Don't Make a Scene


"Sit on the counter." I instructed Gabe. He did, but not before groaning and putting a hand up to his bruised cheek. It was hurt pretty bad and he had a cut above his eye.

I grabbed a first air kit and stood between his legs so I could get closer. I ripped open an alcohol pad and dabbed it on his cut, "Ow!" He cried out, biting his lip.

"I'm sorry, Babe. It hurts." I apologized. He nodded slightly and sighed when I pulled the pad off. I turned around to the freezer and grabbed a bag of ice. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it over it so it wouldn't be too cold.

I gently placed it on his bruised cheek, "Thanks." He whispered. He brought a hand up and gently brushed my cheek.

"Gabe, you didn't have to do that." I pointed out. He shook his head.

"No. I had to. He hurt best friend and my girlfriend. Anna, you're the only girl I've ever loved truly." He confessed. I looked into his deep brown eyes.

"I love you, Gabe."

"I love you, too. But Brendon will try to tear us apart. So if anything were to happen, if he said anything...It won't be true. I would never do anything to hurt you." I nodded.

"I don't want you to get involved." I confessed. His eyes narrowed.

"Anna, I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I don't care how many fist fights it takes...He's not coming near you." He said firmly. I nodded.

"I just don't want you to get hurt." He sighed.

"I know. But as long as he's in Vegas with us, there's no stopping him." He pointed out. My eyes lit up.

"Gabe, before all of this...Me and Brendon were looking for a house in California. We found on, but didn't buy it because Brendon had got mad at me for something. It's still on the market." I smiled. His eyes lit up.

"I love the beach." He said dreamily. I giggled. He snapped out of his daze and looked at me.

"So?" I questioned.

"I say we get out of here." He whispered. I giggled again and he pulled me close to his chest. I sighed as his long arms wrapped around me.

It wasn't long before we packed our bags for two weeks and we were walking out the door, "What about recording?" I asked Gabe, remembering that he didn't finish his track for the new Panic record.

"I doubt Brendon wants me on his CD anymore." He laughed. I smiled and we carried our bags down to the parking garage and we loaded up the car before driving to the airport, "Why are we staying for two weeks?" I asked.

"I want a vacation. Just me and you. Like old times." He smiled sweetly. He reached over and laced our fingers together as we neared the airport.

About two hours later we found ourselves in LAX, "How do we get there?" I asked. He laughed and waved down a taxi. We climbed in and set our bags in the back, "Where to?" The man asked.

"Long Beach." Gabe smiled.

"It's gonna cost a lot, Buddy."

"I know. It's cool."

"Okay." The man turned on the timer and we were off. While Gabe was on the phone with the Realtor, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.


I forgot about her! "Hello?" I answered.

"Where are you!? I've been waiting here for a gazillion hours!" Alex yelled into the phone.

"Oh, sorry about that." I said sheepishly.

"Jeez, you had me worried sick! I thought you died or something!" She exclaimed.


"It's fine," She sighed, "Where are you?" She asked.

"Um...California." I grinned.

"California? Why?" She asked.

"Well, me and Gabe knew that if we stayed in Vegas Brendon would bother us too much. A while ago me and Brendon looked for a house on the beach, we found the perfect place but Brendon changed his mind last minute. So we're gonna buy it." I explained.

"Yes! Me and Patrick were thinking of moving by the beach! Pat loves the beach." She noted. I laughed.

"Okay, well I'll call you later. We'll be down here for two weeks."

"What do I tell Brendon?" She asked, "I mean, I'm at the studio everyday. Pete won't call recording off because Decaydance would lose too much money. So they're gonna finish. He'll ask where Gabe is."

"Tell him the truth."


"Alex, we have a right to be happy and he has a right to know. Besides, do you honestly think Patrick would let him touch you after what happened?"

"Uh, no, I guess not. Okay, I'll tell him."

"Mkay. I'll call you to tell you if we get the house." I smiled.

"Okeedokee. Bye!"


I closed my phone and looked at Gabe. He was looking at me. I could see the glint in his eye, "You're amazing." He breathed. He leaned in his lips to mine.

"We're here." The man driving said. Gabe pulled back quickly and grabbed his wallet.

"Gabe, let me." I said, grabbing my own wallet.

"No, no. It's fine." Before I could say anything he handed the man the money and stepped out of the car. I followed and grabbed my bags before following him into the hotel.

We walked to our room and put away our stuff. I was about to walk over to the window, when I felt Gabe's arms wrap around my waist. He pulled me close to his chest and sighed, "I called the Realtor...The house already sold." He said sadly.

"A-Are you serious?" I asked, tears threatening to fall. He nodded.

"But, there's another house around there. We could go visit it." He suggested.

"Yeah, we should." I sighed. He kissed my head and pulled out a pair of keys to a rental car.

"Let's go, then."

We drove through the slums towards the houses on the beach. I gazed out the window, watching the waves crash against the sand.

"We have to park here, then we'll walk." He smiled. I nodded and got out of the car and grabbed Gabe's hand. We walked down the street past the houses. We reached a street and Gabe turned to me, "Close your eyes." He directed.

"Gabe." I looked at him, ready to tell him I didn't want to. But he flashed his amazing grin and I obliged. He put his hands over my eyes and led me down the street. I heard a door open and he led me up three small steps.

He walked me across wooden floors and we reached a certain area, "You ready?" He asked. I nodded and he held his breath. He took his hands away and I gasped.

The house was gorgeous. It was perfect. The high ceilings made the house look spacious. The couches were navy blue with white pillows and white accents. The kitchen was navy blue and white. I looked to my left and saw white french doors that led out to the patio. The patio had stairs that led down to the beach.

"Oh my god." I whispered. Gabe pulled me close.

"I say we buy it." He smiled. I looked up at him. As soon as I leaned in, a lady walked in the room.

"Are you looking to buy it?" She smiled. Gabe looked at me, then her, then nodded.

"It's perfect."

"I'll go get the papers while you look at the rooms upstairs." She smiled.

Gabe grabbed my hand and we walked up the stairs. The master bedroom had large windows that looked down over the beach. The bathroom was large and spacious, as was the closet, "I had to make sure the closet was big. I knew we wouldn't be able to fit both of our stuff." I laughed and we looked around the other guest rooms.

"So are you ready?" The lady asked.

"More than ready." Gabe smiled.