

Chapter 8

"It's okay." Beau whispered to me as he stroked my hair. We were lying in my bed and the lights were dimmed. "You're safe now." He kissed my cheek and a chill went through my body. Beau's hand wrapped around my body and his mouth fell onto mine. I tasted his tongue as he slipped it into my mouth. I could've died and melted away right then and there. Beau's hand moved down to the hem of my shirt while we countinued to make out. He slipped off my shirt and I felt his warm hands on my cold, bare waist.

I soon found myself on top of him. My head layed on his chest and he stroked his hands through my hair. We were both naked now. There was no sex or anything like that. It was just him and I.

Us. I liked the sound of that.

The image of us disappeared when I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock. I sat up in my bed and saw I was alone with my own wetness and fragility. Of course Beau wasn't really here. I wasn't allowed to be happy anymore. That started months ago when Trey died.

I quickly found my way to the bathroom and stripped down. Then I looked in the mirror. A bruse stretched from my eye down to the corner of my mouth. Fuck. This was uncalled for. My mom and I didn't deserve this at all.

With tears in my eyes, I got in the shower and felt all my positive emotions go down the drain. Dispair, loneliness, guilt, nervousness, along with all the other depressing things I could think of, stayed with me. And then I looked at my wrist. Today was April 2nd. Ill be dead in about 3 weeks anyway. Good bye everyone and everything. No more pain, no more sorrow.

(Beau's P.O.V)

Monday morning practices were the worst. Some of us were still hungover from the weekend. Other people, like me, just had other things on our minds.


She hasn't left my thoughts since I took her home yesterday. The way he brown hair fell over her shoulders and how her hips curved. Damn it. I wish I would've met her years ago.

When I walk into the locker room, I get a suspicious look from Tyler. I ignore his look and set my hockey bag by my locker. As I sit down to put my knee pads on, Tyler comes over and smiles. "Hey." He says with that stupid smirk on his face. "What's up?" I ask. Tyler just shrugs. "You know its illegal to fuck a 16 year old when you're over age, right?" He backs up before I can punch him. "We didn't do anything." I shot him a glare and he just nodded his head. "Mkay. Sid gets out of the hospital today." And just like that, he changed the subject. Before I can answer, Dan walks in. "Good morning boys." He says. We all chime in, "Morning coach."

"Alright, we have got to make today's practice count. Its going to be tough without Sid. Geno, you're the team captain." Dan looks at Malkin and he shakes his head. "I make it count, Coach." I cant help but chuckle at his voice. Geno's heavy accent takes over.

Dan tells everyone the lineup and we all get our skates on. We start with some warm up drills. After an hour of practice, Coach calls me over to the bench. "What's wrong?" I ask as I skate up to him. "I just wanted to let you know that you'll be playing the next few games with us." A smile cracks acrossed his face. "You are turning out to be a very fine player." He pats my shoulder "Thanks Coach." I cant help but smile. "And another thing," Dan starts, "Be careful of who you are seen with. You don't want too much publicity." I nod my head at his advise then skate back out to the ice.


Does that mean he knows about Aria? She was just a friend anyway. I decided to just shrug it off and concentrate on practice.
It turns out, Brooks didn't forget that Aria left the hospital with me either. While we were doing goal drills, I had missed the first 4 goals until Brooks decided to say Aria's name. "Just think of that girl Aria!" He had shouted clear acrossed the arena. Right then and there, I went to shoot and I scored. I skated back around to Brooks, who was now standing with Tyler. They stood and laughed at me.

"Fuck you both." I hissed through my teeth. Cooke then skated up to me, followed by Letang and Kunitz. "Who's the girl?" Letang circled me. I ignored him and just stood there. "Tell us!" Kunitz stood and poked at my side. "Ya! Come on and tell us, Sunshine!" Cooke added. That stupid nickname. Sunshine. It didn't bother me when they were talking to me about normal things. But girls? That was different. "Shes just a friend." I finally told them. Everyone in the arena laughed. I watched Fleury take off his mask and skate over to me. "I told the guys that Vero was only friend. Now we got married and she is having baby soon." His French accent swarmed me as he winked and skated back to the net. All the players were listening now. This wasn't just my business anymore. It was now everyones.