Don't Make a Scene


I walked into the small cafe. Gabe's eyes lit up at the sight of me, Alex, and Ryan. He got up from the table and walked over to me. He pulled me in his arms and pecked my cheek, "Hey, Baby!" He turned to Ryan and Alex to say hello.

"What do you want, Hun?" Gabe asked as I sat down next to him. I shrugged. I had no appetite. This lunch would anger at least one of my best friends. This wouldn't end well, and I knew that.

"Anna, you okay?" Ryan asked. I nodded.

"I'll have a water. I'm not that hungry." I confessed. Gabe nodded and turned to the waitress. Everyone ordered and soon we were chatting away. Ryan and Alex hadn't seen Gabe in a month, so they had a lot of catching up to do.

"Here you go," The waitress smiled and handed me a water, "And this is for you." She smiled seductively and handed Gabe a napkin. Gabe nodded her acknowledgment and watched her walk away. He shook his head and crumpled up the paper.

"Wow, that happen often?" Alex joked. Gabe shrugged.

"So why did you come down?" Gabe asked.

"We had to ask Anna something very important...Anna, do you have an answer?" Ryan asked. I sighed and nodded.

"Gabe, Alex, Ryan...this answer is going to anger at least one of you..." I trailed off. Alex smiled slightly.

"Anna, this was just a thought. We don't want you to do anything you aren't comfortable with." Ryan said. I nodded and took in a deep breath.

"What's going on?" Gabe asked. I turned and faced him.

"Gabe, Brendon isn't doing well. He's been cutting and might be on the verge of suicide." I informed him. Gabe's eyes narrowed.

"And?" He asked. I took in a deep breath.

"I've decided that I'm going to stay with him for a while." I answered. He was silent.

"You made a good choice, Anna." Alex smiled.

"No. She's not going." Gabe said firmly to Ryan.

"Gabe, it's what's best. You two won't be broken up. I'll be next door from the house in case anything happens." Ryan said.

"No. I don't give a shit! That's like putting a child in a house with a pedophile! She is not going." Gabe said stubbornly.

"Gabe...It's what's best." I said softly.

"Anna, I'm not letting you go. He's a monster and I could care less what happens to him." He spat.

"Gabe!" Alex yelled.

"Hey, she's an adult. She has the choice and you can't stop her. Just because she has a bigger heart than you doesn't mean you can hold her back." Ryan said viciously.

"Fine. Take her then. I can't fucking believe this...CHECK!" Gabe yelled, waving his hand in the air.

I left a twenty in his hand before following Ryan and Alex out the door, tears dripping from my eyes, "Anna, it's okay. You're doing the right thing." Ryan said, putting an arm around me. I nodded as we got into the car.

It wasn't long before I was packing everything in my bags. It felt like I had done this too many times lately. Alex watched me sadly, helping out in any way she could. Ryan stood in the living room, waiting for us and setting up the flight.

When the final bag was packed and the last window shut, I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, "Anna, you don't have to do this." Alex said, noticing how hard this was for me. I shook my head and wrote.

Dear Gabe,
I'm sorry I had to do this. It wasn't their fault, or Brendon's. He needs help and he's your friend. I'd rather sacrifice for him to get better than regretting it when something worse happens. I may not love Brendon like I used to, but I couldn't bare him to kill himself. It's not only for him, it's for me. I want to reach the point where we can all be in a room without hitting each other. I want our relationship to be friends, instead of exes. I hope you understand and support me after you read this. I love you so much, and I wouldn't leave you for anything in the world.

I slipped the note on the door and followed Alex and Ryan to the car, "It's going to be okay." Ryan said.

"Does Brendon know?" I asked. Alex shook her head.

"No. But he can't refuse. He'll try, but he needs this." Alex said.

"But...what do I do? I mean, am I his therapist now or what?" I questioned.

"No. Just show him that still love him as a friend. He feels like no one loves him anymore because of what he did." Ryan said. I nodded.

This was going to be interesting.
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Short, but just to fill you in without a long wait =D