Status: Let me know what you think :*

The Sound Of An Unbeating Heart


Age 11 - Acacias POV -

"Acacia, c'mon, it's already probably 5 and mom and dad still hasn't called us in for dinner" Jade my twin sister said while tugging on my arm.

"Jade, they probably just got distracted, don't be such a worry wart" I said. She sighed. "Acacia, come on" I grunted and let her drag me into our house. A strong metallic smell instantly his us in the face making both Jade and I scrunch our nose up in disgust.

"Dear god, what ever they are cooking, I don't want" Jade mumbled under her breath. I giggled and agreed. We walked into the kitchen. Neither mom or dad were in the kitchen, their was nothing on the stove or in the over.

"Well then.. Looks like we aren't getting dinner on time." Jade and I walked into the living room. The TV was on, the slide door leading into the back yard, was half way open, pillows were everywhere. "Uh, they are probably just playing a joke on us" I scoffed. "I hope.."

I closed the door, locked it, and pushed the blinds back, when I noticed and little red dot. It looked a lot like blood, but it could just be a stain. We cleaned up the living room and turned the TV off. "That unlike mom.." Jade had a good point, mom was very OCD.

"Lets go check there room" We walked upstairs, the metallic smell getting stronger and unbearable. I groaned and pinched my nose with my thumb and index finger. "This smell is horrible"
I opened the door to their room. "Mom. Dad" No sign. The bed was unusually messy, things were scattered on the floor, like Jade said this is very unlike mom.

I walked to their bed room closet and snatched the door open. "Boo!" Nothing. I sighed. "What is going on.." Jade went into their bathroom. "Noone is in here either.."

"Lets get some Air Spray first.." I said, we both walked to cleaning supply closet. As I was opening it, I heard a groan. My eyes flicked toward Jades. I opened the door slowly, I heard a thud. I looked to the ground to see my moms blond, wavy hair now filled with a sticky red substance, the metallic smell stronger then ever.

I screamed. "Mom!" I looked down at her neck. There was huge gash gushing with blood. Jade was in shock and I had know idea what to do honestly. "Go call someone" I shakily said. Mom was already gone, she bled out.. I pulled her into me and sobbed.

A few minutes later I heard blaring sirens outside. People began barging in. I heard Jade talking downstairs then foot steps banging up the stairs. "Please step away from the body" I layed my lifeless, pale, cold mother down, kissed her forehead and walked over to where Jade was standing.

"Do you have any idea where your father might be?" I shook my head. "No, Jade and I were outside, she were playing, and we noticed it getting dark and usually they would call us in for dinner before dark so we came in the house was a mess, there was a few drops of red by the back door. It smelled like metal. It was just horrid, we checked their room and couldn't find them, so we decided that we would get some Air spray and when we opened the door mom fell out, we have no idea where our father might be" The officer nodded.

"Did you hear any screaming or noises come from in here while you were outside?" Jade and I shook our head. "No but we did hear some moving in the back yard we thought dad just might has been moving some stuff around in his building"

"Do you have any relatives that you can stay with until we get everything figured out?" Jade shook her head. "No, they all live in California and they aren't exactly the nicest people.." The officer nodded.

"Okay, well for now on you'll possibly be going to an orphanage if we cant get ahold to any family right now just follow Officer Davis and we'll find you some where okay?" We nodded and followed a chubby, bald officer to a police car

-Police Station-
Jade and I both had gotten questioned. We both couldn't stop sobbing. They couldn't get ahold to any family members so we will be going to an orphanage.

The Officer brought us back to let us get packed. "I cant believe this.." I whispered while putting my clothes into some suit cases we had to use mom and dad suit cases also.

"Let bring something with us that is theirs.." I nodded. We walked into their room and went through their stuff. We had both picked out a few things out their before setting it in the cases. We were all packed and ready to go.

We weaved our way through the crowded house and to the police, he helped up put our stuff away.

The drive was long, but we got there. "We will send their birth certificates and information in as soon as we get it together" The police told the lady. The lady gave a sweet smile.

The police left. "Hey there, I'm Mrs. Lambert you are?" She introduced. "I'm Acacia and that's my sister Jade"

"Well Acacia and Jade, Ridgewood Orphanage is a fun place to be, so you don't have to worry, you will make friends right away, follow me and Ill show you to your rooms, would you like to share or have separate?" The Mrs. Lambert asked

"Share" Mrs. Lambert showed us our way to our rooms. And she was right, we made friends as soon started wandering around.
♠ ♠ ♠
There is the start, it might be a little way off.. It is really late at night and I can barely concentrate. Enjoy, Comment, subscribe, thankyouu:*