To Roam Into the Unknown


Loki lay awake long after he and Thor had finished discussing their plans. The meeting had taken all day and much of the evening, and had taken most of his quickly waning energy. However, once he entered his room and collapsed on his bed, sleep never came. He now knew what his goal would be but who knew how long it would take. But sleep eluded him. He closed his eyes and all he could see was Aurora lying alone in the healers room. The thought brought him out of bed and before he knew it, he was walking down the hall in his black pants and white tunic, towards the healers ward. He was stopped in his tracks by two guards.

"Halt. No one is to enter."

Loki gritted his teeth and fought the urge to snap at him. "No one but myself. Let me pass."

The guard stood a bit straighter. "Forgive me, Lo-" Loki shot him an angry glare. "Prince. Prince Loki. Apologies." He stepped to the side and Loki breezed past, slamming the door behind him.

Once inside, he slowed his steps and ran his hands through hair and down over his unshaven chin, a nervous habit he'd acquired in light of recent events. She lay completely still, unmoving save for the soft flowing of her hair, as if she were under water. Loki knelt next to her and reached for her hand, only to be met with the reminding jolt of pain from the force field. He squeezed his hand and stared at her, longing more than ever to feel her touch. He hadn't even realized at the time how much he'd taken for granted.

"I'm so sorry my love. I have failed you where I swore I would never." He whispered. He sat on a stool next to her bed, strongly considering removing the shield so he could kiss her. "I am going to make this right-all of it. I only need you to hold on for me, Aurora." He reached out as if to stroke her hair, but kept his hand hovering over the shield so as to avoid another jolt of pain.

After a few moments, he lay his head against the wall next to her bed and allowed himself to relax. The room fell silent save for her soft breathing. His gaze fell on her stomach and he found himself wondering about their child. Would he or she look more like Aurora with golden hair and blue eyes? Would they have her love and compassion for all living things? Or would they resemble himself with darker hair and green eyes? How tiny...

Loki smiled and felt a warmth in his chest at the thought of holding his infant son or daughter in his arms. He could see himself standing in the doorway of the balcony, looking down at the tiny baby wrapped in his colors of emerald and gold, as the morning sun warmed the both of them. Sleeping in his arms, the child would be kept from any and all harm, only ever knowing the insurmountable love of its parents.

"Father..." He turned from the balcony, the baby no longer in his arms. The child standing in the doorway, couldn't be any older than eight, stared at him with bright green eyes. Her golden hair was tied back with a green ribbon, to match the golden dress she wore. "Berghildr and Sæhildr are saddled and ready!"

Loki's mouth fell open and his confusion must have been apparent. She stamped her golden slipperd foot in excitement. "Today is the day you promised to take me riding."

Loki shook his head and began walking towards her. "Of course! How silly of me." He knelt before her and scooped her into his arms. "Where is your mother?"

"She is in the nursery with Auron. And grandmother." She replied, wrapping a small arm around his neck as they walked.

"Perhaps we should speak with them before we go, yes?" Turning down the hall in the direction of the nursery.

He set her down just outside of the nursery, following her in a she pushed the doors open. The nursery walls were the blues, pinks, and purples of the sunset. Blue and gold drapes hung from the ceiling. Aurora sat by the balcony, chatting quietly with Frigga, holding a tiny bundle to her breast.

Loki's breath hitched and he looked down at the girl.

Frigga looked up and smiled. "Mýrún, Loki, what adventures will you be pursuing today?"

Aurora smiled as Mýrún skipped over to her. "Ma ma, Father is taking me riding today!"

Aurora looked up at Loki. "He is, is he?"

Mýrún nodded, sending her golden curls flying.

"Oh Mýrún, you'll ruin your dress..." Frigga stated.

Mýrún waved her hand over her dress which was instantly transformed into a green tunic and black pair of pants with riding boots to match. Loki's heart swelled with pride at his daughter's apparent natural magical talent.

"You've been practicing!" Frigga replied with a clap.

Loki smiled and walked over to Aurora, kneeling next to her. He gently reached over and stroked Auron's tiny nose. The baby twitched in his slumber, but did not wake. He had a full head of black hair.

"How are you my love?" He asked.

Aurora looked up at him, squeezing his cool hand gently. "Much better today, thank you. Please be careful with her Loki, this isn't like the time you taught her to levitate, is it?"

Loki laughed.

"Loki I'm serious! It took her forever to get over her fear of falling. And Berghildr is much higher up than she was when she fell." Aurora said.

"All will be well, dearest, I swear it. If she is anything like you, she will do just fine." He said.

Aurora snorted. "There's that silver tongue I've missed." She kissed his hand.

Loki chuckled and planted a kiss on top of her head. "Come, Mýrún. The world awaits."

"Do be careful you two." Frigga said. Loki leaned down and kissed her cheek.

"Always, mother." He replied. Mýrún took his hand and began to drag him towards the hallway. He faked a stumble, allowing her to think she'd the strength to pull him and she laughed. As they walked down the Grand Hall in the directions of the stables, Loki paused at the sound of his name echoing of the walls.


He squinted his eyes as he tried to see through the glare of the sun. He couldn't make out who was calling for him.

"Brother, wake up. It's time!"

Loki glanced down at Mýrún who still held his hand. "You need to go with Uncle Thor..."

Before he could say anything, his body gave a violent jerk and he was once more in the healers room. Thor stood over him.

"It's time." He repeated.

Loki nodded and stood, stretching his back. His neck felt stiff and he rolled it from side to side. "The horses?"

"Saddled and ready. There is breakfast waiting in your chambers." Thor replied.

Loki sighed and looked down at Aurora. "I hope this works."

"It has to. I have faith, Loki." Thor said.

Loki turned. "'s all I have left." He mumbled.


Just over an hour later, Loki sat atop Sæhildr, his gray mare with her shiny black mane, galloping at an even pace to Thor's Gladr, a light brown gelding with hair nearly as golden and bright as his master's. The rainbow bridge's colors danced vibrantly in sync with the horses' hooves. It reminded Loki momentarily of their ill fated journey to Jotunheim. He wondered what would have happened had he never planted the idea in Thor's mind. Maybe he would never have found out about his heritage. Then Thor would be king, and he would have been happier...but he never would have met Aurora.

He shook his head, pushing the thoughts out of his mind. He knew more than anything that he would need a clear mind for the journey they were about to embark on.

The Bifrost came into clear view and Loki glanced to his left to see Thor looking at him. "All will be well, brother." He said.

Loki pulled on Sæhildr's reigns, slowing her down to a trot. He could see Heimdall in all his golden glory standing as he always did.

Thor dismounted Gladr, leading him up to the observatory entrance. "Heimdall, I trust you know-"

"You are correct. Though I cannot tell you where the tree is." Heimdall replied.

Loki quietly dismounted Sæhildr, patting her neck gently.

"You know my terms. Bifrost will remain available to you unless your return poses a threat to the Realm Eternal. At which time my ears will fall dead to your cries."

"I assure you, there will be no repeat of last time." Thor said.

Heimdall grunted, exhaling through his nose. "I know. I was talking to him." He pointed a gloved finger art Loki.

Loki paused, his hand resting on Sæhildr's neck. "I could spend countless hours, apologizing to you for my past transgressions. But I truly haven't the time."

"Just the same. I will have my eyes on you, Prince Loki."

Loki gave him a curt nod, leading the house into the room next to Thor.

"Alfheim is the realm of the Light Elves. While threats are minimal, they can happen. Especially given your past  transgressions. Few will trust you, and rightly so. All the same, ready yourselves and your horses."

Thor and Loki mounted their horses and trotted to the exit of the Bifrost and immediately were sucked out of the room in a blinding light.


Loki and Thor found themselves deposited in the middle of a dense forest. The trees were so full and thick that the sun was barely able to break through, though what sunlight did manage, was in blinding streams.

"Alright, the easy part is over, now what?" Thor asked.

"I'm afraid my ideas ran out the moment we left the Bifrost." Loki replied.

"Then we will simply have to do it the old fashioned way. I'm certain if we ask around, someone is bound to know something." Thor nudged Gladr gently and they started west. "The villages should be close, I can smell something burning."

"Klaufabrekka. It should be the first village we come to."  Loki replied.

Thor shot him a questioning look. "What? Unlike you brother, I actually paid attention during our studies. Plus, I've spent some time here when I was younger. The light folk are quite well versed in their magic."

As they continued on the path, the tops of grass huts came into view. "Should I be worried?" Thor asked.

"Only if they feel threatened. They are a peaceful race, but not foolish." Loki replied.

As the village came into better view, they ran into villagers on their way in or out. The smell of fresh rain on the earth mixed with the numerous herbs and flowers that hung from the stalls of the market was doing little too mask the smell of the animals.

The light folk were graceful, willowy beings with bright eyes, pointy ears and skin so pale it appeared translucent. The men were beautiful and the women, even more so. And they were beginning to stare.

Loki was the first to dismount, holding the reigns loosely. "Thor..." He whispered, smiling at a very scantily clad female elf. Thor dismounted with a thud. "It would not help our cause if we parade around like royalty."

He caught the hint of a smile on Thor's face and could almost hear him. "But we are royalty, brother." Loki rolled his eyes.

A thin elf with long platinum colored hair covering her bare breasts smiled at the two brothers. "Flowers, roots, or herbs my lords? We have but the finest you will find this side of the Raumelfr."

Thor paused, but Loki gripped his arm and tugged, smiling politely. "Thank you, but we must be on our way."

"I do have a question." Thor replied, offering her a smile that all but sparkled.

The elf maiden batted her lashes. "Perhaps I have the answer my Lord seeks?"

"What is your name, fair one?" Thor asked.

She smiled. "Una, my Lord.

"I am Thor and this," he pointed behind him. "Is Loki. We hail from-"

Una immediately dropped to her knees, causing other villagers to look on them. "Forgive me, Prince Thor and Prince Loki!"

Thor quickly helped her up. "Una, We are in search of Iðunn-"

The elf's bright eyes widened and she cut Thor off. "Keeper of the golden apples."

Thor nodded. "One and the same. My brother and I are in need of her help."

"I know of her, but not where she is. She was moved after-" Una cast an uneasy look towards Loki.

Loki stepped forward, cutting her off. "It is imperative that we find her."

She gave a slight jump at the tone in his voice and turned to face him. "I cannot help you, but I know of someone who can. Her name is Ríkuláta."

Loki's brow furrowed. "Ríkuláta?"

"She is a seer, living in the Fjällen mountains. She may have better answers than I." Una replied.

"I know who she is, but I heard rumor that she had died years ago." Loki said.

Una bowed her head. "I would think you of all people would know not to trust rumors, my Lord."

Loki pursed his lips as he considered her words, giving her a slight nod. He and Thor looked at one another briefly before Thor finally spoke up.

"Una, we thank you for your help." The brothers turned to leave.

Una's hand shot out, grabbing Loki's.

He spun around, meeting her doe-like eyes. "I can take you there!" She said.

"I'm afraid I cannot allow it, Una." Thor replied.

"Please my Lord, you don't know the forests as I do." She begged.


"Please! You said yourself it is imperative that you find her. Perhaps-"

"Una, no. We are thankful for your help and courage that you show, but we cannot allow you to come when we ourselves know not of the possible dangers. I'm afraid that is my final word." Loki said.

Her eyes seemed to fog over, but her grip on his hand did not loosen. "This journey of yours will be dangerous. These will give you protection from certain misfortune. Red clover, Feverfew, and root of the Mandrake. There is much to atone for." She closed his hand, wrapping her long slender fingers, which were much warmer than they appeared, around it.. "I wish you both safe travels."

Loki and Thor nodded their thanks, mounted their horses, and set off for the Fjällen mountains. As they exited the village, Loki opened his hand to find a small leather pouch.

"What was that about?" Thor asked.

"She was offering protection. I wonder if I should take that as a good thing..." He looked in it and smiled, tucking it away in his breast pocket. "Or a bad thing."

Thor chuckled, nudging his horse along. "Take it for what it is. Protection."

Loki nudged Sæhildr and soon he and Thor were heading east towards the Fjällen mountains at full gallop.
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More to follow soon! Please comment!