

Chapter 5

I sleep almost the whole way home as Karter drives. We drive straight home and within two and a half hours, we arrive to my house. Karter drops me off and I walk inside and hope that mom and dad don't ask any questions. But like normal, I'm wrong. They ask one question right after the other. "How was the game?" Mom asks. Dad follows up with, "You didn't meet any boys, did you?" Obviously I lie. "The game was good. And no dad, there were no boys." As I turn to leave their presence, more questions are rained over me.

"Who won?" Mom asks.
"The Penguins." I answer.
"Get any merchandise?" Dad asks.

Not any REAL merchandise but, I got to meet Tyler Kennedy and Brooks Orpik. We almost ran into Matt Cooke and I got to snuggle with Beau Bennett. Oh ya, and also smoke some sweet Mary Jane with Tyler and Beau.

"No. I didn't get anything." Ive become such a liar. Its so easy to minipulate them.

"It sounds like you had a good time." Mom says as she smiles at me.

"I did. Can I go to my room now? Or do you have to ask me more questions?" I snap at her and then look at my dad. They both look hurt. Why was I being such a bitch? I mean, I lost my brother and they lost their son. I wasn't the only one who was hurting. "Ya. Sorry." Mom looks away and I can see the pain in her eyes.

ln the next few days, I don't do much. All I can think about is Beau. The way his dirty blond hair fell onto his face was perfect. His shimmering blue eyes were misterious and deep. When he hugged me, my head layed on his chest and I felt his heart beat in rythem with mine. But honestly I was scared. Not scared of him, but scared that I wouldn't see him again. However, that would not be the case.
The following weekend, Karter asks if I want to go with her and Brooks to see Sidney in the hospital. Of course I couldn't resist. So the next morning, Karter and I go down to Pittsburgh and meet with Brooks. There's one thing I forgot to do though. I didn't tell my parents what I was doing. But, you know, I don't give a shit.
When we first see Brooks, he gives us each a hug. "He girls!"
"Hey." We both say in unison. "I brought some friends if you don't mind." Brooks looks at Karter then me. He smiles as Beau and Tyler walk up behind him. "Have you girls ever met these boys?" I feel myself blush and I see that Karter is blushing too. "Yeah, we know them." I answer as my smile fades. I don't want to make anything seem sketchy or obvious.

When we walk into Sid's hospital room, I just see him laying there. His eyes are shut and he had a brace-like thing around his jaw. Brooks walks up to stand beside the bed. "Damn" he says as he takes a closer look. "I did this." He adds in a whisper. "Its alright." Beau stands beside Brooks and pats his back reassuringly. "When do you think he'll be able to play again?" Tyler asks. "I don't know. Maybe in a month." Beau says as he walks over to the x-rays that are on the wall. "Come look at these." Beau waves for us to all come over. Karter starts counting something. "Five, six, seven." Karter whispers. "Hes missing seven teeth!" Karter's eyes get big as she finishes counting. "Oh God." Brooks combs his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry Sid Kid." He turns around to look at Sidney in his bed. Brooks smiles. "Hey guys, look who's awake." He points to the bed and we all see Sid's eyes wide open. "Hey man." Beau walks to the bed side and Sidney waves. "How are you feeling?" I ask with caution. Ive never met Sidney before and I don't want to say anything wrong. But he doesn't answer, he just points. Karter realizes what hes pointing at. There is a notepad and pen sitting near his bed. Karter picks it up and hands it to him. Sid starts to write on it.

"I'm doing better." He writes. I didn't even think about the fact that he couldn't talk. "That's good." Tyler smiles.

Beau moves to the bed and pulls me with him. "Hey Sid, this is my friend Aria." Sidney looks at me and nods, then writes, "Nice to meet you." I smile and shake his outreached hand. "Its an honor to meet you, Mr. Sidney Crosby." Everyone in the room smiles except Sid, but he cant exactly smile with a broken jaw.