Status: Currently On Hold (Only For A Little While.)

Two Pieces.

Chapter 5 ♥

Ella's P.O.V.:


 So Keaton and I have pretty much spent most of our time together. I don't see much of my brother anymore, so I've decided to have a brother day with him. Keaton is doing the same with Wesley (which, I still see Wes a lot). I finish getting ready and spray some perfume on. I go downstairs to the kitchen where Drew is eating breakfast. Yup, we're getting an early start. "Almost finished bro?" He smiles at me with a mouth full of orange juice. I giggle. He swallows. "I am now sis." He grabs his keys and we head out to his truck. "So, the game plan for today is surfing, lunch, movie, then later on we go to dinner?" He asks. I nod. I'm excited for today actually. Wes & Keaton are meeting up with us for dinner tonight as well.


We get to the beach about 10 minutes later. We park then Drew grabs our surfs boards out from the back of his truck. We put our stuff on a spot on the beach then rush to the water. Oh, I just love surfing so much. Drew taught me a few years back. I see the perfect waves. "Lets go catch those waves." Drew tells me. "Defiantly." I reply. We quickly make our way to them.



I dry off with my beach towel and put my clothes back on over my now dry bathing suit. "Where do you want to go to lunch?" I ask Drew. "Hmm, Papa Joes? (it's this really amazing Italian restaurant :) ." He asks me. I nod in agreement. We get in his truck after packing up everything and we begin to head to Papa Joes. I get a text from Keats.

To: My Princess ♥

From: My Prince ♥ 

Hey baby. Hows your day with Drew been?

To: My Prince ♥

From: My Princess ♥

Hey babe. It's been good. How's your & Wesley's day?

To: My Princess ♥

From: My Prince ♥

Besides the fact that I miss you so much, it's been pretty fun.

To: My Prince ♥

From: My Princess ♥

That's good :)! I'll text you after lunch. Love you xx

To: My Princess ♥

From: My Prince ♥

Alright. Love you too :) xx


 Yeah, Keaton changed the names in our phones. I think it's cheesy but cute & sweet. It feels....amazing knowing I'm his princess and he's my prince. Drew & I walk in Papa Joes and we immediately get seated since it's not too busy. As Drew & I chat and I eat my food, Keaton remains on my mind.