Don't Make a Scene


I smiled as me and Gabe walked into the baby store. It was filled with little shoes and dresses and shirts. I looked down at my ring on my left finger. I guess you could say a lot happened in the past two weeks.

I told Gabe about the baby and a few days later he proposed. There's only one thing wrong with my now perfect life...Gabe thinks the baby is his, "Babe, what about this?" He asked, holding up a blue boy's shirt.

"Gabe, we don't know if it's a girl or boy." I laughed. He frowned.

"When do we?" He asked.

"I don't know. I'll look it up in the computer tonight. We just need to look around. I told you we can't buy anything now." He nodded.

"Okay. Let's go then. We have an appointment with the wedding planner in fifteen minutes." He noted. I nodded and we walked out to the car.

"So what colors were you thinking of? Or did you want a theme?" The kind woman, her name was Katie, asked. She was about twenty-two.

"I don't know. I would really like it to be kind of the 80's theme. Like loud colors." Gabe smiled. I felt immediately disappointed. I just wanted a simple traditional wedding in Autumn.

"Babe, can't we have just a traditional wedding?" I asked.

"That sounds more practical." Katie said.

"Oh...I guess. Maybe we could do a simple traditional wedding but a different thing for the reception." Gabe suggested.

"Yeah. We could do that." I agreed, even though it wasn't my exact idea of a wedding.

"Okay. So we'll focus on the ceremony first. Anna, what colors did you want with the white?" Katie asked.

"I was thinking maybe a pale blue...or yellow." I grinned, imagining how perfect it would look.

"Alright. How about some yellow and blue flowers for the bouquet. The bride's maids will wear a dress like that too." Katie smiled.

"Actually, can it be just blue and white? I think I like that better." I smiled sheepishly, "Sorry."

"Don't worry about it, Hun. You two are much easier than some of my other clients." She laughed.

A few hours later we had the dresses sketched out and the flowers decided, "So," Gabe started as we drove home, "Have you thought about the wedding date?" He asked.

"Yup." I smiled.

"Okay, hit me." He laughed.

"Sometime in Autumn." I grinned. His smile faded.

"Oh...I'll be on tour by then." He told me.

"Can't we do it when you have a break?"

"My break is Spring." He noted.

"Okay. I guess we'll do it in Spring."

The rest of the way home was silent. I knew Gabe wanted a lot to do with the wedding, but this isn't the fairytale I imagined. Don't get me wrong, I love Gabe, but I just thought my wedding would be more...magical.


Alex's P.O.V.

"Hello?" I answered my phone.

"Hey, Alex." Brendon greeted.

"Hey, Bren! I haven't talked to you in forever! How are you?" I asked.

"I'm fine, but I really need someone to talk to...Can you come over?" He sounded troubled.

"I'm coming right now." I said, grabbing my keys.

"Please...hurry." He whispered.

I shut my phone and frantically drove the way towards Brendon's home. He might be having another breakdown. He had these before Anna came, which is one of the main reasons why me and Ry decided it would be best for her to live with him.

I grabbed my spare key and quickly opened the door, "BRENDON!?" I called. I ran up the stairs and burst through his room.

My heart literally broke at the sight of Brendon, sitting in the corner shaking. He looked so helpless and sad. He was rocking back and forth, crying his eyes out. I could see a blade sitting not to far away from him. He was eying the shiny object, as if deciding if he were going to use it, "Bren, what's wrong?" I asked. I sat down next to him.

"Everything. I'm going to ruin Gabe and Anna's relationship." He sobbed.

"Bren, you aren't ruining anything. If they can't make it through Anna coming to visit, then they shouldn't be together." I noted.

"B-But this is worse." He whispered, his voice hoarse.

"What did you do? Did you say something to Gabe?" I asked.

"No." He replied.

"Did you say something to Anna?"

"No. I did something to her," I swear if he even touched a sing hai-, "I got her pregnant." He choked out.


"We didn't mean to...I mean, it was one night. We always used protection, but I guess with all that was going on, we forgot."

"What exactly happened?" I asked slowly.

"One night I wanted to head to a club. I knew a girl that I used to get my mind off Anna. I asked if I could bring her here, but she caught my lie and knew it wouldn't be my girlfriend. So...we decided to have one more night, before fully letting go. I mean, before we didn't end on good terms, but that kind of finalized it. I mean, you would think is was some meaningless fuck," He practically spat the word 'fuck', "That's how it always was.

"I would come home craving something Anna couldn't give me. But that didn't stop me. She was afraid I would hurt her if she refused. But that night...Alex, this was perfect. We were loving as a couple, not some one-night-stand. I stayed up with her after and we talked. I held her in my arms for the last time, I kissed her with such passion and love. We were a couple, like before I became"

I sat there with my mouth open. He was in love with her, and he would have to go his whole life like that. He would meet other girls, but I knew that wouldn't replace Anna. I had realized it. I only thought of what Anna was feeling, not of Brendon.

"I ruined everything." He whispered. He moved to reach for the knife.

"Brendon, no." I stated firmly, like a mother scolding her child. I grabbed the knife and kept it in my grip, "It wasn't your fault. I know Anna wanted it as much as you."

"But I ruined it! She's going to have a kid and later in life that kid might find out that his real dad was an abusive, piece of shit, asshole who had to knock up his fucking mother!" He yelled.


"No! It's my fault! I caused pain! I caused grief and sorrow! You don't know what that's like!" He sobbed. He fell to the floor.

"'I'm so sorry, Brendon." I whispered, crying for his pain.

"That's not the worst part," He paused.

He opened his mouth to speak again, "The worst part is I wish with all my heart that me and Anna could raise that child together."