To Roam Into the Unknown


Loki slammed the staff on the cobblestone, shattering the sphere that sat atop. With his boot he kicked the broken glass around until he found the green stone that had been encased. He then pulled the orange stone from the collar of the wolf, pocketed them and hurried out of the castle. He froze at the door as he remembered Una. She was still in the castle, frozen by his spell.

Without a second thought, he ran back into the castle and over to where he'd laid her by the fireplace. She was still frozen in time, eyes closed. He hesitated for only a moment before scooping her into his arms and heading out into the mists of Helheim once more.

He hurried past the wandering souls that now moved aimlessly around the fields that he had first crossed. His lungs felt as though they would bust. The massive gates came into view at the other side of the roiling river. "THOR!!" He cried.

He could just make out a swirl of red as Thor gripped the rails of the fence. "Loki! What-"

Thor's eyes widened as Loki moved closer. "Is that Una?" He asked.

Loki stopped at the entrance of the gate as it creaked open. "I haven't the time to explain. Take her!" He handed Una over to Thor, taking care not to cross the threshold of the gate. Once she was out of his arms, he turned and ran as fast as his legs could carry him over the river once more. He came to a halt when he saw the many trees lining the river bank.

He cursed silently. "Of course this wouldn't be easy." He said to himself. He began to walk under and around the trees, looking up into each one. "Þjazi!" He called.

He heard rustling in one of the trees and walked over to it, looking up. "Þjazi, It's Loki, of Asgard. I've come to-" he was blindsided by something swooping down. He stumbled back as Þjazi's talons scratched his right eye and face. The warm blood tricked down and he wiped at it with the back of his hand, scurrying to press his back against the trunk of one of the trees.

"I'm here to reunite you with Amora!" He yelled. He ducked quickly as the massive bird screeched and swooped to attack again. Loki swung in the air, fighting him off.

"Dammit! I do not have time for this!" He screamed, ripping the green stone from his pocket. He held it up and squeezed it. A bright green light erupted from it and Þjazi was literally sucked into it. Loki took in a deep breath and smoothed his hair back, tucking the stone away once more.

He felt the earth beneath him quake violently and the stench of rotted meat filled his nose. Garm was near. The ground shook again and Loki was instantly reminded of the movie he'd watched with Aurora where the children were chased by an enormous reptile. Without a moment's hesitation, Loki was hurtling towards the bridge faster than he knew he was capable.

Garm roared, chasing Loki towards the bridge. He was so close Loki could feel the beast's hot breath on the back of his neck. "THOR!" He screamed as his feet hit the bridge.

Loki lunged to the left as Garm's massive paw attempted to swipe at him, narrowly missing a large root. The monster behind him snapped its jaws, one of the jagged teeth catching Loki on his right shoulder. He stumbled but didn't stop.

Thor held up Mjolnir, calling on his lightning. The gate was so close. Loki pushed himself harder. "Heimdall!!" He screamed, throwing himself through gate. Garm crashed through the gate just as the rainbow bridge opened up, sucking the trio into the cosmos.


Loki screamed as he landed with a thud on the shoulder that Garm had bitten. Thor landed next to him, still cradling Una. He sighed and let his blonde head fall back when he realized they were back on Muspelheim.

Loki rolled onto his stomach, shooting out the mouthful of dust he'd inhaled on impact. "Is it me or does he seem to be getting less graceful with his landings?" He mumbled, pushing himself up to his knees.

Thor sat up, holding Una close. "Just be thankful he answered in time, Loki."

Loki stood, examining the wound on his shoulder. "Oh I'm quite thankful. I just don't know how much more of his rough landings my body can take. Not all of us can fly, you know."

"Did you get him?" Thor asked.

Loki held up the glowing green stone. "Tucked away for safe keeping."

"Is that what I think it is?"

"If you think it to be one of the six Infinity Stones, then you'd be correct."

"Two? We now hold two Infinity Stones. That is unheard of, even for Asgard." Thor said in awe.

Loki smirked. "If that is unheard of, then it must be truly spectacular to possess three Infinity Stones." He replied, fishing the other out of his pocket.

Thor's mouth dropped open slightly. "Loki this could be very bad...we could be seen as a threat if word gets out."

"Perhaps. Though we'll just have to wait and see. I did what I had to do to escape." Loki answered.

Thor looked down at Una's pale features. "What did you do, Loki?"

Loki looked over at her, and his features hardened. "What I had to do. However, Una was an accident."

"That wound looks pretty deliberate, brother."

"Well it was deliberate. And meant for the person who I thought was stalking me for more nefarious reasons."

Thor frowned. "Loki!"

"What was I to do, Thor? I knew someone was following me!" He cried angrily. "I just didn't know it was her." He said more softly. He felt nothing but guilt as he stared down at the young elf. "I called out for you to make yourself known...why didn't you say something?" He asked her, brushing her hair out of her face.

"What happened in there?" Thor asked. "Did you kill her?"

Loki sighed rubbing his face. "No, though perhaps I should have. I trapped her in the dungeon with an old binding spell."

"You know how she is. Loki, there will be repercussions." Thor said.

Loki shrugged, dusting off his clothes. None of that matters right now, Thor." He began walking.

Thor chuckled, changing the subject. "That binding spell...was it the same one you used to use on me?"

Loki grinned. "The very same." The two laughed and began the trek back to Amora's lair.

Thor's face fell. "Loki, she will seek revenge. Hel knows how to hold a grudge."

"Don't all women?" Loki grunted as they climbed up a steep hill.

"For your sake, Loki, I hope not." Thor replied.


Aurora opened her eyes to the sun's warm rays shining on her face. The baby moved relentlessly, making it difficult to find a comfortable position. There was a knock at the door and she pushed herself up on her elbows. "Come in."

Jane entered wearing a red dress with gold trim. Her long brown hair was in a simple braid over her shoulder. "How are you feeling?"

Aurora yawned. "Like I can't sleep or eat enough." She winced as a tiny foot kicked her rib. She rubbed the area. "And the baby is restless."

Jane smiled. "You're progressing along nicely." She say next to her on the bed.

Aurora looked down at her hands. "That's what I'm afraid of. What if...I die before I get to see Loki again?" She asked quietly.

Jane reached over and squeezed her hand gently. "Aurora, maybe they're wrong, you know? Back on earth, misdiagnoses happen all the time. What's to say that isn't the case here? I mean, you're eating well, the baby is growing."

Aurora forced a smile. "I don't feel like I'm dying."

"See? Maybe all of this is a precaution."

Aurora nodded and her stomach growled loudly.

Jane giggled. "Let's go get breakfast."

Aurora got out of bed and walked into her closet. "You say that like this is the Holiday Inn." She called over her shoulder. She selected a beige gown with tiny pearls fringing the short sleeves. She combed her hair and draped a silk shaw over her hair.


Loki and Thor reached Amora and her tree a few hours after they landed.

"Could he not have beamed us to the damn tree from the beginning?" He grumbled.

"He cannot send us to somewhere he can't see." Thor replied.

"Either way, the tree is hidden from him and everyone else save for you two." Amora said, stepping from behind the tree. She wore a long black gown with long sleeves. Her golden hair was piled on top of her head.

Loki straightened. "Amora."

She nodded her head toward Una. "What happened to her?"

"That isn't important." Thor answered.

"I trust your journey was fruitful then?" She asked, her ruby lips curving upward into a smile.

"I do not wish to drag this out. Here is your precious Þjazi." Loki pulled the green stone from his pocket.

Amora's smile widened. "Follow me."

Loki and Thor exchanged glances, but followed her nevertheless. She walked to the back of the tree and placed her hand on a stone slab between two of the massive roots. There was a low rumble and the slab slid open, revealing a flight of stairs.

The stairs gave way at the bottom to an open room. It had all the furnishings of an upper class Asgardian home. To the left of the stairs were two separate rooms.

"So you don't sleep in the tree, I take it." Loki asked with a smooth.

Amora narrowed her eyes as she lit a candle. "No. As it so happens, your father was still generous enough to hide me in comfort." She picked up the candle. "You may lay her here, then come into the first room on the right."

Thor lay Una down and feel into step behind Loki. Amora pushed the door open and set to lighting the numerous candles around the room. Loki rolled his eyes, snapped his fingers and instantly the remaining candles sparked to life.

Amora looked over her shoulder. "Thank you."

Loki nodded his head. "What the Hel is that?" He asked. Something lay on a bed, covered with a black shroud.

Amora walked over and pulled back the shroud. A man with dark brown hair and a full beard. A thick scar lined his cheek. He was clearly dead.

Thor stepped forward. "Is this-"

"Þjazi. Yes." Amora said quietly.

"How did you get his body?" Loki asked.

"Lorelei. She brought him to me...saved him from the funeral pyre." She said.

"Do I even want to know who she replaced him with?" Thor asked.

Amora shook her head. "Not even I know that. She never told me how, she just did it. I tried to give him a proper burial, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. And then the two of you showed up and it was like a sign."

"Well, shall we begin?" Loki asked, pulling the stone from his pocket. He held it out.

"Wait!" Amora cried. Loki and Thor looked at her. She smoothed her hair back. "What is going to happen?" She asked.

"I don't know. But I suppose we'll find out." Loki squeezed the stone, holding his hand over Þjazi's body. Green light emitted from between his closed fingers. The candles flickered as a cold gust of wind swirled around the room. The green light seeped out of the stone, hovering over him for a moment before entering through his nose.

Then everything fell silent and still. The three looked at each other, then at Þjazi.

Loki leaned forward, looking down at his face. "Did it work?" Further words were cut off as Þjazi's arm reached up, his fingers wrapping around Loki's throat.
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