Sequel: Twice Baked
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Please Remember Me

Darkness Changes Your Perspective

It had been a week since they moved me to the rehab center. They were still working on getting me a prosthetic, which I was fighting with all my might. I didn’t want to pretend I had a leg. It was gone. I needed to seriously get over it. I was more concerned with my memory and this guy Patrice who came everyday like a sad puppy. I knew how in love with me he was, but I had no idea who he was or this other Gabriella he knew. Whoever she was, it wasn’t me no matter how badly he wanted me to be. He was good company though, and at the moment, the only thing I had so I was trying my best to be pleasant. Today he was coming to take me out for the first time since my accident. I couldn’t lie to myself about the fact that I was very excited to be getting away from the hospital.

“Hey,” Pat said as he knocked on the doorframe as he walked in. “you ready to go?”

“Uh, yea did you bring my clothes?” I asked sitting up in my bed.

“Yea here.” He said handing me a bag filled with my stuff.

I looked through it confused as I waited for the nurse to come and help me change. “Pat is this some kind of joke?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Where are my real clothes?” I said as I pulled out the little dress he had packed.

“That’s one of your favorite outfits?” Berg said not understanding what I was talking about.

“We are gonna have to stop at my apartment so I can pick out something else.” I said as the nurse helped me into the bathroom to get me dressed.

I wheeled myself out embarrassed, “This is completely ridiculous. Of all the clothes I have you choose this?”

“Hey, I’m sorry, but I think you look stunning.” He said as he helped wheel me out of the room.

Once we were signed out, he wheeled me to his car. He went to lift me out of the chair, but I stopped him.

“Please don’t try and carry me I am capable of getting into a car.” I protested with my hands in the air.

After struggling, I finally got myself into his car. He closed my chair up and stuck it in the back before getting into the car.

“So to the apartment first?” Berg asked looking up and down my body, “I still think you should leave this on.”

“Yea I really need to find something more me.” I said fussing with my dress. I couldn’t believe that I would own something so short.

When he pulled into the Union Wharf parking lot, I thought he was kidding, but when the parking space had a sign with my name on it, I knew he wasn’t.

“Wow,” I gasped.

“What is it?” Berg asked concerned.

“How do I afford this place?”

“Well from what I assume your bakery. I never really asked you to be honest.” Berg got out and brought my chair over to me. Having to wait on him was really starting to bother me.

This time instead of being stubborn, I let him help me into my chair. Only because I wanted to see what my apartment was like. When he helped wheel me into the lobby, everyone cheered and clapped for me. It was a bit overwhelming, but still a sweet gesture. All these strangers kept coming up to me wishing me well. Finally, we were on the elevator.

Bergeron looked at me softly as the doors closed, “Do you wanna guess which floor you live on?”

I wasn’t in the mood after the lobby scene, “Let’s just hurry up and get there.” I said impatiently.

He slightly frowned as he pressed the 6th floor. The elevator brought us up and opened to a short hallway. He wheeled me down the hall until a dream catcher hanging on one of the doors caught my eye.

“Is that my apartment?” I asked pointing towards apartment 6D.

“How’d you know that?” Berg asked confused.

“I don’t know really. It’s just the dream catcher caught my eye.

“That’s great!” Berg said excitedly.

“Um yea sure.” I said mocking his enthusiasm.

“Brittany gave you that dream catcher for your Birthday this summer.” Berg explained.

I nodded as I remembered Berg telling me Brittany was Milan’s girlfriend. He opened the door and let me roam the apartment. I couldn’t believe I lived here. I looked at all the photographs lining the walls. Some I recognized, but most I didn’t. I made my way down the hall to what I imagined was my bedroom.

It was not what I had expected at all. I mean it should’ve been after seeing the dress Patrice brought me. I looked around taking everything in. It was as if I walked into someone else’s house, nothing stood out as mine. I opened up the closet to find more outfits like the one I was wearing. I couldn’t believe it. There was absolutely nothing normal in the closet. Finally, I found some clothes in a bag on the floor. I put them on in the bathroom. It was a struggle, but eventually I got them on and back into my chair. I came out to find Berg sitting on the couch looking out at the harbor from my windows. He turned to look at me and did a double take.

“What?” I asked confused. “You don’t like my clothes?”

“Well actually I do like them. I like them because they’re mine.” He laughed.

“Oh, I found them in a bag so I just assumed. Sorry.” I said embarrassed.

“Hey it’s fine they look better on you anyways.” Berg said smiling.

I couldn’t handle anymore of this. I full on had a mental breakdown. I started to ball my eyes out.

“THIS ISN”T MY LIFE!” I screamed over and over.

Berg held me in his arms and softly said my name, “Gabriella?”


A bright shining light in my eyes confused me. “Gabriella?”

“Wh-Where am I?” I asked scared by my surroundings. There was a doctor beside me and a few other nurses circulating around me.

“You are in the ICU of Mass General. You had an accident.” The doctor said calmly.

“Yes I know I lost my leg.” I said pulling away the sheets covering my legs. I looked down at my leg then the other. I reached out and touched it. “How’d you fix my leg doctor?”

“It was just a gash; we stitched it up on your first night here. The serious matter was the blow you took to your head. We had to induce a coma. Don’t be scared, but you were out for a month.”

“So the leg all of that was just a reality my imagination came up with while I was in a coma?” It all sunk in that none of that was ever real.

“There have been studies that show the human mind while in a coma projects things so that the body never realizes it’s asleep. It’s as if you’re awake or one of those dreams you have where it’s just too real. That might be what you went through. There’s no sure way to tell.” The doctor said. “Now I have a couple questions for you, what year is it?”


“Good, so who did you vote for last election?”

I blushed, “This is so bad, but I didn’t vote.”

“I’m not judging your answers just looking for accuracy. Could you tell me who your options were?”

“Yea Mitt Romney and Obama.”

“Alright now personal questions, are you in a relationship?”

“Does my bed count?” I laughed. “No I’m not.”

“Who was your last Boyfriend then?”

“Patrice Bergeron.”

“Okay good, before we induced your coma you had no memory of him. So this is a start in a good direction. I’m going to call it quits for today, you have some visitors. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

The doctor walked out the room leaving me by myself. I moved back the sheets and looked at my leg again. There was a scar from where my stitches had been, but other than that, it was perfect. I felt the scar and moved my leg. They were so stiff. Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks as I thanked God I still had my legs.

There was a soft knock on the door as Ty, Brad, Brittany and Milan walked in. “Hi pretty girl.” Ty said walking closer to the bed. They all gave me a hug one by one.

“I can’t believe you all came to see me.” I said happily.

“We’ve all missed you Hun.” Britt said switching out a bouquet of flowers for another.

“Aw poppies, my favorite, how’d you know that?” I asked Brittany.

She looked worriedly at Milan, “I um, guess I’m just good at guessing.” She said trying to smile.

Marsh shot her a dirty look before changing the subject. “So you feel good?”

“Yea I feel great, It was weird though the dreams I had while I was out. I dreamt that I lost my leg and memory it was crazy.” I said laughing at how ridiculous it all had been.

They all paused to look at each other before simultaneously laughing. I tried to ignore how weird everyone was acting and sum it up as they were just worried.

“So what has everyone been up to? Season started right?” I asked.

“Yea it started, we’re doing really well Berg-“ Marchand was interrupted by Tyler.

“WOW way to fucking go bro.”

“Tyler,” Brittany said smacking him.

“Okay what’s going on?” I asked confused by their behavior.

Milan came over close to the bed, “Thing is, we are not supposed to say anything yet, but your memory isn’t completely better. It’s come along way and we’re all sure it’ll come back completely. You just need to work at it is all.”

“What don’t I remember?” I asked anxiously.

“It’s small really, it’s just that you and Pat got engaged.”

“What? We aren’t even dating he left me in DC Milan.” The pain hit me in the chest as I spoke the words.

“I know this hard honey, but can you try and tell us why you were on that plane?” Brittany said softly.

I tried to think about the day my flight crashed, but came up blank. “No.” I said defeated.

“You were going to see Patrice’s family for the first time.”

“No I wasn’t, I would never get back together with him. Not after the way he treated me.” Tears filled my eyes as I started to hyperventilate.

Nurses rushed in and tried to calm me. Eventually they had no choice, but to put me out. Slowly the family darkness enveloped my body.

“Nice going guys.” Tyler said as Berg came in from the hall.

“Hey things were fine until you yelled at me.” Brad said defensively.

“You blew the protocol we swore no Bergy.” Ty said shaking his head.

“Alright enough fighting.” Patrice said taking a seat close to her. He softly brushed the hair out of her face and placed a kiss on her forehead. “Hi, babe.” He said softly.

“Pat I’m so sorry, neither of you deserve this.” Brittany said sympathetically.

“She’ll come around.” He said trying to stay positive. “She has to remember eventually, and I’ve got all the time in the world to wait for her.”

Brittany gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder as they filed out of the room, “Goodnight Pat, make sure you get some rest.”

Once Patrice was alone in the room, he layed on the bed next to Gabriella. He held her body close to his and whispered in her ear softly. “Hey, it was good to see you smile, yep I've been here everyday. Why? Cause Gabs I'll never leave you. Oh yea I'm glad you liked the flowers, yes I know they're your favorite that's wh yI have a new bouquet set out everyday." Berg sighed as he reallized that was the conversation he would never get to have with her. "One more thing, becuase I know deep down your their listening to me. Do me a favor and please remember me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Slight change in Plot, didn't like where the no leg thing was going. A girl needs a little hope.
Anyways hope you liked it let me know what you think is gonna happen next:)