To Roam Into the Unknown


It was nearly nightfall by they time they reached the Fjällen mountains. Sometime during their travel, a gentle but steady rain had begun to fall.

Loki pulled on the reigns, bringing Sæhildr to a halt. Thor continued ahead, but turned to glance behind when he saw Loki had stopped. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"We can't continue in the dark." Loki said.

Thor trotted back towards Loki. "You're right. There was a small inn not far back."

Loki shook his head. "I prefer to stay close to the mountains. We waste time backtracking."

Thor looked around and nodded towards the eastern forest. "We can seek shelter for the night there."

Thunder rumbled overhead as they trotted into the forest. Few raindrops made it through the thick foliage. Thor dismounted Gladr and tied the reigns to a low lying tree branch. Loki looked around, scouting for any unseen dangers.

"Do you plan on sleeping up there, brother?" Thor chided.

Loki pursed his lips and dismounted, securing Sæhildr to the same branch. "I'm simply being cautious, Thor."

"I thought you've been her before." He said, gathering branches for a fire.

"I have. I just haven't been to these parts. And I don't trust places I'm unfamiliar with." Loki sighed and watched as Thor tried to no avail to start a fire. "Everything is wet, no fire will ever take. Honestly, Thor. You would think you've never done this before." He rubbed his hands together, closed his eyes, and concentrated his energy on the wood pile Thor had gathered. With a small blue spark, the wood ignited.

"Where would I be without you, brother?" Thor asked with a smile.

Loki tossed him a small parcel of food and sat by the fire. "I shudder to think."

Thor chuckled and tore into the dried meat. Loki took a bite of the tough meat, chewing to the point that his jaw hurt.

"What was it like for you...on Midgard?" Thor asked, leaning back on his elbows.

Loki's brows knitted together and he swallowed the lump of meat.

"I understand if you do not wish to discuss it-"

"No no, I don't mind..." Loki to a sip of water from his flask. "It was difficult." He nodded. "Truly difficult."

Thor took a bite of his bread. "Indeed."

"I killed a man..." He stared at the flames as they licked the air. "My first night there. I was so angry at...everything. It was raining and cold. And this...vagabond asked me for money. And instead, I killed him and his dog. I took his coat and his hat, and I left him there." He looked up, tears shimmering in his eyes. The look of horror on Thor's face was very clear. "What kind of man does that?" He looked back down and rubbed his eyes with his thumb and index finger, with a dark chuckle. "A monster, that's who does something like that."

"Loki, that isn't who you are anymore. You are no monster."

"Gods I hope not. What kind of father would I be to Mýrún?" He stared once more into the flames as if they revealed some hidden knowledge.

Thor looked confused. "Mýrún?"

A small smile played on his lips as the night's previous dream came back to him. "My daughter. I dreamt of her last night."

Thor smiled. "See? What monsters do you know of who dream? Of their own children no less? You are no monster." When Loki did not respond, Thor changed the subject. "How did you meet Aurora?"

A genuine smile spread across Loki's face. "I had a rather unfortunate run-in with a Midgardian vehicle."

Thor snorted as he bit into his dried meat. "I did that. Twice!"

"I was drunk. And angry. I don't remember much of the initial incident, but it was the closest to death I've ever been. Actually, I believe I was dead for a moment. At least that's what Aurora told me after I woke from the coma I was in." Thor looked confused again.

Loki rolled his eyes. "It's like...LokiSleep." A look of understanding crossed Thor's face and he nodded, chugging from his flask. "And I slept for 57 days. Aurora was the healer who assisted with my care. She was so unlike any mortal I'd ever encountered. She wasn't afraid of me, nor was she cruel."

"But how did the two of you-"

Loki shook his head, popping a piece of bread in his mouth. "I'm unsure to tell you truthfully. There was something about me leaving the hospital that she didn't agree with. She took me into her home and nursed me back to health. As time passed, we became friends and eventually romantic. She taught me how to be a Midgardian, how to cook, how to drive." He smiled. "How to enjoy movies and music...and she never misjudged me. She loved me."

"She loves you still, Loki. This shall pass and before you know it, you will be holding your daughter in your arms." Thor replied.

Loki finished off the last of his water, stretched out on the ground, and tucked his arms under his head. "We shall see..."


Sometime in the early morning hours, the sound of a snapping twig brought Loki out of his dreamless slumber. He pushed himself up on his elbows and looked over the smoldering fire. Thor snored loudly.

There was another snapping twig. "Thor!" He whispered. Thor continued to snor and rolled onto his side, away from Loki. Cursing silently, he pulled a short sword from under his bundled up cape. He stood, taking care to be as quiet as possible. As he stared in the direction of the noise, he caught a glimpse of platinum hair, and before he knew it, his legs were leading him in pursuit.

The closer he got, the faster he had to run. He ducked under branches and leapt over fallen trees, thorns and twigs scratching at his exposed flesh. Eventually he found himself at the bank of a river. He looked around, blade still in hand, trying to catch his breath. There was no sign of anyone. He raked his fingers through his hair, pushing it out of his eyes. Looking around one last time, he concluded that the person had moved on and that he was unsure of his location.

The river flowed calmly. Large willow trees lined the banks and their thin branches rustled gently in the warm breeze. It was then that he realized the birds were not chirping. All was silent. Never a good sign.

He took a step back, thick mud squishing under his boots. Then came the sound of something slithering. Something large. And hot breath onthe back of his neck.

"Prince Loki don't move! It's a river wurm!" Came a familiar cry.

He spun around on his heel and came face to face with a giant, green wurm. It had large sharp tusks on either side of it's gaping, multi-toothed mouth. It lunged at him from its place in the mud. Loki jerked back, tripped over a decayed tree, knocking the wind from him.

The wurm lunged again, its tusks landing on either side of Loki's head. A scream erupted from his lips as his sword kept the beast's fangs from devouring him. He turned his head as slime from the beast's mouth dripped onto his face. He felt something hard hit his hand, then something bounced off the wurm's tusk. Loki glanced to the side, barely able to make out Una's lithe form as she pelted the wurm and himself with rocks.

"UNA GET BACK! FIND THOR!" Loki screamed. With his free hand, he was just able to fish a throwing knife out of his boot and rammed it into the under belly of the beast, causing it to hiss in pain. Loki winced as thorn-like spines shot out from the wurm's mouth, catching him in his left shoulder and right lower abdomen, just above his groin. The wurm slithered to the side and raised into the air. He rolled to the right, just as the wurm slammed itself onto the ground. Scrambling to his feet, he raised the sword again as it lunged, slicing it across one of its many eyes.

The wurm screamed in pain and began to lunge again, pushing Loki closer to the river's edge. Somewhere along the way, the sword was knocked from his hand. .

"Don't let it get you in the water!" Una cried.

His vision suddenly blurred and there was a loud ringing in his ears. "UNA GO FIND MY BROTHER NOW!" He jumped to the side as the wurm swiped at his feet with its head, but stumbled as his legs gave out. He collapsed in the shallow water. The wurm loomed overhead, blocking out the early morning sunlight, poised to strike.

Loki, barely able to make out anything more than a dark shadow, searched the muddy water blindly for his weapon. Gripping the blade once more, he thrust upwards with a furious cry. There was a loud hum followed by a shriek and the wurm came crashing down, right next to his head, and moved no more.

"LOKI!" He heard Thor cry.

Loki's head fell back into the water with a sigh of relief. A pair of hands gripped him under his arms and drug him to dry land. His body suddenly felt as if fire was burning under his flesh. He tried to focus his vision, but could not. His eyes involuntarily closed and his head lolled back.

"LOKI!" Thor yelled. He slapped his face, bringing him back to consciousness.

"It was a...River wurm..." He managed to say before rolling into his side and vomiting.

"He's been poisoned!" Una exclaimed, kneeling next to him. "These barbs are laced with the wurm's venom."

Thor looked at her with wide blue eyes, then back down at Loki. "What do I do?" He asked.

Loki retched again. "P-pull them out dammit!" He snapped.

"I can do it, my Lord..." Una said. "Do you still have the pouch I gave you?" She asked.

"I-in my..." He patted his chest. Thor felt around until he felt the pouch in his breast pocket, and pulled it out.

"I'm going to pull out the barbs. It's going to hurt, but I have to do it or the outcome will not be pleasant." Una said.

Loki chuckled like a madman. "Just do it!" He snapped.

Una looked to Thor. "You may want to restrain him." She gripped the barb in his lower abdomen. Thor gripped Loki's arms and nodded to her. She gave the barb a vicious yank, but his blood combined with the slime from the wurm caused her hands to slip, jarring it. A painful howl erupted from Loki's lips, followed by an array of curses. He writhed as the pain reverberated through his body, fighting to be free of Thor's iron like grip.

"It's almost out!" She said, gripping it once more. "When I pull it out, I'll need you to put the contents of the pouch over the wound and hold pressure." She said, meeting Thor's gaze. He nodded. Una wrapped her gown around the barb for traction and gave it one final pull. Loki's screams increasingly got louder as she pulled.

Una nearly fell backwards as the barb came free. "Now, Thor!" She hissed.

Thor ripped the pouch open with his teeth, poured the herbs into the wound and pressed his hands firmly against it. She tossed the barb aside and scrambled to Loki's left side.

His face was pale and splattered with mud and blood. "I need...a...moment..." He gasped.

Una shook her head. "We don't have a moment." She wrapped her gown around her hands and gripped the barb.

Loki's eyes widened. "Wait! Wait!"

"Forgive me!" Una cried as she pulled the barb with all her strength, giving a triumphant yell when it came out easier than the previous one. She pulled a pouch over her head and emptied the contents into the second wound. Loki rolled over and vomited a third time. Una forced him onto his back and pressed her hand over the wound, once more meeting Thor's eyes.

"What happens next?" He asked.

"We wait for the herbs to take effect." Una replied. "But we should move him from here. Wurms live by water and if there was one, there is sure to be more. They excrete pheromones when they locate prey signaling to the others for help." She ripped her gown into two thick strips, tossing one to Thor. "Bandage it tightly so we don't lose the herbs."

" the God...of mischief..." Loki grumbled, his eyes rolling deliriously.

Thor tied the bandage tightly, causing Loki to grimace. "Yes, well you certainly aren't the God of luck." He grunted, hoisting him over his shoulder. "Come along, Una."


Thor watched as Loki, brow wet with sweat, tossed and turned in his sleep. "What is happening to him?"

Una wiped at his brow, and glanced up at him. "His body is fighting the venom."

"I do not like the way he's moving. Are these herbs of yours working?"

Una lifted Loki's head, forcing him to drink some water. "If he were not moving then I would be worried. The herbs are causing him to sweat of the effects of the venom. He just needs time." She gave him more water.

"Time...." Loki croaked, opening his eyes. "Is something I don't have." He knocked the flask out of her hand and attempted to sit up. "Gods, what are you forcing down my throat?"

"My Prince, please. It will take much longer for it to work if you do not rest-" Una scrambled to retrieve the flask.

"I will rest when I'm dead!" Loki barked.

"Which will be much sooner if you do not listen to her!" Thor pushed him back down. "Do not be foolish, Loki. You have come to far too be reckless now."

Loki glared at him, but took the flask from Una and drank. He knew Thor was right, but he was angry. "What were you doing out here, Una?" He asked.

"I-" she looked at him with wide eyes.

"I am the God of lies, so you would do well to be truthful." His voice was low and precise.

"I followed you." She answered. "But it was only because I knew of the dangers of this region." She explained.

"After we specifically told you not to. And then you ran after I called for you to stop."

Una blanched. "You were brandishing a sword! And I didn't know it was you so I ran."

"Loki, you would be dead if not for her." Thor said quietly, stoking the fire.

"I am rather painfully aware of that." He snapped, turning to face her one more. "Una, I am indebted to you." He said a bit softer.

She smiled. "I only wish to help."

"Do you know where we can find Ríkuláta?" Thor asked.

Una looked up at him from across the flames as she broke apart herbs she had gathered while Loki was unconscious. "She resides in the northern caverns."

Loki tried to stand. "Then that is where we will go."

Thor grabbed him by his uninjured arm and yanked him back down. "Tomorrow. You'll need your strength. Think of Aurora. Of Mýrún." He said sternly.

As much as Loki wanted to argue, he held his tongue because he knew Thor was right, though he wouldn't tell him that. He sat back against the tree, brought the flask up to his lips and finished the contents.
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Happy Valentine's Day my lovelies! Sorry for the delay, been fighting pneumonia (total bummer). Please comment!