

Chapter 2

I constantly find myself staring at nothing. A blank stare covers my face. When Karter is with me, she smacks my face and laughs. But we're usually high at that point. Even when I'm sober though, I stare. My teachers have stopped asking me if I'm okay and people just ignore me now. Can't they tell that I just want to be left alone?
If there's one thing that has made me happy lately, it's been hockey.

When a game is on, it helps me to forget everything and concentrate on something else for a while. I blame Karter for getting me hooked on it. She is actually taking me to a game next week. And her dad is friends with a guy who knows one of the players so we are going to an afterparty! That means that they'll probably have some good weed to hook me up with. Hockey and weed? Sounds like a good combination to me! Plus, hot guys. This is going to be great!

The day before the game, I pack an overnight bag. One shirt, jeans, a brush, tooth brush, underwear and some perfume. That's good enough. There's no one that I'm trying to impress. I just want to hit the jack pot. Getting as high as I possibly can.

Karter picks me up the next day and we start our 3 hour drive. The only stop we make is for dinner, which I don't eat. That's another habit I've picked up since Trey died. I don't eat. And if I do, I usually throw it back up.

Karter and I finally reach the arena around 7 o'clock. The game starts at 7:30 so we go to find our seats and wait.

The seats are amazing. Second row behind the home team bench. And I must say, hockey players butts are fine. None of the guys are ugly. The best looking ones are Sidney Crosby and Tyler Kennedy. Karter says that the new rookie, Beau, is hot too but I haven't paid that much attention to him. I know it's illegal, but if something happens at the party tonight, I really wouldn't care.

The game is about to start and Karter and I take off our jackets to reveal our jerseys. Mine is a Sidney Crosby #87 and Karter's is a Matt Cooke #24 autographed. She's a lucky son of a bitch.

When the game starts, Sidney Crosby, Evegeni Malkin, and Matt Cooke start in the front line. Within five minutes of the first period, we are up 1 to 0. Tyler Kennedy makes the first goal. The whole crowd screams and chants as Tyler hugs Sidney, Chris Kunitz, and this Beau kid. Karter was right, he is pretty hot.

The game countinues and another goal is made in the first period. This one was scored by Kris Letang.

Sitting behind the bench is pretty much amazing. I can see every player switch out and leave the bench. I see Sidney Crosby, Matt Cooke, Chris Kunitz, oh, Sidney just went onto the ice. He takes the puck, sends it to Brooks Orpik. Orpik hits it back and sends it straight into Sid's face. He's down! Sid smacks right down to the ice. Karter stands up and screams. "NO!" We see teeth fly and blood spill. Sidney grabs his mouth. Karter looks at me and tears stream down our faces as they take Sid to the locker room. "This game sucks ass." Karter says as she wipes a tear away.