To Roam Into the Unknown


Aurora sat on the balcony staring out at the setting twin suns, bathing in their golden warmth. Caesar sat with his head in her lap as she absent mindedly scratched behind his ears. Her back hurt terribly and she felt nauseous. 'Probably shouldn't have ridden the horse...' she thought.

Æsa handed her a cup of hot tea.

"I'm not thirsty, Æsa but thank you." She said, shifting in her seat to relieve her discomfort.

"It will calm your nerves. It's tea from the Valerian root with honey."

Aurora sighed, took a deep sip and closed her eyes. It tasted like vinegar and dirt. She set the cup in her lap and fought the urge to throw up.

"Cheer up princess, these things happen regularly and are always worked out." Æsa stated, brushing her fingers soothingly through Aurora's hair. "The princes will work everything out."

Her words fell on deaf ears. The tone in Thor's voice and anger in Loki's eyes told her all that she needed to know. Things were not ok.

As if to confirm her suspicions, Loki burst through the wooden doors of his chambers. "Aurora!" He shouted as stalked through the sitting room. "Aurora!"

Aurora jumped to her feet, sending the cup and it's saucer shattering to the floor. "Loki?" She descended the balcony stairs into their bed chambers. "What is it? What's wrong?"

Loki was shuffling through drawers, dumping clothing and papers on the floor.

"What's wrong?" Aurora asked again. Æsa quietly slipped out of the room to allow them privacy.

"Where is it??" He asked, opening the large oak chest at the bottom of their bed. He began to dig through it, giving an irritated growl as his search came up empty.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"The Apple, Aurora. The Apple." He snapped, entering the bathroom.

She sat on the edge of their bed, resting her hands on her swollen stomach. "Why?"

"What do you mean, why?" He walked back into the bedroom. "Because you need it."

"Loki, we've been through this. I'm fine. I don't need it." She said, shifting uncomfortably

Loki walked to the mantle above the fireplace in the sitting room and opened a wooden chest, retrieving the apple. "No. You do need it, Aurora. Because Asgard is going to war. With Midgard."

"What?" Aurora felt a sharp pain in her pelvis that took her breath. She gripped the blanket. "Why?" She breathed.

"A little mix of everything I'm afraid. Me, Amora, Fury's death. Whatever that was back at your father's house. They are pissed and see us as a threat."

She shook her head. "I still don't-"

"They see you as a threat! After Natasha...they've sent assassins here. To Asgard!" He cried, yanking her to her feet. The Apple tumbled to the floor.

Aurora looked up at him in horror. "How am I a threat?! I haven't done anything!"

"You carry my child. Our child was the cause of that episode down there! They are coming for us. Do you see now?? They can kill you because you're still human!" Loki yelled.

Aurora began to cry. "I don't want the Apple, Loki. Not Yet!" She screamed, wincing as another sharp pain shot through her abdomen.

Loki gave her a violent shake. "I can't lose you, Aurora! I won't! I literally went through Hel and back to bring this to you because without it you will die!"

Aurora felt her heart begin to skip beats, causing her throat to tighten. "You're hurting me!" She cried.

"I travelled through treacherous lands, fought until my nearly last breath. For you. Everything I have done since I met you was for you! Because I cannot exist where you do not! Please don't tell me this all has been for nothing!" His eyes were wild with a mix of fear and rage.

"Loki! Are you mad?!" Thor seemed to appear out of nowhere as he lifted Loki away from her.

Aurora fell back with a cry, landing hard on the floor. The pain in her stomach intensified to the point she thought she would pass out. Jane rushed over to where she lay, her forehead creased with worry.

"Aurora, are you alright?" She asked, kneeling next to her.

"What has come over you?!" Thor bellowed.

"You heard father! They are coming for us-for her! I can't lose her!" Loki yelled angrily.

"You cannot force her to do something she doesn't want, Loki! And you remember what we were told. The recipient of the Apple must be willing to receive it, or it does no good." The two brothers stared one another down, but Loki knew he was right.

Aurora rolled onto her back and took a deep breath. "Jane..." She whispered. "Jane I'm in labor..."

"Are you sure?" Jane laid a hand on her stomach. It felt solid as a rock.

"I think..." She squeezed her eyes shut as a painful cry escaped her lips. "Ohhh God..." She breathed. "My water....It broke."

Jane could barely hear her over the loud arguing between Thor and Loki. She looked down at Aurora's gown. Nothing seemed amiss. "Aurora, I don't see-"

"Just check! I felt it..." She said through clenched teeth.

Jane pulled her gown up and gasped. The underneath of the fabric was covered in bright red blood. "Oh my God."

Aurora propped herself up awkwardly on her elbows. "What?!"

"Lay back, Aurora." She jumped to her feet and ran to the sitting room where the two brothers stood."Thor! Loki!" Jane shouted. Loki leaned against the mantle, looking extremely aggravated. Their bickering stopped.

"What's happened??" Thor asked.

Jane turned so Aurora couldn't see her, and held up her hands, covered in blood. "Something's wrong..." She whispered, a lump forming in her throat.

Loki ran into the bedroom and collapsed on the floor beside his wife. "Aurora?!"

"L-Loki...The baby-" Aurora's face was as pale as Loki's.

Thor and Jane stood in the doorway.

"Get the midwife and Eir!" Loki cried, lifting Aurora in his arms.

Jane's hands shot to her mouth as she fought back a horrified gasp. On the floor under where Aurora had lain, was a large pool of blood. Thor ran out into the grand hall screaming for the guards to send for the healers.

Jane pulled the blankets off the bed as Loki laid Aurora down as gently as he could. Aurora sucked in a deep breath as a wave of pain shot down to the tips of her toes.

"Help me get her out of the dress!" He ordered.

Jane untied the fabric and lifted her arm as she slid the sleeve off. Loki lifted her torso as Jane slid the frock down to her waist, then he lifted her backside and she fully removed it, tossing it into a corner. She was left only in her silk undergarment, which to their horror was almost entirely crimson below her waist.

Thor entered with The midwife, Æsa, and Eir following behind him.

"My name is Lanira. Please my Prince, step aside." The midwife said calmly.

Loki reluctantly obliged, but only barely. He moved to the top of the bed, holding tightly to Aurora's clammy hand. The midwife gently positioned her legs in the necessary angle.

"Princess, take a deep breath as this will most likely be uncomfortable." She said.

Aurora looked up at Loki and took a deep breath, biting down on her lip as the midwife examined her.

Loki looked up at Lanira in time to catch the look that passed between her and Eir. "What do you know?" He asked.

"Loki-" Thor stepped further into the room.

"Thor! I'm speaking to the midwife." Loki said.

"Prince Loki, May I have a word?" Eir asked.

Loki narrowed his eyes but Eir was unphased. He kissed Aurora's sweaty brow and she groaned. "I'll just be in the other room my love..." He whispered. He pointed at Jane. "Sit with her until I return."

Jane took Loki's position at the head of the bed as he and Thor entered the sitting room with Eir.

"The princess is indeed in the middle stages of childbirth, however, the child is too big." Eir stated.

"Meaning???" Loki asked impatiently.

"She is at a great risk of death. The size of the child is putting too much stress on her heart. Lanira is trying as we speak to locate the source of the bleeding...but if she cannot-"

Aurora's screams ripped through their conversation. Æsa ran out carrying an arm full of blood soaked rags.

"Loki!" Eir tried to stop him, but Loki didn't give her the chance to finish. He pushed through the doors and rushed to Aurora's side.

"My Lady please! You mustn't push!" Lanira said.

"Why?" Loki asked, sitting next to her. He wrapped his arms around hers, allowing her to grip his hands.

"The harder she pushes, the more blood she loses." Jane replied.

Aurora screamed. "I can't help it!" Loki stared in horror as blood gushed onto the bed. "The baby is coming!"

"My Prince, when the baby comes, we will only have mere minutes before her heart stops." Lanira said.

Æsa entered with clean cloths and a large basin of water.

Aurora collapsed against his chest, shaking uncontrollably. "L-Loki..."

"Yes my love?" He brushed her hair back.

She stared at him almost as though she were staring through him. "I'm dying..."

Loki looked up at the ceiling, squeezing his eyes shut to hold back his tears.

"I'm s-sorry. I thought I'd have more time...I don't want to die!" She squeaked.

Her hair was soaking wet with perspiration, but her body felt ominously cold. "It's not going to happen." He assured her.

"T-the...Apple..." She gritted her teeth and growled as she pushed again. "I'm so cold..."

Loki held her tightly until she collapsed against him again, unconscious. He looked at Æsa. "Please! Take over for me!"

Without a word, Æsa switched places and Loki ran back into the sitting room. Thor stopped his pacing. "What news?"

"She wants the Apple!" Loki began looking around for it, panic starting to set in. "I just had it!" He yelled.

"Loki, by the door...where she fell-look." Thor and Loki walked towards the bedroom. The Apple lay completely crushed on the floor.

Loki felt the room spin as he fell to his knees, scooping up what bits were left. "This is my punishment...My fate is sealed." He said quietly. Aurora's screams intensified and then suddenly were replaced by the cries of an infant.

"My Prince, she doesn't have to consume the entire Apple." Eir replied, following as Loki stumbled through the door.

Jane and Æsa were next to Aurora who lay flat on the bed. Lanira sat at the base of the bed cradling the baby in cloth.

"Aurora..." He sat on the bed and lifted her head. "Sweetheart...I have the Apple. You only need one bite.." He said, holding the piece up to her pale lips. But she did not respond. He shook her gently. "Aurora!" He whispered. "Baby? Open your eyes."

"My Lord... I'm afraid-"

"You shut up!" Loki screamed, tears filling his eyes. "She isn't...dead."

"If not, then she only has minutes left." Lanira said.

"She has to eat this!" He cried, pressing the Apple to her blue tinted lips. "It has to get into her body somehow!"

"Æsa, we must separate the cord now." Lanira said.

Æsa stifled a sob and nodded. Jane stood quickly as an idea popped into her head. "Not yet! Inject it!" She said.

"What are you talking about?" Eir asked.

"She is unconscious and can't physically consume it...but she still has a heartbeat which means blood is still pumping. If you inject the juice from the Apple, surely that would have the same effect as if she were to eat it. We need a syringe." Jane began digging through drawers.

"Her luggage! Check her luggage! She was a nurse on Midgard, they carried around things like that." Loki cried.

Æsa and Jane walked into the large closet and dumped out her luggage. "I do not know what I am searching for..." Æsa replied.

"No need..." Jane held up a small clear plastic syringe. "I've got it!" She scrambled to her feet and hurried to the bedside. "Loki, let me see the Apple."

Loki stared at her, unwilling to do so. He looked back down at Aurora, his face twisting with despair.

"LOKI! We have to do this now or she will die!" Jane shouted. Loki tossed the remains of the Apple to her. She grabbed the midwife's mortar and pestle from the nearby table and began grinding down the Apple until it was liquefied. She uncapped the needle and drew up as much of the liquid as she could. "I've got about five cc's. Loki, take your belt and wrap it around her upper arm, make it really tight." She instructed.

Loki pulled his belt off and pulled it tightly around her arm. Jane felt for the vein in the middle of her arm and positioned the needle.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Loki asked.

"I was a doctor back home." She replied, focusing back on the needle.

"An astrophysicist." Loki reminded her.

"What other choice do you have?" Jane asked, turning back to Aurora.

"Aren't you going to disinfect the area first?" Loki asked.

"Nope." Jane found the vein again and inserted the needle, injecting the contents quickly. "She's about to become immortal, I doubt an infection will have much effect on her." She withdrew the needle and held a rag over the wound. Everything seemed to sip as everyone in the room waited. After nearly fifteen minutes, worry set in.

"It's not working. Why isn't it working?" Loki asked impatiently.

"We were too late..." Jane whispered.

Eir walked over and held her hands over Aurora's body. She opened her eyes and immediately meet Loki's gaze, giving the slightest shake off her head. "My Prince-"

Loki shook his head. "No. She isn't." He gathered her up in his arms.

"Her heart has stopped. I am sorry." Eir said quietly.

Lanira signaled to Æsa. "Æsa, we must cut the cord now."

Æsa held a blade over a lit candle, trying to control her tears. She passed the blade to Lanira who severed the umbilical cord in one fell swoop. She crumbled a healing stone and rubbed the dust over the umbilical stub. It immediately turned a dark gray color and ceased bleeding.

"Prince Loki-" Lanira was cut off.

"Get out. All of you." Loki said quietly. All were reluctant to do so. "Now! Get out!!" Loki snarled. Everyone scurried out of the room.

Lanira placed the baby in a cradle that had been brought in during the event, and gently closed the door behind her.


Thor and Frigga stood by the fireplace in silence after having run out of small talk. The sudden shout from the bedroom brought them to attention. Frigga made to run towards the door but Thor grabbed her wrist gently.

The door opened and everyone walked out. Lanira was last and closed the doors quietly.

"Aurora?" Frigga asked.

Æsa was openly sobbing and excused herself quickly. Jane met Thor's concerned gaze and shook her head slowly, walking into his open arms.

"The princess has passed away." Eir said quietly.

Frigga ran to the door. "Mother, give him some time." Thor said.

She brought her hands up to her mouth, holding back a cry. "He needs me..." She whispered.

"No, Frigg. Thor is right. Give him some time alone." Odin said as he entered the room.


'Has no one told you she's not breathing?'

Loki sat in the dark holding Aurora's body for what seemed like hours. It felt as if he were falling off the Bifrost all over again. He lay her body back on the bed and pulled her silk gown back down to her knees.

The baby stirred, whining softly from its cradle. Loki gave a start, pressing his back against the wall, as he'd completely forgotten about the her. He slowly made his way over to the cradle, looked down and choked back a sob.

The baby looked up at him through tiny squinted eyes, her skin a bright pink with bits of blood dried to her. What little bit of hair she had was curly and golden blonde. Warmth radiated off of her. She stared at him as if she knew everything about him, and loved him despite it all. Her eyes so much like Aurora's. It caused him physical pain to look at her.

'Hello, I'm your mind giving you someone to talk to


He reached down with shaking hands and was about to lift her up when the door opened quietly and Frigga walked in with a golden silk shroud. Loki pulled his hands away from the baby as if burned, rubbing his hands on either side of his pants.

Frigga silently walked over to Aurora's body.

"What are you doing??" Loki asked, walking over to her.

Frigga unraveled the shroud. Loki clamped a hand down on her hand and she looked up at him, the tears shimmering in her eyes. "Don't...please..." He whispered.

Frigga ignored his request and draped the shroud over Aurora's body and opened her arms. Loki began to openly sob and laid his head on her shoulder. Frigga stroked the his hair like she used to when he was little, trying to be strong for him.

"Why did this happen?" He groaned.

"I'm so sorry dear heart. No one knows these things. I cannot begin to imagine your pain, but you have a newborn daughter who needs you now. You are all she has now and you must be strong for you both." Frigga whispered.

Loki lifted his head and wiped his face, standing up straight. He knew she was right, but he couldn't accept that this was his fate. He refused to accept it. "No." He whispered. He knew of ways to bring her back, and he would try every one of them even if it killed him. "We've come to far for this, my love." He whispered, his hand hovering inches over her still chest.


"Mother, take Mýrún out of here." He said, never taking his eyes off of Aurora.

"Whatever it is you are thinking of doing, I beg you to reconsider." The queen said, gently lifting the baby into her arms. "There is a reason they call it dark magic. It is unstable. Listen to reason. Listen to your heart."

"My heart stopped the moment hers did. I have to find a way to bring her back." He replied.

"And what if you are successful? What then? Retrieving ones soul by such means is dangerous. Something dark may attach itself to her. There is no guarantee she will be the same woman you loved. Are you willing to take that risk?" Frigga held the baby close and after giving Loki one last glance, she took her leave.

Loki collapsed on the bed next to her and stared at her chest, silently willing breath into her. "I'm so sorry...I failed you." He whispered. He stared at her unmoving chest until he tumbled into a black hole of unconsciousness.
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Please don't kill me! Comment instead! Also, song lyrics are from Hello by Evanesence.