Don't Make a Scene


I walked into Brendon's closet. He was in the shower, getting ready. I snuck in and turned to my side of the closet. We still hadn't cleaned it out together. We said we're going to do that on my last day. Tomorrow. I pushed that thought to the back of my mind and looked at the dresses. I was going to wear one tonight, because tonight was special. I grabbed the black dress with a red trim and lace around the bottom. It was one of Brendon's favorites. He came home from tour with it and said we had to go out that night because he couldn't wait to see it on me.

I quickly grabbed a pair of matching heels before slipping out of the room. As I reached my room I heard Brendon's shower turn off. I smiled before shutting my door and locking it. I slipped on the dress and turned to the mirror. It definitely was one of my favorites. I walked across the room to the bathroom. I grabbed half of my straight hair and put it up, leaving the rest down. I added some clips and sprayed some glitter before grabbing my make-up bag. I put some pink lip gloss on, then traced my eyes in a thin line of eye-liner. After that, I used grey eye-shadow to cover my eyes. After my work was done, I smiled. Ryan had taught me well, "Anna! You ready?" Brendon called.

I slipped on my shoes quickly before grabbing my purse. I walked out the door and down the stairs, meeting Brendon at the bottom. I smiled at his shocked expression. He walked towards me and gently grabbed my hand, "You look beautiful." He complimented before pulling me into a hug.

"Okay Bren, I love you too, but don't make my cry. I just finished my make-up." I smiled. He laughed and pulled out of the hug.

"Shall we?" He asked in a British accent. I laughed and nodded. We walked out the door and into the Audi parked outside.

We got into the silver car before driving off for the restaurant. We sat in a comfortable and peaceful silence. He reached over and squeezed my hand, letting me know he wasn't going to hurt me. I smiled.

We entered the small cozy Italian place and was quickly escorted to a table in the back. Ryan and Alex were already there with Patrick, munching on bread-sticks. I greeted everyone with hugs, as did Brendon, before we sat down, "So, sad about Anna leaving?" Patrick asked as he scoured the menu for something good.

"Obviously. But, we worked out a lot of things...And we can get on in life now." Brendon smiled at me. I smiled back and hugged him.

"Kodak moment." Ryan said before sipping his water. I laughed.

"Presents!" Alex randomly yelled, pulling out her present for Brendon. I laughed and Brendon rolled his eyes.

"You didn't have to do this." He said sheepishly.

"Yeah we did, because we love you, Brendon." I replied. He took the bag on his lap and ripped off the wrapping paper, then laughed.

"Thanks." He joked, looking down at the surplus box of Chips Ahoy.

"Hey, we couldn't think of anything else." Alex shrugged. Patrick rolled his eyes.

"And here's mine." Ryan said, handing Brendon a bag. He opened it and smiled at the gift card to Starbucks.

"And," Alex grabbed a bag from under the table, "This is from Anna. But we had to hide it."

Brendon glanced at me before gently taking the tissue paper out from the bag. He reached in and grabbed a small book. I diary with music sheets, "Put that genius mind to work. Ryan's losing his touch." I joked, earning a glare from Ryan. Brendon laughed and reached in for the next item.

He pulled out a small box with a card attached to it. He opened the card and read aloud, "Brendon, even though we went through hard times and good times, I still love you. I always will and we'll always be friends. We may not be intimate or romantic friends, but we'll be best friends. I hope we can hang around, and these past weeks with you have made me love you more as a friend. I love you. Love Anna." He wiped at the corner of his eyes before opening the long box.

"Whoa." Ryan said, looking at what I bought Brendon.

It was a necklace with a real guitar pic on it. It was the guitar pic Brendon gave me on our first date. I gave him one too. I took that pic and put it on a necklace, so we would match. On the pic in a sharpie I wrote, 'Through hard times and bad, we stick it out till the end.'.

"Anna, you didn't have to." Brendon said softly. I shook my head and fell into his arms.

"You're amazing Brendon." I said. He hugged me back and soon the waiter was there with our food.

I ate my pasta, and it tasted really good. I was halfway through my meal when I realized I didn't feel so good. I thought there was something bad in the food, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I think the food made me sick." I said.

"Want me to come with?" Alex asked.

"No, I'm good." I got up from the table and rushed over to the bathroom. I pushed open a stall and hurled the contents of my stomach into the bowl. I gagged and choked for a good fifteen minutes before sitting down on my knees, exhausted.

I sat back, thinking of what was in the food that made me sick. Then I thought of another thing that could have made me sick.

"Oh fuck."


I walked back out to the table, "Hey, you okay? You were in there for a while." Ryan noted.

"Uh...I threw up." I replied. I could hear Brendon starting to choke on the water he was sipping.

"Ahem, sorry. Drank to fast." He replied, wiping his mouth. Our eyes connected before I looked down in shame. It wasn't long before we were in the car driving home.

Even though the radio was on, it felt silent. Brendon pulled into a store parking lot, "I have to get something. Just wait in the car." He replied. I nodded and obeyed. He didn't hiss it, like he was mad at me, but I was still scared.

He walked back out and tossed a bag into the backseat before heading back home. We pulled into the driveway and I quickly got out. I walked into the house and Brendon followed. I heard him stop and I turned to face him. I looked into his eyes before dropping to me knees, "Please, Brendon, I'm sorry!" I wailed, tears pouring down my face.


"I never meant for this! I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me! I'll do anything! Just don't hurt me! I'm so sorry! I get it, I'm a slut and I'm sorry!" I cried into my hands.

I looked up and Brendon was looking down at me, sympathy in his eyes. He dropped down to his knees, and that's when I noticed tears in his eyes too, "This is what I've done, huh?" He asked.

"Wh-What?" I asked.

"I've done this to you...I made you afraid of me." He cried. He took his hands into mine.


"I'm not going to hurt you...Ever again. And once you're gone you won't have to worry. I want you and the baby to be happy."

"S-So you aren't mad?" I asked. He shook his head.

"All I want you to do, is take this," He said, handing me the bag from the store, "And do your thing in the bathroom. And when you come out, positive or not, I'll still love you." He leaned over and kissed my cheek before getting up. I took the bag and walked into the bathroom down the hall.


I waved goodbye to Brendon, but he tackled me in a hug, "Thank you...for everything." He whispered. I could feel his tears soaking into my shirt.

"I love you, Bren. I hope you still stay the same." I replied, crying myself.

I pulled away and laced fingers with Gabe before turning around and getting into the truck waiting. Gabe looked back, then looked forward and started the car.

"I love you, Anna." He said, kissing my hand.

"I love you too, Gabe."
♠ ♠ ♠
I left another cliffhanger.
Is she pregnant?
Or is she not?
That is the question!