To Roam Into the Unknown


Loki felt as though he were dreaming, and yet she stood before him. Her golden hair hung loose around her shoulders. She wore a long blue gown which covered her modestly, the long sleeves opened just below the elbow and flowed down, nearly touching the ground.

"How is this possible?" Thor asked, looking to Loki. "Mother said she was dead."

"I saw you die with my own eyes." Loki hissed, glaring at her.

The smug smile faded from her face, replaced with a look of grief. "Wha-this is impossible!"

"Something we agree on." Loki said.

"What is going on?" Thor asked.

"You miserable bitch. It's because of you that Aurora is in her present state!" He charged at her, but Thor pressed a firm hand to his chest, holding him back.

Amora frowned, backing up against the tree. "Just what do you believe I've done?"

Loki chuckled cynically. "As if you don't know. You sought me out on Midgard, terrorized and tortured Aurora, and tried to kill me. Does any of this jog your memory?!" Loki cried.

"What you speak of was not done by my hands!" She replied, the twig in her hands snapping.

A bright green ball of energy formed in one of Loki's hands. "Stop lying! Do you take me for a fool? My mother and I both saw you!"

"You saw my sister, Lorelei! My twin sister." Amora said.

"Loki, she speaks true." Thor said, grabbing his arm wielding the energy ball. Loki struggled to free his arm. "THINK LOKI!" He lowered his voice. "THINK back to why you were in such trouble ask those years ago!"

Loki exhaled through his nose, trying to make sense of everything. And then he remembered. He met Thor's stern gaze and the energy ball dissipated.

"She is bound to this tree for eternity." Thor said.

"I did not know what she was doing." Amora said, wiping a tear from her cheek.

"Then why did she use your name?" Loki asked.

"I don't know!" She answered through clenched teeth.

"What is the last thing you remember about her?" Thor asked.

She shook her head, lowering herself down in a nearby boulder. "The last time I saw her was just after I was retrieved. Before they sent me here."

"Why did she come after Aurora?" Thor asked.

She shot Loki a scathing look. "Why do you think?"

"I am utterly lost." He replied.

"She knew of my heartache and in my anger I spoke out against you. I can only imagine she sought revenge against you because I could not." She said.

Loki scoffed. "Revenge? I rescued you after Þjazi stole you away!"

"He didn't steal me away! I chose to go with Þjazi because we were in love! And because of you he died!" She cried.

Loki was at a loss for words and plopped down on one of the tree's exposed roots. He ran a hand through his hair and looked at her. "Amora, I did not know, you must believe that." He said quietly.

"Fortunately for you, I do." She snapped. "My sister...What did she do?" She asked, calming her tone.

"I think the more appropriate question is what didn't she do?" Loki replied.

"You mentioned the name Aurora. What happened to her?"

"She tried to kill her, and my unborn child." Loki answered.

Amora looked up at him in horror. "That cannot be true! Lorelei...She was troubled, but-"

"I've no reason to lie to you, Amora." Loki said.

She nodded. "What else did she do?"

"I don't know if you were aware of her skills in sorcery?" Thor said.

Amora nodded. "She was apprentice to Karnilla. I didn't approve, but that never stopped her before."

Loki went on to inform her of every one of Lorelei's transgressions that he was aware of, even the extent of his infidelity. Amora listened intently, an array of emotions showing on her face as she did.

"She was always troubled...She heard me talk of my disdain for you. You must know, no matter how angry I was with you, I would never have approved of my sister's action. To harm a woman with child..." She shook her head in disgust, a sob erupting from her lips. "But she was still my sister!"

Thor and Loki said nothing as she cried. Neither knew how to react.

She wiped her face and stood up. "I can tell by the shock on your faces earlier that you did not come to inform me of Lorelei's death. Why are you here?" She asked.

Loki stood. "We've come to ask for and Apple."

"You both are Asgardian, what need have you for one of my apples?"

"Aurora. She and the child will die without one...I can't lose her. Surely you can sympathize?" He asked.

She turned to Thor. "And you? Why do you seek the Apple?"

Thor cleared his throat. "The woman I love will die without one."

Amora turned to the tree, tracing the bark with her fingers. "I assume these women are both mortal?"

"They are." Thor said.

"And the All Father agreed to this?" She asked.

"Of course he did." Loki said.

"I will grant you each one apple." She said.

Loki let out the breath he'd been holding and fell to one knee before her. "Amora tha-"

"On one condition." She added.

Loki looked up at her. "Anything."

"You must go to Helheim, and retrieve Þjazi. Bring him to me so that we may be reunited."

Thor sucked in a breath. "Hel will never allow it."

"Then you must convince her, that is the only way I will grant you the apples." She said.

Loki stood, brushing off his pants. "And once Þjazi is returned to you, what then?"

"That is none of your concern." She replied.

"I hope you don't plan on abandoning your post again. Mortality would befall us, and all of this will have been for nothing." Thor said.

"I haven't thought that far ahead yet. Once he is returned to me, then we can figure out the rest." Amora stroked an apple, lost in thought.

"Very well." Thor said.

Loki stared at the back of Amora's head, unsure of what to think. "We will return as soon as we can." He said.

"You know where to find me." She said quietly.

Turning away, Loki looked to the sky. "Heimdall! To Hel!" The last thing he saw before leaving, was Amora's sorrowful eyes watching them, glimmering with hope.


The first thing Loki noticed was the smell. Death had a very specific aroma, one that no one could mistake. It made his nose burn and eyes water, and he fought to stop himself from vomiting.

Thor held his cape over his face, taking in their surroundings.

The wind whipped around them and above them they could make out the distinct sound of wings hidden by the darkness. A thick mist covered everything.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Thor said.

"And what spawned that feeling? The fact that we are quite literally in Hel, or that if we succeed, we will have rescued someone who most likely wants me dead?" Loki asked, making his way north.

"Brother, do not stray! We are on dangerous territory." Thor said, following closely.

There was a loud rumbling like that of a beast and the ground beneath them shook.

"Was that you?" Loki asked, glancing at Thor. There was another loud rumble and the ground shook again.

"You know well it wasn't." Thor said, lowering his voice. There was a crash and the ground shook violently, knocking them down. "Loki! Are you alright?" He asked.

Loki opened his eyes and propped himself up on his elbows. "I'm uninjured, you?" He called.

"Fine. Wha-" there was a loud growl. "I don't believe that was thunder." Thor's eyes widened as a large claw skimmed just over his head and landed on Loki, pinning him to the ground.

"Loki!" Thor screamed.

"Thor!" Another growl cleared the mist. "It's Garm!" Loki cried, grabbing the claw to prevent it from crushing him. Standing over him was a large dog-like creature with two heads, eyes black as night, and fur thickly coated in blood. It's mouth was so close, Loki could see bits of bone and flesh between fangs sharper than any blade. The stench on its breath caused Loki to turn his head and vomit.

Thor cursed as he jumped to his feet, swinging Mjolnir, preparing to fight.

"STOP!" A voice boomed.

Thor turned around. Looming over him was a giantess welding a staff in one hand and a shield in the other. Her skin was the gray-blue shade of death. Long black hair fell in tangles over her shoulders, covering what her rusted breast plate didn't. Around her waist was a wolf skin loincloth.

"Who are you? Call off your beast!" Thor demanded.

"I am Modgud, guardian of the river Gjallarbrú. Sons of Odin, state your business." She said, ignoring his request and glaring down at them.

"We request an audience with Hel." Thor stated.

"Regarding what?"

Thor narrowed his eyes. "A matter of life and death."

She smirked. "He may pass, but I'm afraid you will have to wait here."

"I go nowhere without my brother!" He yelled.

"Then perhaps you should leave, destroy a realm, kill thousands, attempt patricide and fratricide, and then return. We would welcome you with open arms. Hel is for those who've died ingloriously, you would do better in Valhalla." She said.

"We are not dead." Thor replied.

Modgud laughed. "Not yet."

Thor looked to Loki, unsure of what to do. "I will be alright!" Loki cried.

"No harm will come to him?" Thor asked.

Modgud glanced at Loki. "That depends solely on your brother. I expect no mischief from you, Prince Loki."

"You have my word! Now call off your beast!" Loki yelled.

She whistled and Garm trotted to her side and laid at her feet, never taking his eyes off Loki.

Thor hurried to his side, helping him to his feet. "Loki, are you sure about this? I don't like it." He whispered.

"There's nothing we can do about it now." Loki said, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. "I will be alright." He said, when Thor didn't look convinced. He turned to face Modgud and bowed. "By your leave, my lady."

She narrowed her eyes at him, unmoved by his chivalry. "Your silver tongue will get you nowhere here, dark Prince."

He said nothing as she stepped aside, walking through the large iron gates. They closed with a clang and he looked around as a chill shot down his spine. Though Thor was not with him, he was definitely not alone.
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In lieu of the reactions from last chapter, I thought I would update a tad bit sooner. Faith in author restored, I hope! Much love and as always, please comment!