To Roam Into the Unknown


Aurora stepped off the elevator, a cup of French vanilla coffee in each hand. He had taken a quick liking to the drink. So she brought him a cup every time she came on shift. It had been a rough week for Loki. He had had his surgery, during which he coded. Apparently he has an allergy to the anesthesia and it stopped his heart. He was also fighting an infection in his leg.

‘So much for being immortal…’ she thought dryly, turning onto her hall. Immediately she noticed the people standing outside his room.

Stacy hurried from behind the nurse’s station. “Aurie!”

Aurora set down the coffee. “What’s going on? What happened to Loki?” she asked, starting towards his room.

Stacy grabbed her arm. “They are discharging him.”

“They can’t discharge him! He’s just had surgery!” she cried.

“Dr. Snyder made the decision this morning based on the cost of keeping him here.” Stacy said.

Aurora was overcome with anger. Wrenching her arm free she stalked down the hall to Loki’s room.

“Aurora..” Loki looked over at her as she walked in. Dr. Snyder stood by his bed with the hospital social worker.

“Is it true?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Aurora. I was just going over…” He glanced down at the chart. “Mr. Green’s discharge instructions-”

“How can this possible be legal? Much less ethical?” she demanded.

“Aurora, the hospital cannot afford the costs of his continued care. He is stable enough to be discharged-”

“His heart stopped not ten days ago!” she yelled.

Dr. Snyder dropped the chart and glared at her. “You may go!” he snapped.

“I will not. He is my patient! And you are tossing him back out onto the same streets that put him here!” she cried, pointing at him.

“He will be put in the care of a half-way house until he is recovered.” The social worker spoke up.

“And then what?! Will the half-way house give him his meds? Will they supply physical therapy?” she asked, moving by his side.

“Well I don’t know about physical thera-”

“Aurora please…” Loki tried to interject.

“How long will he be able to stay there?” Aurora asked.

“The state is willing to supply him with three weeks in the home-”

“THREE WEEKS! Three weeks isn’t near enough-”

“AURORA!” Dr. Snyder slammed the chart down on the table. She snapped her mouth shut.

A small crowd had gathered outside his door. Stacy, Chris, Emm and Mike tried to get her attention before she got fired.

“It is already done.” Dr. Snyder said.

“Then he will stay with me.” she said.

“What?!” Loki, Dr. Snyder, Stacy and Chris all said in unison, staring at her.

“Aurora are you insane?” Chris asked, pushing into the room.

“No. But the whole situation is. He will stay with me. I can arrange to have physical therapy come to my home and I can monitor him myself.” she said.

“Aurora I couldn’t possibly-” The glare she shot him stopped his words.

“Aurora you don’t even know him!” Chris said, taking her by her arm. She jerked her arm free.

“I know him enough to know he doesn’t deserve to be thrown back out on the streets without a fighting chance.” She said, glancing down at him. His green eyes bore into hers.

“In my office NOW.” Dr. Snyder barked, storming out of the room.

Looking over her shoulder, she gave Loki a quick wink and then walked out.


“Are you crazy?” Dr. Snyder laid into her the minute she stepped into his office. Stacy, Chris, Emm, and Mike all stood outside, listening intently.

“I’m only crazy if I let you toss him out. This is what is wrong with our healthcare system today. You want to know why so many mentally unstable people are roaming the streets-this is exactly why. They are homeless and the hospital can’t make money off of them so they send them back out into the streets. It’s deplorable.”

“You don’t know what you’re saying!”

“Yes I do! I know EXACTLY what I am saying! This is wrong and you know it!” she cried.

Dr. Snyder took a calming deep breath and sat back in his chair. “You are displaying clouded judgment in your care for Mr. Green-”

“His name is Loki Laufeyson.” she snapped.

“You are suspended effective immediately.” he said.

“On what grounds?!” she asked, dropping her hands to her sides.

“Your actions back there in E23!” he yelled.

“How long?” she asked.

“Four weeks. With pay-but only because of the eight years you have been here. Consider yourself lucky I don’t fire you where you stand. Now get out!”

Without another word, Aurora turned and walked out, slamming the door behind her.


“I’m sorry…I didn’t even ask you if you would be ok with this.” Aurora said, handing Loki a pair of jeans and a dark green shirt.

“You really don’t have to go through the trouble.” He said, removing hospital gown. “I don’t want to impose.”

Aurora turned her back. “I honestly didn’t plan on it. It was the first thing that popped in my head.” She could see his reflection in the mirror and watched as he struggled to pull the jeans up. “Do you need any help?” she asked.

The thought was absurd to him and embarrassing. “No.” he answered sharply.

Aurora cleared her throat. “Ok..”

Loki grunted in pain as he slid the jeans over his wounded leg. Once zipped and buttoned, he collapsed back on the bed.

Aurora turned. “Are you alright?” she asked.

He held up his hand, chest rising from the exertion. “I just require…a moment..” He said, closing his eyes.
“You are due for your medicine now. Do you want me to get it?” she asked. He watched her for a moment before nodding his head. A sheen of sweat had formed over his brow and chest. Aurora was about to get the medicine when she remembered she had turned over her keys. She walked to the bed and pressed the call button.

A few seconds later, Emm entered the room. “Hey…” she smiled. “Everything ok?” she asked.

“Emm, he needs his pain medication before we go.” Aurora said, pouring him a cup of water.

She looked at Loki. “Oh yeah sure. Just give me a minute and I’ll be right back.” She turned to Aurora. “Can I talk to you outside for just a moment?”

Aurora set the cup down on his bedside table, meeting his gaze briefly. “Sure…” She followed Emm into the hallway.


“Emm please don’t ask me if I’m crazy. I don’t know if I am or not.” she said, running a hand through her hair.

“I’m not. I just wanted to make sure you were ok.” Emm said.

Aurora smiled slightly. “Surprisingly enough, I think I am.”

“Well just thought you should know…Chris is furious with you.”

Aurora scoffed. “Thanks for the heads up.”

Emm gave her a quick hug. “I’ll be right back with his meds.”

Aurora nodded and walked back in. Loki sat up in the bed, shirt in hand.

“Is everything alright?” he asked.

Aurora nodded and sat in the chair. “Yeah. She’s just gone to get your medicine.” she looked down at her hands, feeling suddenly exhausted.

“Are you alright?” he asked, pulling the shirt over his head.

“I’m just tired…”

“That would be understandable, given the events from earlier this morning.” he replied.

She smiled slightly. “They suspended me…so maybe I will be able to get some extra rest.”

Loki’s brow furrowed. “Aurora I’m sorry.”

“No no no. You don’t have anything to be sorry for. It was my decision and mine alone. I want to give you the help you deserve. This whole situation is so screwed up.” she looked up at him. “At least this will give you a fighting chance.” she reached behind her head and unclipped her hair, letting it cascade down her shoulders, and rubbed her scalp.

Loki was at a loss for words. This woman barely knew him. Knew absolutely nothing about his past crimes and yet she was willing to shelter him and provide treatment for his wounds. He stared at her in awe, his mouth slightly open. It was the first time he had allowed himself to truly look at her.

She had sun-tanned skin with high cheek bones. Her eyes shown a deep sapphire blue that revealed her exhaustion. Her hair was wavy and a dark brown the color of chocolate. Her full lips were a deep pink, glistening with the gloss she had put on earlier.

A knock at the door broke his trance. “I’ve brought your medicine Mr. Green…er Laufeyson…”

He gave her a brief smile, nodding his thanks as she dumped the pills in his hand. “Much obliged…” he said, tossing them in his mouth.

“And the papers have been signed. Here are all the instructions for discharge. His physical therapy orders and prescriptions. I’m sure you can go over everything with him, Aurie.” she handed the folder to Aurora.

“Thanks Emm…” Aurora replied. Emm gave them both a smile and wave before exiting the room.

“You ready to get out of here?” she asked.

“Ehehe…more than you know.” he said.


Aurora ignored the stares she and Loki got as she pushed his wheelchair down towards the parking deck. The black cane they had given him rest across his lap.

“You ok?” she asked.

“Are you?” he shot back.

She gave a short laugh. “I’m fine.” she pushed the wheelchair over the threshold of the doorway, earning a painful grunt from him. “Sorry…”

They continued for a short while until stopping at her white Volkswagen Passat. “This is my hot rod…”

“Your what?” he asked.

“Nevermind…” the car clicked as she unlocked it.

He grunted as he used the cane to push himself up.

“Aurora!” the two of them looked up to see Chris in his blue scrubs, jogging towards them.

“Loki…get in the car.” she said. He did as she asked, but didn’t shut the door.

"Are those my clothes?" Chris asked, looking at Loki.

“Don’t Chris. Just don‘t.” she said, tucking her hair behind her ears.

“What the fuck are you thinking?” he asked angrily.

“I’m thinking about what’s best for my patient.” she snapped, folding up the wheelchair.

“You don’t know him! You don’t know anything about him!” he yelled.

“I don’t have time for this right now!” she said.

Loki watched the heated argument, feeling the urge to intervene slowly growing.

Aurora made to walk past him but Chris grabbed her upper arm tightly.

“You‘re hurting me.” she said through clenched teeth.

“You are making a big mistake. You would risk your career for some bum-”

Loki felt anger well up inside as the way he held her and stood. “Unhand her if you know what’s best for you.” he said, narrowing his eyes at him.

Chris turned his head to meet his glare. “This definitely does not concern you.” he snapped.

“Loki, please…” she said. Loki said nothing further, but remained standing. “And this doesn’t concern you, Chris. Not one damn bit.” she snapped, jerking her arm out of his grasp.

“Be a doll and take this back to the lobby.” she said, getting behind the wheel. He had barely moved out of the way before she sped out of the parking spot.

The ride was silent except for her angry breathing. She focused on the road as she wove around the slower cars. Loki looked at her.

“Are you alright?” he asked finally.

“I will be.” she said.

“Did he harm you?” he asked.

“What?” the question almost didn’t make sense until she remembered her arm. “No. No I’m fine.”

“Is he…are the two of you..” he searched for the correct words.

“No. And if we were, we aren’t any more.” she said. Taking her tone as a hint, Loki decided to halt his questioning.

They drove the remaining 15 minutes in silence before pulling into the driveway of her two story Victorian-style town home.

They sat in the driveway for a moment. “Loki?”

“Yes Aurora?”

“You aren't crazy, are you?” she asked, glancing at him.

He gave her a genuine broad smile. “Not today.”
♠ ♠ ♠
As always...leave me a love/hate note! I enjoy them either way! Consider them motivation! Also, just as a funny little side word processor has a built in dictionary and this is the definition of Loki: in Norse mythology, a handsome giant god who was the embodiment of mischief or evil