

Chapter 3

After the penguins win and the crowd starts to leave, Karter and I start to head to the locker room. We show the security guards our special passes and the let us through. As soon as we turn the corner to the Lockeroom, Matt Cooke walks out with a towel around his waist and almost runs into us.

"Whoa. Sorry little ladies." He says as he manuvers around us. Karter's mouth drops. We walk a little farther and see a door that says 'PENGUINS LOCKEROOM'. Karter and I stand outside of the door and wait for Karter's dad's friend. His friend, Brooks Orpik, finally walks out.

"Is the party still on?" Karter asks Brooks.

He shakes his head. "No Karter. I'm sorry but I just hit our captain in the face with a slapshot. I'm not really in the mood." I can sense a bit of sarcasm in his voice. A deep sigh comes from Karter.

"Okay." Karter starts to walk away but all I notice is the hot guy through the window of the lockeroom door. He has a towel around his waist and his hair is being combed through with his hands. He looks at me and I quickly look away. I start to listen to the conversation between Brooks and Karter. All of a sudden the lockeroom door opens and Tyler Kennedy pokes his head out.

"I was just curious of who you were talking to." Tyler says to Brooks as he sees who we are.

"I'm Karter." Karter holds out her hand and Tyler shakes it.

"Nice to meet you." Tyler flashes an adorable smile then looks at me.

"And who are you?"

"You're Tyler Kennedy." I feel my hand start to shake a bit and my forehead breaks a sweat.

Tyler just laughs. "I know who I am. I want to know who you are."

"Oh. Well I'm Aria." I take his hand and shake it. "I'm sorry. I'm just a little star struck!"

Tyler nods in understanding. "It's not the first time." He pokes his head back through the door and I watch him walk away through the window in the door.

Karter and I are about to leave the Lockeroom but before we get very far, we hear the door of the lockeroom creak open again.

"Hey Brooks." I hear a voice say.

"Is this your shirt?" Karter and I both turn around to see the source of the voice. That Beau kid is standing with only a towel around his waist.

I feel my palms get sweaty. Damn. He was gorgeous.

"Ya." Brooks takes the shirt from Beau.

"Hi Beau!" Karter yells out. She quickly covers her mouth I feel my cheeks burn red in embarrassment for her.

Beau turns to us and with a puzzled look says, "Do I know you?" Karter's face turns bright red.

"No. I'm sorry." She smiles a bit.

"Oh. Well I'm Beau. Beau Bennett. I didn't think I recognized you." He holds out his hand and Karter shakes it.

"Its very, VERY nice to meet you." She points to me and smiles. "This is my friend Aria." Beau smiles at me and nods.

"Nice to meet you both." Beau starts to leave and I quickly open my mouth.

"Good job in the game."

Beau turns and nods at us both. "Thanks!" He says.

Once we get back to the main level of the arena, Karter grabs my arm to stop me.

"Do you realize what just happened?"

I just nod my head.

"We just met Beau Bennett! I love him so much!"

I barely listen because all I can think about is how much Trey would've loved to watch the game.

When Karter and I get back to our hotel room, she quickly pulls out the stash of pot she has brought with her. We listen to some music as we each roll a joint and open the window to let the smoke roll out.

"Poor Sid." Karter says as she takes her first drag.

"I know." Im already on my fifth puff when a knock is heard at the door.

"Shit!" Karter takes our joints and sets them in the bathroom then shuts the door. I fan the air out the window while she does that.

"Ill open it." She grabs the doorknob. On the other side of the door is a tall, built guy. His blond hair is shaggy and his eyes are a deep blue color. Then I realize, its Beau Bennett.

"Can you guys turn your music down a..." he trails off. "Sorry, I just met you girls, didn't I?" Beau quickly changes the subject. Karter nods her head. A huge smile spreads across her face.

"We can turn down the music if you'd like." I say in almost a whisper. Beau looks at me and smiles.


Karter and I nod in unison as Beau turns and walks into the room beside us.

Karter shuts the door and smiles. "He is so adorable!" She cant even begin her next sentence before another knock is heard at the door. I reach for the handle and open it.

"Hey again." This time, Beau is standing there with Tyler Kennedy. "I smelled some of the stuff you have over here and we were wondering if we could smoke with you."

"Um sure." Karter smiles and I know shes thinking exactly what I am. Two hot hockey players getting high with me, a sixteen year old and Karter, an eighteen year old. Holy shit, all my dreams are coming true.
Tyler and Beau come in the room with us and sit on the beds. Beau sits by me on one bed and Tyler sits by Karter on the other. We pass around a joint and different stories about siblings and sports disasters that we have had.

I learn that Beau has had a rough life too. He lost a sibling when he was 16 too. That's when he fell into the trap of Mary Jane. He said he was sober for a year or so, and then he met Tyler Kennedy.
Apparently Tyler hasn't had the easiest life either. His parents divorced when he was ten and he hasn't seen his dad since. His mom became abusive and that's when he started smoking. He says that he had tried Meth too but shit becomes too weird with it. All these stories make me feel a little better about myself. But I still wont stop puffing. I feel too good when I do. I can feel my depressed self sink away for a bit and my alter ego comes out. I feel like my old self again and I kind of miss her. But I love the new Aria and I don't care what people think.