To Roam Into the Unknown

Much to Atone For

Frigga lay on a chaise lounge in the day room of the highest tower in the castle, basking in the warmth of the sun. Odin sat at his study, reading over the documents that had stacked up during his rest.

"Have you any word of our sons?" She asked, eyes closed.

"I have not." He replied, lifting a piece of parchment closer to his face to read.

"It's been over a week since we've heard anything, should I be worried?" She asked.

"My dear, I can tell you not to worry, but we both know you will do it either way." He said with a sigh. He set the paper back down and turned to face her. "Heimdall is under direct order to report to me only in the event of something dire. Therefore it is a good thing we haven't heard anything." He patted her hand.

She opened her eyes, looked over at him and smiled. "I suppose you're ri-"

There was a loud clang as the doors opened and two einherjar rushed in with Æsa the healer in tow. Odin and Frigga stood. "What is the meaning of this?" Odin demanded.

The two soldiers dropped to one knee. "Forgive us, your majesties." One answered.

Æsa stepped forward, wringing a cloth in her hands nervously. "It is the Midgardian, Aurora."

Frigga's hand went to her mouth. "She is worse?"

Æsa smiled, eyes glazed over with emotion. "On the contrary. She is awake."

In an instant, the king and queen were hurrying down the many flights of stairs to the healers ward. When they entered, the drapes were drawn allowing sunlight to pour in. Jane sat next to the bed talking to Aurora who sat propped up against the headboard.

"Aurora?" Frigga said, walked toward her.

"Yes?" She replied.

Frigga smiled and sat next to her. "Do you know where you are?" She asked.

"I think it's safe to say I'm not in Kansas anymore?" Aurora asked.

Jane snorted and giggled. "No Aurora. Far from it."

"My name is Frigga and this, " she gestured to her husband.

"You're Odin." Aurora replied.

He stepped forward and nodded. "We meet again."

"How are you feeling?" Frigga asked.

"Truthfully? I'm starving. I would kill for a slice of pizza." She replied.

"I'm afraid we do not have any of that here, but I'm sure we can find something for you to eat." Odin responded, nodding to a nearby servant.

Aurora watched as the servant hurried out of the room and laid her head back, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Aurora? Are you alright?" Frigga asked.

She opened her eyes and sighed. "I'm...overwhelmed. Can I see Loki? The last time we spoke, things were said that shouldn't have been..." She said.

Jane reached over and grabbed her hand. "He and Thor have gone out." She said.

"When will they be back?"

"Soon." Odin answered.

"Aurora, why don't we take you to your room?" Jane asked.

"This isn't my room?" She asked, glancing around.

Frigga laughed. "Heavens no! We have a room for you in north tower."

Aurora smiled. "Alright." She pushed the blankets aside.

"Do you feel strong enough to walk?" Jane asked, standing next to her.

"I think so." Aurora placed her feet on the floor. Odin stepped next to her, offering her his arm. She smiled up at him and linked her arm with his, allowing him to help her up.


Aurora was awe struck as she was lead down the massive hallways. The marble floors should have been cold, but they were as warm as summer sand. Giant marble pillars held up vaulted ceilings. She listened in earnest as Odin explained about the construction of the castle.

"Here we are, my dear." He said, stopping just outside a large wooden door. It had a beautiful carving of a woman holding a large shield.

Aurora reached out, lightly tracing the carving with her fingers. Odin nodded and the two einherjar opened the doors.

It was all Aurora could do to control her excitement. She gasped as she took in the beautiful marble floor with it's fur rugs. There was a bed large enough for five people. Large plush pillows and blankets made of fur decorated the surface. It's dark oak posts stretched for the impossibly tall ceiling. There were the fireplaces with beautiful alabaster mantles. Silk drapes of black green and gold hung in various places from the ceiling. In the center of the room was an elegant crystal chandelier.

"When the sunlight his it just right, the room is enveloped in a shower of colors." Frigga said, smiling.

Aurora turned, forcing her mouth to close. Two large glass doors opened up to a magnificent marble balcony with giant stone pillars holding up a trellis with beautiful vines entangled around it. She walked out onto the balcony and leaned over as far as she dare. Below were the colorful gardens full of the most brightly colored flees she'd ever seen and beyond that was the crystal blue ocean.

"What do you think?" Jane asked.

"I don't know what to think! It's all so beautiful-I'm overwhelmed!" She brought a hand up to her head. "This can't be my's bigger than my last house."

Odin chuckled. "Perhaps you should rest. I will send for your food to be delivered here immediately."

Aurora looked at Odin and then to Frigga, and finally to Jane. "Thank you all so much..." She replied, fighting to control her emotions. "I don't know what I expected, but this certainly goes beyond any of it."

Frigga stepped forward and held Aurora out at arms reach, smiling brightly at her. "My dear, Loki loves you, and that is enough for us." She wrapped her arms around her. "Welcome home." She whispered.

Aurora laughed through her tears. "This is all so surreal!"

Jane smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear. "It took me a while to accept everything too, but now...I can't imagine ever going back."

There was a knock on the door and two chamber maids entered, each carrying a silver platter of food.

"We shall leave you to your dinner, my dear." Frigga said, smoothing Aurora's hair back.

Odin held out his arm, and with a slight bow of his head, escorted the queen out. Jane turned to leave, but Aurora called to her.

"Would you stay? I...have so many questions. That is if you don't mind..." she said.

Jane smiled and closed the door. "I don't mind at all."


The air circling around Loki was cold and damp, even for him. A thick mist hovered just over the ground, disappearing as his boot made contact with the moss covered ground. There was no sound. No wind rustling the leaves, no chirping birds. Just the sound of his own breathing.

Every now and again he would see something out of the corner of his eye, but when he turned to look, there was nothing to be seen except for fog. The further he walked, the more convinced he was that someone or something was following him. He picked up his pace and continued north on the path until a twig snapped directly beside him. He came to a halt, looking around. "Whoever you are, show yourself!" He demanded.

Another branch snapped and instantly his dagger was in his hand. He spun around with a cry and plunged the blade into the fog. There was a small cry and the fog dispersed. Loki gasped, dropping the blade. Una stood before him, wide eyed and holding her abdomen. Beneath her hand, a bright red stain began to form.

"Una? Una!!" He caught her as her knees buckled.

"L-Loki..." she gasped.

"Let me see!" He cried, moving her hands. As he feared, the blade pierced her stomach at the worst location. He ripped his tunic off and pressed it firmly to the wound. "Una! Why are you here?!" He whispered sadly.

She winced. "I only wanted to see you once more...I'm sorry."

Loki shook his head. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know-"

"I know you didn't..." she coughed, her eyes widening. "I'm...Loki I'm dying-"

"No! Una no. I won't let you." He said, feeling around his pockets for the pouch shed first given him. Ríkuláta had refilled it just before they'd left. He tore it open with his teeth, emptying the contents over the wound.

Una cried out as he once more added pressure. He looked down at his blood soaked hands. "They're not working. Una, they aren't working." He said, becoming slightly frantic.

He closed his eyes, trying to calm himself when he felt a warm, wet hand on his cheek. He opened his eyes and looked down at her. "What do I do?"

She shook her head, a weak smile on her lips.

"What do I do, Una?" He asked, his throat tightening.

"I'm dying." She said, her eyelids fluttering.

"Una! No! Not today." Loki cried. He eased her down on to the cool, damp ground. He held his hands out over her and closed his eyes, summoning his magic. He concentrated on her, forming the same barrier over her that he had previously used on Aurora. When he finally opened his eyes, Una's eyes were closed.

He looked up at the sky, silently cursing the Norns for their cruelty. Standing, he picked Una up in his arms and began to walk once more on the mossy path.


Loki walked for what seemed like hours. The silence was deafening, leaving him alone with his thoughts. 'I am poison to those around me...I am cursed.'

Without him realizing how he'd arrived, he found himself standing before a dark, decrepit castle. On either side of the gates sat a large gray wolf, each bearing their fangs, growling dangerously. Loki stopped, holding Una's frail body close.

"I AM LOKI, OF ASGARD! I REQUEST PERMISSION TO ENTER!" He yelled. The wolves were now on all fours, ready to pounce and growing murderously.

"I know well who you are, Son of Laufey. Why have you come?" Echoed a disembodied voice.

"I have come to speak with Hel." He called.

"What is it you wish to discuss?"

Loki sighed, looking around for the source of the voice. "Might I come in? I have an injured girl with me, she needs to rest." The massive doors creaked and groaned on their rusted hinges as they opened. Loki stared expectantly into the dark beyond the doorway.

"You may enter, Prince of Asgard."

Knowing that wolves smelled weakness, he strode past them with his head held high. The inside of the castle was very dark. Torches lined the stone walls, their flames flickering wildly against the draft. He could hear water dripping from the ceiling and splashing into puddles on the floor.

Soon he came to another door which opened without him touching it. He walked through and into a large throne room. The few stained glass windows that were there were mostly broken out. A large iron throne was in the center of the room and perched upon it was a thin, tall woman. Her dark brown hair hung in matted tangles around her bare shoulders. Each bare arm rested on the arms of the throne . She wore a brass breast plate and sheer skirt that hung to her bare feet. Another rabid looking wolf rested at her feet though it's eyes never left Loki.

"Loki." She said, regarding him with distaste..

Loki nodded, lowering himself to one knee before her. This show of respect took Hel by surprise, though it was shown by the slightest flicker of her eyes.. "Hel."

She lifted her chin, looking down on him. "Why have you come?" She demanded.

"I've come to plead for the release of Þjazi." He answered. Upon hearing his response, Hel gripped the arms of the throne, digging her nails into it.

"And why do you believe that I would allow it?" She asked, sitting up straight in the throne.

Loki both the inside of his cheek and looked down at Una in his arms. "Truthfully, I've no idea why you would. I certainly wouldn't if our roles were reversed." He sighed and looked down at Una in his arms, then back up at Hel. "But I am desperate."

Hel's lips curled up into a smile. "The God of Mischief. All out of tricks. Have you brought me some sort of sacrifice?" She asked, looking at Una.

He narrowed his eyes. "Absolutely not. She is my charge."

"And you seem to be doing such a wonderful job. Tell me, is it true that elven blood is as cold as their hearts?" She asked, leaning forward.

Loki swallowed the insults he so badly wanted to shout. "No. It's actually quite the opposite." He said quietly, glancing down at Una.

"What have you done to her?" She asked, stroking the wolf's neck.

"It was an accident."

"Elaborate, please."

"I don't have time for your games!" Loki snapped.

"If I recall correctly, you came to me for help." She shot back. The wolf at her feet growled.

Loki glared at her though he knew she had the upper hand. He gently lay Una's body on the cold, damp floor and stood. "I thought I was being followed and the beings in this realm aren't exactly known for their kindness. I...struck first without giving her time to announce herself." He answered quietly.

Hel clicked her tongue and shook her head. "That was a brash move, Loki. One very out of character for you. Why so nervous?"

"I've come to retrieve Þjazi to return him to Iðunn. And in return, she will grant me one of her apples." He said.

Hel arched a brow at this. "You are immortal, are you not?"

"I am. But my wife is not."

"What?" She threw her head back and laughed. "Oh this is too rich! Can it be? The God of Mischief has lost his heart to the very race he tried to destroy?"

"I never tried to destroy them." He said.

"But you didn't care anything about them." She started.

Loki shook his head slowly. "No."

"So please, tell me. What melted this frost giant's frozen heart?" She was practically sitting on the edge of her seat.

"Not what. Who. Her name is Aurora Moreau and I love her." He said.

"You who could have your pick of any Asgardian woman. Why her?" She took a sip from a silver goblet.

"No woman of Asgard has ever given me a second thought, especially after the truth about my birth was revealed. Nevermind the fact that I tried to overthrow the throne. When I landed on Midgard, I truly was lost. She found me and cared nothing about my past. She loved me for me." He said.

"So why the rush for immortality?" Hel asked.

"Amora-" he paused and corrected himself. "Lorelei tracked me down and attacked Aurora. Despite our healers best efforts, her health is still failing. And if she dies, she takes with her the life of my daughter."

Hel set the goblet down teaching the edge with her finger. "So she is with child. I'm sure you are aware that it will be part Jotun. Her body won't be able to withstand it as it grows. She'll die before she gives birth."

"This is why I seek the apples. I've found the one person in all the nine realms who knows everything about me and still loves me. I can't lose her. She is my only hope for redemption." Loki pleaded.

Hel stood, sending the wolf scrambling to its feet. "Though I understand your quest, I still feel that I need more convincing. Gather the child, I will find a room for her where she will be unharmed."

"We cannot afford to stay! Hel-"

"You single handedly eradicated an entire race! And nearly wiped Jotunheim out of existence. Not to mention your dealings with Thanos and the attack on Midgard. You have much to atone for, Son of Laufey."
♠ ♠ ♠
For everyone who thinks Loki can't catch a break, just remember all the shit he stirred up. But stay with me, the end is in sight. As always, comment please! Much love!