

Chapter 7

My eyes fluttered open at a bright light that suddenly appeared. It was morning. Beau was looking out of a window with a mug in his hand. His shirtless body was freashly showered and his hair was still wet. I watched as he slowly lifted his hand and combed it through his hair. Damn.

I cleared my throat to get his attention. His muscles winced and he turned to look at me. "Good morning." A smile streached acrossed Beau's face as he set his mug down and walked over to the couch I was laying on. "You scared me." He added as he reached out his hand and brushed a piece of hair behind my ear. I shivered at his touch. "Sorry." A whisper passed from my mouth. Beau just shook his head. "Not a big deal." He grabbed both of my hands and helped my up off the couch. He let go once I was up, but I so badly wanted to grab them again. Never once did it pass my mind that him and I together was illegal. That was something I didn't want to think about and we were just friends anyway.

Beau put on a shirt and grabbed a plate from the kitchen. "Here." He set the plate in my outreaching arms. "Eat this. Then ive got to take you home." He said as he walked away and disappeared into the other room.


Home. That was the last place I wanted to be. I told mom that I would be home yesterday and I ignored all of her phone calls. There's no doubt that some sort of punishment would be coming my way.

After I scarfed down the plate of food, Beau led me to his car. After he opened the passanger door for me, he ran over to the drivers side and got in. Beau's eyes had a look of sympathy in them as he turned in his seat to look at me. "Are you going to be in trouble?" He looked really sad. "Probably." Beau dropped his head.

"I'm sorry."

"Its okay. It's not your fault."

I just stared at him as he drove. *Just friends* I reminded myself. He was perfect. The way his hair fell on the collar of his shirt, The way his shoes hit the pavement when he walked, and how his lips moved when he talked. Oh, his lips. I wanted to kiss them. Kiss him.

"What are you looking at?" Beau laughed. I broke from my stare and looked forward at the road. "Um, nothing." My cheeks flushed and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Beau looked down at my hand and I know he wanted to grab it. He quickly looked back at the road as he pulled up to a red light. "I'm sorry I'm so attractive." Beau took his hands off the steering wheel and combed them through his hair. "You probably cant help but stare at me." A smile creeped onto his perfect lips as he said that. "Yes. You're just so damn good looking." I laughed as his eyes met mine. Beau laughed too. "I know. Ive been told." He just looked at the road as he laughed.

The time passed in the car and eventually, I was home. Beau offered to walk me to the door but I figured that would only make things worse. If my parents saw that I was with a guy, they'd probably kill me.

I braced myself for what punishments were about come once I walked through the front door. My hand touched the door knob when I realized how badly I was shaking. My heart started to pound as my knees hit the ground. I let the anxiety attack take over my body. It vibrated through my fingertips and toes up to my brain. When it finally passed and I wiped away my tears, I opened the door and walked in. Everything was quiet. There was one light on in the livingroom and mom was sitting on the couch. Dad was in his big recliner with a beer in his hand. I slowly shut the door behind me and took a deep breath. "Glad you decided to show your face." My mom whispered as she countinued to stare forward. "Ya." Was all I managed to squeak out. "You could've been dead." A tear went down moms cheek. I noticed a bruse on her arm. She was trying to cover it up. "But I'm not." I just ignored the bruse and countinued with my alibi. "Karter called and wondered where you were. I thought it was kind of funny since I thought you were with her." Mom finally looked at me with tears in her eyes. "I'm sick of this." She added in a hushed tone. "I'm just having fun." I snapped. That's when my dad joined in. "You're a fucking slut, aren't you?" He was drunk. "No." That was true. I hadn't slept with anyone. "You were supposed to be home yesterday. You fucking dirty ass whore."

"I'm not a fucking whore." The words just slipped from my mouth. Dad stood up from his recliner and raised his hand. His hand fell across my face and I felt the sting go through my whole body. Dad never hit me unless he was drunk. Although it seemed to happen more often now. I placed my hand on my cheek and refused to cry. There was no way that this jack ass would break me down. "Go to your fucking room." He pointed twards the stairs. "Gladly." I hissed through my teeth as I turned to the stairs and ran up to my room. I threw myself onto my bed and let the tears come. They wet my pillow clear through.

After an hour of sobbing, I shuffled through my nightstand drawer. There had to be a blade somewhere in there. I finally found one and set it on my wrist. "Fuck you life." I whispered as I cut.