Don't Make a Scene


Alex's P.O.V.

"Brendon, you deserve Anna." I said to him.

"Alex, stop. I already did enough." He got up and walked across the room to get a water.

"But it wasn't enough. If it was then Anna wouldn't be getting married to him."

"I thought you liked Gabe." He stated.

"I did. But when I went down there to tell her about moving here for a while...A month before you and Anna broke up, we all went out to dinner...remember? Not the one where you asked her to marry you, another one. You remember, don't you?" I asked.

"Yeah. And?"

"Well, the way I saw Gabe and Anna look at each other was strong...But that night when you and Anna were together. Bren, with on look you and Anna looked so-so passionate for each other. And then I saw it again."

"When?" He asked curiously.

"The dinner we all had together before Anna left."


"See...there's still something there!"

"And what exactly am I supposed to do about it? I can't object at the wedding because I wasn't invited. Security is packed and Gabe will probably beat the shit out of me."

"First of all, you could break Gabe in half if you really wanted to. Second, that leaves us with one last option." I grinned. He looked at me, as if deciding if he wanted to hear my plan or not.

"Okay. Hit me." He said.

"Brenny-Boy, I am going to help you crash a wedding."


Anna's P.O.V.

"Where the fuck is Alex!?" I yelled, trying to zip up my dress. I gave up and nearly screamed out of frustration.

"I'm right here. Calm your ass down, Bride-Zilla." She said, walking in.

"Ugh. Don't call me that. I'm nothing like that."

"Yeah yeah." She mumbled.

"You're being awfully bitchy today." I muttered. She zipped up my dress furiously, accidentally pinching my skin, "OW!" I yelled.

"You're being the bitch." She said, spinning me around.


"Anna, don't you fucking get it?!" She yelled.

"What are you talking about!?"

"You started being a bitch and bratty a while ago, huh?"

"I'm just stressed."

"No, this was before the wedding." She pushed me back when I tried to walk past her.

"And? Prove something. Go on I'm waiting."

She slapped me.

My best friend, since three, slapped me.

"You started being a bitch when you moved back in with Gabe. You were miserable because of one thing," I put a hand up to my stinging face, "You missed Brendon."

"Don't say that!" I yelled.

"You know what, I know you're other problem is. You always made a scene. You always had to make a scene. And that's why you and Brendon should be together! You even each other out! He does the same fucking exact thing! When you dated Brendon you two both stopped being so fucking dramatic...But when you got with Gabe..."

I scoffed.

"It's true, Anna! Admit it! You love Brendon! You think you love Gabe, and you just think there's no way out. You think that since today is that day, that you have to marry Gabe," She walked over to me and grabbed both of my hands in hers, "Anna," Her voice calmed down to a slight whisper," You don't have to. If you love Brendon, then go with him."

I ripped my hands from hers and glared, "Fuck you, Alex." I spat before grabbing my bouquet and storming out of the room.

I took my place behind the doors. I opened one a crack and looked out. Gabe said all the guests were here already, so I wanted to see who showed. I peeked out and scanned the crowd. Gabe's family, my family, the bands, Ryan, Spencer, Patrick, Pete. Everyone except.

"Where's Brendon?" I whispered to myself.

"He didn't show." A voice said from behind me. Gabe.

"It's back luck to see the bride before the wedding." He pulled me into his arms.

"I'm sorry he didn't come. I know he was your best friend." I nodded and held back my tears for the sake of my make-up.

Gabe left through the doors and I got into my position. I felt someone stand behind me, "Don't make a scene." Alex whispered. My breath hitched.

"Just get in line." I spat.

She did as she was told and it was starting. My wedding was starting. The doors opened and it looked magical. The lights, the colors, the guests. Everything. I pulled my veil over my face and watched Ashley, Keltie, Victoria, and Alex walk down behind the flower girl and ring barrier.

I was next. I connected my arm with Ryan's. Since my dad died and I had no other close connections to my family. In fact, I don't even know why I invited them. But Ryan was like my brother, so he would walk me down the aisle.

He walked slowly next to me and my eyes caught with Alex's. Hers were strong, telling me to just turn back now. I tore my gaze from hers and looked to Gabe. He smiled and his eyes started to water.

We reached the front and Ryan gave me to Gabe, "You better fucking take care of her." He muttered to Gabe.

The strange thing didn't sound like a joke. Ryan actually sounded mad.

At that moment I looked around at the sea of faces. Emotion casting over me.

"Dearly Beloved......
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This is the first of three updates.
Make sure you read all of them =D