D. 07/22/14

"Are you hearing me?!" Max yelled. He grabbed Loki by the arm and spun him around.

"...She's pregnant?" He whispered.

Max stopped. "What?"

Amora snapped to attention as she was putting her high heels back on.

Loki held up the picture. "Aurora is pregnant."

Max's noise flared with rage. "Get out!" He drug Loki to the front door.

"I can't leave her!" Loki cried.

Max drew his hand back to deal another blow, but collapsed at Loki's feet. Amora stood behind where Max had been, her hand held up, eyes glowing red.

Loki scrambled to his feet. "What did you do to him?" He asked.

She lowered her hand and her eyes flickered back to normal. "Relax. I didn't kill him. But if he lays another hand on me, I will make him beg for death." She rubbed her redened cheek gingerly.

"I think you should leave."

She feigned a pout. "Oh but things were just getting good. It seems you've got yourself quite the conundrum here." She snapped her fingers and in an instant her hair and clothes were perfect.

Loki grabbed her by the throat. "This is all your doing, witch."

"I'm not the one who got the little bitch pregnant. That is all. On. You." She tapped his chest as she spoke. He growled and shoved her to the door.

"Get out." He spat.

"I don't mean to state the obvious, but it looks like you may need a new place to stay. Find me when you're ready." She shut the door behind her.

Loki turned and looked down at Max. He was completely unconscious. No doubt he would have questions when he came to. Loki gasped a nearby vase and hit him over the head with it, then turned and made his way up the stairs.

He could hear Aurora's cries from inside there bedroom as he made his way down the hall. He paused at their door as he realized he didn't know what to say.


"Go away, Loki!" She sobbed.

"Aurora, please, please forgive me." He slumped against the door.

"How can I Loki?!" She squeaked.

He squeezed his eyes shut, wishing that he could turn back the clock. "I should have gone with you to see the doctor..."

"I'm pregnant..."She said, sounding as if she were right against the door.

He laid his head against the door. "I know. And I couldn't be happier."

She began to cry again. "How could you do this, Loki? After everything..."

Tears welled in his eyes. "What can I do to make this right? Aurora...tell me what I need to do..." He choked.

She was silent for a few moments and Loki held his breath. "You need to leave, Loki." She whispered.

He felt his throat tighten and the tears fell down his face. "I love you, Aurora."

"Goodbye, Loki."


Loki walked down the dark road in a daze, the events of earlier replaying in his mind. The heartbroken look on Aurora's face was plastered to the backs of his eyelids, so he tried his best not to blink. He walked without knowing where he was going, he was simply granting Aurora's wish. The only belongings he had were the torn plaid green shirt and khakis, and his cell phone and wallet.

He was switching between sorrow and rage at Amora. "Loki you fool." He rubbed his face, angry with himself for falling under Amora's spell. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He would make her pay

Summoning all his rage, he closed his eyes and imagined her apartment in the city. With little more than a rustle of the leaves on nearby trees, he was gone.


Aurora sat at the breakfast table, pushing her food around her plate.

Max sat across from her, watching her every move. "Aurora, did you think about our discussion last night?"

She felt the bike rise at the back of her throat. "I did. And there's no way I can do what you ask.."

Max scoffed and sat back in his seat. "Mon Dieu, Aurora!"

Her fork clattered to the plate. "Uncle Max, please! I can't!" Tears welled up in her eyes. "I just can't."

Max looked at her with reproach. "It's been three weeks, and you haven't heard anything from him. He isn't coming back and you aren't ready to be a single mother."

Aurora wanted nothing more than to go back to bed. As exhausted as she was, sleep often eluded her. Max didn't know of the numerous phone calls she'd received from Loki. She had yet to answer one, opting to just let the voicemail pick up. She would wait until late at night, burrow into her down feather blanket, and lay in bed, listening to the messages Loki had left her. Part of her wanted to move on, but that part was easily overcome by the half who slept on his side of the bed wearing his shirts for pajamas. She was angry at what had happened but even more, she was lonely. The added hormones definitely didn't help. By the time his messages ended, she was openly sobbing into her pillow.

She stood and dumped her plate in the sink. "Ok. If it bothers you so much, I'll make an appointment." She said.

Max stood and leaned against the marble counter top. "Sweetheart, don't do it for me. Do it for you. Obviously this is a sign that this isn't meant to be." He took her face in his hands. "You can always have more children. And with someone more deserving." He pressed a fatherly kids to her forehead.

"I'm...going to go make the appointment." She whispered.

"There's a good girl."


Loki sat in the uptown apartment that Amora had put him in. It was very posh in its furnishings. The old Loki would have been pleased with it, but the new Loki sat on the floor of the living room his hair disheveled, the beginnings of a beard on his face and dark circles under his eyes.

He leaned against the sliding glass doors with his phone in his lap, starting down at the crumpled ultrasound picture in his hands. He brushed his thumb across the image of little bean. His child.

Once more he would dial her number and wait for it to go to voicemail and once more he would leave her a message reminding her off his remorse and love for her. He told her of his love for her and their unborn child. He told her he would spend the rest of his life begging her forgiveness. But she never answered the phone.

He heard keys in the door but made no move to get up as Amora walked in.

She clicked her tongue. "Have you at least showered today?"

"Do you find me repulsive yet?" He sneered.

"Not yet...But close." She set the bag of food she carried on the table. "You really should eat something."

He rolled his eyes. "What do you care? Just...leave." He lay his head against the wall and closed his eyes.

"As you wish." She walked to the door and paused, looking over her shoulder at him. "One of my clients saw your precious Aurora coming out of the Women's clinic downtown. Seems like your bastard in her belly was to much for her to take. Take a moment to let that sink in." She closed the door behind her.

Loki exhaled sharply. She was lying. The woman would say anything if she thought it would win him to her. He picked up the phone and dialed Aurora's number. It rang four times, as he expected. But the voicemail never answered.

"Hello?" Her voice wad thick with sleep.

Loki sat up straight. "Aurora! Please don't hang up-"


"Aurora, it's not true, is it? Tell me you weren't at the clinic today-"

"Jesus Loki. Are you spying on me?"

He suddenly began to shake. "Of course not! Someone from the firm recognized you-is it true?!" He cried.

"Yes! It's true!" She cried angrily.

Loki felt his chest tighten. "I'm coming home." He said, hanging up before she could protest.

He stood and stormed out onto the balcony. The January night was overcast and cold, snow threatened. He could feel the rage in him course through his veins. He looked down at his shaking hands. They were glowing a faint green. Clenching his fists, he turned his emerald gaze to the heavens. "ARE YOU HAPPY NOW FATHER!? IT 'S THIS WHAT YOU WANT? I AM BROKEN, HUMILIATED! WHAT MORE WOULD YOU HAVE OF ME?!" He screamed.

He summoned his strength and with his powers, transported himself to the Moreau estate. He stood on the edge of the lawn, seething. The house was dark, except for the light in her room. He stalled across the field and up to the door. Naturally it was locked. He pounded on the door.

"Aurora!! Open the door!" He yelled.

One by one, lights began to flick on and the door flew open.

"You have some nerve, showing your face around here."Max said angrily.

Loki took in a calming breath. "I need to speak to her, Max."

"Like hell you do. Do you know what you've put her through?" He snapped.

"I'm not asking!" Loki bellowed.

Max stepped up to him. "Get. Out. Of. Here." He said.

"Not until I see her!"

Max gave him a vicious shove and pulled a gun out from behind his back. "I'm not asking. I'm protecting this property, I will kill you." His voice was lethal.

Loki felt his hands tingling with power, and fought the urge to kill him. He tucked his hands behind his back and turned to retreat. Max slammed the door behind him.


Aurora heard the commotion and stepped out into the hall. Her nerves prevented her from revealing herself. She learned against the wall, listening to the exchange of words between the two men. She wanted to run down to him and forgive him. She had forgiven him. It was the only reason she had answered his call. She didn't want to start over with someone new. She only wanted him.

The slamming door jerked her from her thoughts and she returned to her room, collapsing on the bed. Just as she was about to fall asleep, she was once more alerted.

"Aurora! How could you?!" Loki screamed.

 She sat up on the bed.

 "You had no right! It was my baby too!" He screamed.

She reached over and turned off her lamp.

"You had no right!" He screamed.

She walked to the window and looked out through the curtains. Loki looked crazed. His hair was disheveled and he was in terrible need of a decent shave.

"It was my baby too!" She could just make out the tears on his face. She threw back the curtains and was about to open the window when she saw Max heading towards him, gun in hand.

" no no no..." She turned and ran out of her room, nearly losing her balance on the stairs. Throwing the door open, she ran across the yard. Thunder tumbled in the night sky.


"You had no right!" Loki screamed.

"What the fuck did I tell you?" Max yelled. He threw himself on Loki, punching him in the stomach.

Loki doubled over, shielding himself from the blows. Max's knee came up into Loki's ribs. Unwilling to take further abuse, Loki punched Max in the jaw, sending the man backwards.

Max wiped away the blood from his lip and lunged for Loki. The two men fell to the ground, trading hits and kicks.

Neither were aware of Aurora's presence. "Stop it! Both of you!" She cried. A crack of thunder stole the words from her lips.

Loki's rage peaked as Max pinned him to the ground, pressing the gun to his forehead.

"ENOUGH!!" Loki screamed. A green blast of energy shot forth from his chest, sending Max flying across the yard. Lightning flashed in the sky.

Aurora screamed and ran to where Max lay. Blood seeped from his nose and ears.

The wind picked up. Loki stood and brushed his clothes off.

Aurora started up at Loki in horror. "Loki-"

He tried to catch his breath. "I'm sorry-"

"Loki why are you wearing that helmet?" She whispered.

His brow furrowed and he looked down. Gone were his blue jeans and white polo shirt. He was now clad in his black leather pants and green and black leather top. His emerald cape billowed in the wind. He reached a shaking hand up to feel the horned helmet, heavy upon his head. It was like a scene from one of his nightmares.

"Aurora, let me explain."

She backed away, shaking her head as he moved towards her.

She shielded her eyes as the wind kicked up dust.

He looked up at the sky in time to see a myriad of colors forming an aura. "Aurora, you have to get out of here-"

Her eyes widened in recognition. "Y-you're him..." Her face contorted in pain and she grabbed her stomach. Loki made to grab her hand but she jerked away. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" She cried, stumbling back.

Loki physically felt his heart break.

There was another crash of thunder and then all was quiet.

"Step away from her, brother."

Loki spun around at the booming voice. "Thor? What is the meaning of this?"

Thor stood, armor clad, pointing his hammer at his brother. "I could ask you the same thing. What are you doing?"

Loki turned back to Aurora and fell to his knees before her, ripping the helmet from his head. "Aurora-"

She winced as if struck.

Loki's throat tightened and he paused. "You think I would hurt you? Aurora, I would never-could never hurt you."

"You killed my mother!" She sobbed and grabbed her abdomen. "You've lied to me from the beginning. Everything you've ever told me was a lie!" She cried, raising her hand to push him away.

"No! Not everything!" He took her face in his hands, forcing her to look at him. "I am hopelessly in love with you!"

"Loki, she is wounded." Thor said, waking towards them.

He looked over his shoulder. "What are you talking about?" He snapped.

"She's bleeding!" Thor said.

Aurora and Loki both looked down. The hem of his shirt that she wore was stained crimson.

"Aurora, I thought you terminated-"

She sobbed and shook her head.

The unmistakable sound of helicopters thumped in the air.

"Loki, we have to go!" Thor clamped a hand down on his shoulder.

Loki shrugged it off. "I go nowhere without her!" He hissed.

"Loki, do not be foolish! You used your powers and so I came. I knew you were on Midgard, and now so does S.H.I.E.L.D. you have to come with me now!" Thor argued.

Loki looked down at Aurora as she slipped in and out of consciousness. He looked back up at Thor with pleading, tear filled eyes and for a moment Thor saw his younger brother as he had once been before.

The sounds of the helicopters was nearing. "You won't be able to help her from behind prison bars. Please brother, for once in your life, trust me."

Aurora groaned and collapsed next to Max.

Loki stared down at her. Spotlights lit up the ground from above.

"We must go now!" Thor cried.

Loki grasped his outstretched hand. Thor yanked him to his feet and pointed Mjolnir to the sky. "Heimdall!"




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More to come soon!