Status: Let me know what you think :*

The Sound Of An Unbeating Heart


Age 12 - Acacias POV
"Acacia && Jade Black please report to the front desk" Jade and I got up from where we were watching a movie. Its been 11 months and 4 days since we have been in the orphanage and we have made a lot of friends.

We got to the front desk. "Yes Mrs. Williams?" About 2 months ago, Mrs. Lambert, had randomly gone missing, so we had to get a different lady.

"We have some people here that are going to adopt you, would you like to meet them?" We were both over joyed and quickly shook our head yes.

We followed Mrs. Williams into the lobby. There was a girl and a boy no older then 25, the girl had long brown hair that sat right at her hips, her skin was extremely tan and she had bright blue eyes, she was skinny and really short, at least 5'4, the boy had hazelnut brown hair, that stopped right above his eyes, his eyes were a yellowish green color and he also had tan skin. They look like they would be a popular Tumblr couple.

"Okay, this is the twins, Jade and Acacia" The couple smiled brightly. "Hey there, I'm Kayla, and this is my husband Noah" Jade and I waved with a sweet smile plastered on our face. "Nice to meet you" Jade squeaked.

Kayla giggled and hugged both of us. "So are you up for adopting?" Kayla looked up and Noah and nodded. "Yes" Jade and I squealed. "Thank You" We attacked both of them in a hug making Kayla giggle and Noah chuckle.

"Well, we'll come back and get you tomorrow. Tomorrow is our last day visiting our parents, your new home will be in Hawaii" I've always wanted to visit Hawaii, now I get to live there?! This is awesome.

"Okay" They gave us a hug before leaving. "We're getting adopted I said and slapped Jades arm, she gasped. "Ow! Rude." I laughed, we bounced our way into our room and began packing and talking about our future and how we want it to turn out.

Before we were about to go to bed. I felt like there was someone watching me. I sat up and so did Jade. "Jade do you feel that?" I asked from my bed. "Yeah" I sigh and run my fingers through my Chocolate brown hair. "Lets just go to sleep"

- Next Day -

"Jade, wake up, its 9, they should be here soon" I shook Jade awake. "Okay I'm up calm down" I giggled. "Going to take a shower" I said, she nodded. I picked up the cloths I left out last night and went into the bath room.

I did my normal routine and got out. I put my hair into a towel and dried off with another one. I got dressed into a white dress that stopped 2 inches above my knees, I put on some bracelets, necklaces, and rings. I dried my hair quickly and curled it and pulled my bangs back and put a white bow in, both Jade and I had chocolate brown hair that went to our waist. I walked into our room and saw jade in the same thing, she just a black dress and a black bow. She left her hair straight.

There was a knock on our door. I opened in up and Kayla and Noah stood there. "Ready to go?" I nodded and we picked up our suit cases. "Bye Mrs. Williams" Jade and I hugged her and said goodbye before heading out to the car and putting our suit cases in the back.

"Are you guys hungry?" We both nodded a little. "How does iHop sound?" Our eyes lit up. We haven't had iHop in forever. "Sounds nice"

During breakfast we got to know each other, cut up and had a great family bonding time.

"What would we call you?" Jade asked. "You can call us anything, if you don't want to call us mom or dad, we understand" Jade and I smiled. "Whatever you feel comfortable with" Noah butted in.

- In Hawaii -

We are finally in Hawaii after a 5 day drive and 15 minute plane ride to the island. We were finally home. We pulled up to a 2 story house. "This is you new home" Kayla turned around and smiled.

You couldn't whip the smile off Jade or my face. It was great. I looked over to the house beside us as saw two boys about our age playing in a swimming pool. "That is Colton and River, Colton lives across the street and River lives beside us" I nodded.

"Well lets show you around" We grabbed our cases and followed Noah and Kayla inside. "This is the living room, that's the kitchen, downstairs is the basement and garage, our room is right here" Noah walked a little farther down a hallway, "This is the bathroom, and ya'll both get your own room, we didn't decorate it, we are going to let you guys decorate it, we'll go tomorrow so you can get the stuff for your room" Noah smiled, we hugged him tightly

We took our stuff in our room and unpacked. I heard a knock down on the front door. Then I heard Noahs voice. "Yeah, remember how we told you we were adopting?" It got silent so I guess the person nodded. "Well we adopted them the other day, and now they are in their room getting unpacked, they are ya'lls age" So I guess its the boys.

I heard a faint voice. "Can we meet them?" I didn't here anything else but foot steps. And a knock on Jades door then on mine. "Ya'll wanna meet Colton and River?"

"Yes" We followed Noah to the front door and saw the two boys standing there dripping wet.

"Hi, Im jade" Jade waved and I waved. "Im Acacia"

"Im River and that's Colton, hes a little shy.." Jade and I giggled.

"Would you like to come swimming with us?" I turned to Noah.

"Do ya'll have bathing suits?" We nodded.

"Yeah ya'll can go but be careful, and be in before dark"

"Yes sir" We skipped off into our room and got into our swim suits.

For the rest of the day all we done was swim. I think we can handle it here.