To Roam Into the Unknown


...extent of her injuries..."

In the space between dreams, Loki could hear people talking amongst him.

"...should wake him..."

Loki groaned and opened his eyes. "No need, I'm already awake..." his body felt like lead and his head ached violently. "What is it?"

"Loki, you need to rest." Frigga said quietly.

Bright lights caused him to squint as he looked around, his eyes never once finding Aurora. He sat up quickly. "Where is she?" He asked, trying to sit up. More than one person held him down. "Let me go!" He fought them despite the throbbing in his head.

Frigga stood quickly, clutching her shaw to her chest. "Loki!"

"My Prince, you must calm yourself!" An older woman held him down.

"Where is Aurora?" He cried, looking up to Frigga with pleading eyes. Once more he began to fight them, trying to get off the table. A small shockwave of energy erupted from his body, knocking everyone in the room to the ground.

"He will undo everything we've done!" The older woman hissed angrily, pushing herself to her knees.

"Brother! Calm yourself, she lives!" Thor's voice boomed over everyone's. He pushed the healers aside and held Loki down. "She lives!" He said again, a bit softer. Loki's eyes focused on his brother's face and he went limp, leaning against Thor's shoulder.

"I need to see her." He whispered.

"In time. She is healing, just as you should be." Thor replied. He glanced up at the healer, giving her a slight nod. She held out her hands, closed her eyes, and once more Loki drifted into unconsciousness. Thor eased him back onto the mattress and looked up at his mother.

"You too should rest, mother." He said.

Frigga gave him a slight smile. "Consequently, I'm no longer tired." She sat back in the chair and brushed Loki's hair back from his sweaty brow. "I'll stay a while longer..." She whispered.


The hour was late and the room was dark, save for the glowing embers in the large fireplace. Thor entered his room quietly so as not to wake Jane, closing the door as gently as he could.

"How is he?" Jane asked from their bed.

Thor sighed and let his exhaustion show. "It's hard to say."

She held her knees close to her chest, watching as he made his way to the large balcony.

"Every time he awakens, he goes into a craze, searching for her." He shed his cloak and leaned against the marble column, starring blankly into the night.

Jane slipped out of bed, rubbing her arms as she walked next to him. "You mean Aurora?" She asked quietly.

Thor looked down at her and she shrugged. "The halls are huge...I could hear him screaming for her." And despite her distaste for the wayward Prince, she was certain those screams would haunt her for quite some time. "Does he know...about her condition?"

Thor's jaw was set as he continued to stare forward. "No. I could not bear to tell him. He has been much. We all have, but he has been through so much more." He said.

"Thor, he had to know that there would be consequences for his actions..." She replied.

"Aye, and there were. But this...this is something else entirely. And regardless of his past grievances, by blood or not, he is still my brother. He was so close to happiness, so close to what he craved." his voice shook with emotion and he looked down at her, his blues eyes glazed over with tears. Though she was ten years older than the last time they were together, she still looked just as beautiful as the first day they'd met, if not a bit more relaxed. "If anything like this ever happened to you I-"

Jane placed both hands on either side of his face with a gentle 'shhh'. "Don't open yourself to those kinds of thoughts." She whispered. Standing on her tiptoes, she planned a soft kiss on his lips.

Thor wrapped his arms around her tiny frame and buried his face in her long brown hair. "How do I do this? How do I tell him that his woman is dying?" He whispered.

Jane rested her face against his chest. "Maybe you don't. Maybe you just need to be there for him when he finds out. I know how much you love him, but he has been known to act irrationally when receiving bad news. Maybe you should leave the task to the healers."

He exhaled, resting his chin on her head. "You speak true." He whispered, more to himself than her. "I hope you understand just how much that I love you." He replied a bit louder.

She smiled and squeezed his arms. "I love you too." She said.

He stood upright once more, rubbing her bare arms. "Come. Let us retire. I'm sure there will be much to do tomorrow."

Jane nodded, allowing him to lead her to their bed.


Loki looked in the mirror of the bathroom, his face covered in shaving cream.

"I was thinking..." Aurora called from the shower.

Loki lifted his chin and carefully drug the blade up his throat. "About what?" He could hear the water splashing as she moved under the shower head.

"We should get married."

Loki turned his head so quickly he cut his chin, cursing as the blade clattered into the porcelain sink.

"What?" He asked, pressing his thumb against the wound.

Aurora poked her head out from behind the shower curtain, shampoo suds sill in her hair. "Gotcha!" She smiled.

Loki stared at her reflection in the mirror and resisted the urge to smile after realizing she had been joking. He shook his head and pressed his hands against the sink. "Did you go through my pockets?"

"What? No." She disappeared behind the curtain.

Loki smiled to himself. "Then how did you know that I wanted to marry you? You had to have seen the ring else you wouldn't have mentioned marriage. Why else would I want to take you out tonight?" The speed at which she threw back the curtain nearly startled him.

"Loki?!" She cried, starting at him.

He turned to face her, offering her a slight smile.

"Loki-are you? Did you-" she stood with her mouth hanging open. Loki leaned in close, his index finger gently closing her mouth.

"Got you." He said, laughing as Aurora splashed him with water.


It was on the third day that Loki finally woke from his unnatural slumber. Thor and Frigga stood by his bed, waiting with apprehension, prepared to restrain him if necessary. A pained look crossesd his face, but his eyes did not open.

Thor looked to the healer. "I thought you said he was thoroughly healed."

The healer bowed ever so slightly, her long gray braid tumbling over her shoulder. "Forgive me, my Prince. But I said he was healed. I never said thoroughly." She looked down at Loki with the tiniest hint of pity. "Some wounds cannot be healed by magic."

Frigga stared down at her youngest son. "You may go, Halldóra." She said quietly.

The healer bowed once more and took her leave.

Frigga knelt next to Loki, taking his cool hand in her own. "Loki, hear me. You must wake up."

"Mother, perhaps we should come back later." Thor said quietly, pulling her to her feet. She stood, but would not move.

"I will stay here." She said.

Thor opened his mouth to suggest otherwise, but the words died on his lips as Loki's eyes opened.

"Loki?" Frigga once more knelt by him.

"Mother...?" He asked. His voice was hoarse from previous outbursts.

Frigga looked up at Thor and smiled, then looked back at Loki. "My dear boy...I'm here."

Thor rested a hand on his shoulder. "Easy brother."

"Where..." He cleared his throat. "Where is Aurora?"

"She is being tended to by the healers." Thor explained.

Loki threw his legs over the edge of the bed and attempted to stand. Frigga gasped and Thor caught him as his knees buckled.

"Loki you must pace yourself." He said.

"Thor, I'll not argue with you. I'm going to see her with or without you. Even if I must crawl." Loki said, meeting his gaze. Thor hesitated momentarily, looking to Frigga. She gave a slight nod.

"Alright. But I will accompany you."

Loki nodded, grasping his brother's arm.

He and Thor exited the room with Frigga following behind closely. Thor had his arm around Loki's waist with Loki's arm draped over his broad shoulders as they made their way down the corridor in silence.

Despite the healers best attempts, Loki still felt pain in his chest where his ribs had been broken by the bullet. Every step was a reminder.

As they neared Aurora's room, Loki became very apprehensive. His steps slowed to a stop.

"Do you need to rest?" Frigga asked.

"No." Loki snapped, wiggling out of Thor's grasp. He wasn't weak, he couldn't afford to be.


"Thor, I'm fine. I-" he felt a lump form in his throat at the fear of what awaited him behind those doors. "Can you give me a moment?"

Thor nodded. "We'll be right here, if you need us."

Loki took in a deep breath and pushed open the large oak doors. He closed them quietly, leaning against them for support. The room was dark. Black cloth hung over the windows and candles were lit around where she lay sleeping. A young healer looked up as he approached and immediately bowed. Used to being feared, he immediately held up his hands, showing he had no weapon.

"My Prince...Forgive me. I did not hear you enter." She said quickly but quietly.

Loki lowered his hands. "I did not mean to startle you." He whispered, his eyes never leaving Aurora's body. What is your name?" He asked.

The healer smiled and nervously adjusted her white healer's bonnet. "Æsa, my Lord."

Loki took a few steps closer, stopping at the foot of her bed. "How does she fare, Æsa?"

The woman looked down at Aurora. "She was in quite an unfortunate state when she was brought to us." She smoothed out a stray strand of hair from Aurora's face.


Æsa looked up at him, her eyes wide with fear. "There are rumors, my Lord-"

Loki gripped the railing at the bottom of her bed. "What kind of rumors?" He asked through gritted teeth.

She lowered her hands just over Aurora's stomach. "It has been said-" she swallowed hard.

"Out with it!" He snapped.

She flinched, covering her mouth with her hands. "She's dying my Lord!" She cried.

A look of horror crossed his face. "What did you say?" He breathed, walking towards her.

"She is dying." She said again, backing away slowly.

"How do you know that?" He asked, towering over her. "Who told you this?!" He barked, shaking her roughly.

"Halldóra! Halldóra told us! She said her mortal body cannot survive this pregnancy! All we can do is make her comfortable!" Æsa screamed.

Hot tears fell from his wild eyes. "Lies!" He threw her backwards, sending her tumbling to the ground.

"But it is true sire! We have nothing to gain by lying! It is not in our nature!" She sobbed.

Loki moved as if to strike her but was held back by a pair of strong arms. "Brother she speaks true!" Thor said.

Loki struggled in his grip. "No! I refuse to believe it! LET ME GO, THOR!" He screamed.

"I will when you calm yourself!" Thor replied. Loki let out an angry scream which turned into cries, and soon he fell limp in his brother's arms. Thor's hold eased and Loki sank to the floor on his knees, his shoulders shaking with sobs.

"I...don't...understand..." Loki sobbed.

Thor stepped around him and extended his hand to Æsa, helping her to her feet. "Are you alright?" He asked her.

She nodded, tucking the loose strands of her red hair under her bonnet.

"Forgive me..."

Thor and Æsa looked down at Loki.

He looked up at Æsa. "Please forgive my behavior. I-"

Æsa knelt before him, meeting his grief stricken eyes. "My Prince, I am truly sorry this has befallen you."

"You are excused, Æsa." Came a stern voice from the doorway.

Æsa stood with a quick curtsy and rushed out of the room.

Halldóra entered the room, closing the door behind her.

"Madame, I would hear your take on my lady's condition." Thor said.

"When she was brought to us, she had lost quite a deal of blood. We managed to stop the bleeding, though despite our best efforts, the mortal does not improve. I'm afraid a decision must be made."

Loki, still on his knees, lay his head on Aurora's bed, watching as her chest rose ever so slightly with each shadow breath. Her skin was ash and dark circles were under her eyes. "What sort of decision?" He asked quietly.

"Save your unborn child or save your mortal." Halldóra replied.

Loki squeezed his eyes shut. "Her name is Aurora." He said quietly.

"How do we do that?" Thor asked.

"We can keep her in this comatose state with our magic, until the child is ready to be born..."

"Or?" Thor didn't like the undertone in her words.

"Or we terminate the pregnancy." She said.

"Absolutely not!" Loki barked, struggling to his feet.

"I'm afraid those are your only options, Prince Loki. And time is detrimental. The life of your mortal or the life of your unborn child. There is no known way to save them both." She said.

"How can one make that sort of decision?" Loki cried, looking to Thor.

Thor looked at him with sympathy, but could find no answer to his question.

"No. No there is another way. There is always another way." Loki said, shaking his head.

"I beg you to think wisely." Halldóra said.

Thor watched as Loki began to pace. How could anyone think wisely with the amount of information he had just been presented with?

"I will find a way. In all the nine realms, their must be a way!" Loki said, turning to face Thor.

Looking into his wide eyes, Thor found little in the way of rational thinking. He nodded. "Alright...we will find a way." He replied quietly.

Loki gave a curt nod.

"There is not enough time." Halldóra replied.

"Then you will make time." Loki snapped angrily.

"Loki." Thor warned. He turned to the healer. "Is there anything you can do? us time?"

"I'm afraid there is not." She said.

Loki scoffed with a cynical smile and shook his head. "Of course there is!"

Thor turned, shooting him a warning glare.

Halldóra pursed her lips. "If you are insinuating, what I think you are-"

"I am!" Loki hissed, looking at the woman.

She lifted her chin in defiance. "Prince Loki, we are healers. Users of the light. What you are asking requires the use of dark magic. We cannot, will not, risk our souls for a Midgardian."

Loki clenched his fists. "You would do well to hold your tongue, woman. I am still a Prince of Asgard." His voice dropped low, but dripped with venom.

"Yes. Fortunately for us, not by blood." She replied.

With a furious cry, Loki lunged for the woman, wrapping his cold fingers around her wrinkled throat. Thor grabbed Loki by the waist and heaved him into the air. Halldóra stumbled back, clutching at her neck.

"The All Father should have left you to die all those years ago!" She breathed.

Thor turned, growing angry at her cruel remark. "Get out before I let him go. And this time, I will not stop him."

Gathering her skirts, she stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

Thor ran a hand through his hair and turned to Loki who was once more on his knees at Aurora's bedside. "What now, Loki?"

Loki took her hand in his, bringing it up to his lips. "She took such good care of me, Thor. She didn't know me, I was a stranger to her. And still, she fought for me and took me in. When everyone else had cast me out, turned their backs on me, she was there. Never wavering. And she loved me." His eyes filled with tears. "She loved me. With no tricks, no spells. And look where it's gotten her. Halldóra was right. Father should have just let me die. None of this would have ever happened."

Thor took in a deep breath. "You were always the voice of reason when I needed it. Allow me to return the favor." He walked to the other side of her bed, truly looking upon her for the first time. Her golden hair fell around her face in soft waves. She was truly beautiful. "She did all of those things because she saw something in you worth fighting for. Something I always thought was there. I know we have had our differences in the past, but blood or not, you are and will always be my brother. And I will do whatever you ask of me. There is magic all around us, woven into the very roots of the universe. We will find a way."

Loki's eyes opened and he looked up at Thor. "What did you say?"

Thor's brow furrowed. "We will find a way to save her-"

"Before that." Loki said.

"About magic in-"

"Yes yes! Roots!" He stood abruptly, running his hands through his black hair. "Of course...why didn't I..." He whispered to himself, starting once more to pace.


He spun around. "The tree!"

Thor crossed his arms. "Tree?"

"Iðunn! She guards the Tree of Eternity." Loki said, stopping to look down at Aurora.

Thor smiled. "There is always another way..." He looked down at Aurora once more. "But the Tree and Iðunn were relocated after that stunt you pulled last time."

Loki shook his head. "It makes no matter. I will find it no matter the cost."

 "What of Aurora? A cruel hag though she may be, Halldóra is the best healer in all the realms. I doubt very much that she was lying about time being an issue."

"I suppose, brother, it is a stroke of luck that I so happen to be willing to sacrifice my soul for a Midgardian." He raised his hands over her body and closed his eyes. "And that I happen to know a thing or two about dark magic. You may want to back away."