Don't Make a Scene


Brendon's P.O.V.

I got into my car and revved up the engine. I wasn't going to do this in the first place. I told Alex I didn't want to...But I thought about it.

I pulled out of the hotel parking lot and sped down the busy street. I ignored cops, going to fast for them to even bother. I swerved in and out of open spaces, desperate to get to the hotel in time. It was at a Four Seasons Hotel in downtown Laguna Beach. I heard my phone ringing and I answered, "Hello?"

"Brendon! Hurry the fuck up! Anna's already at the altar!" She hissed in a whisper.

"How are you talking on a cellphone during the wedding when you're the maid of honor?" I asked, truly confused and amazed.

"Keltie, Ashley, and Victoria are covering for me...See. Everyone wants you and Anna together. Ryan's been pissed all morning because he doesn't want Anna, the closest thing he has to a little sister, to be wed to Gabe- Shit! I gotta go!"

And she hung up.

Everyone was helping out?

I punched the gas even faster. I could see the hotel ahead.


Alex's P.O.V.

"Excuse me for a moment." I whispered to Keltie. She nodded and suppressed a smirk, knowing what I was going to do. I walked around the side and made my way to outside the doors. Security lined up the way, "Excuse me, the bride says that she wants security around the side exits too. So you, and you," I pointed to the guys I knew Brendon could handle, "Stay here. The rest of you, go save the world." I grinned.

The other guards ran off towards the side and I went back to my place in line. I stood between Keltie and Victoria, with Ashley in front of me. I pulled out my phone and put the earpiece in my ear and leaned toward Keltie to hide it, "Hello?" Brendon answered.

"Are you here?" I asked.

"Yeah, where do I go?"

"Okay, look to your left and you'll see a door."


"I see the door, now what?" I asked.

"Go through and there should be an escalator."

I opened the door and ran inside, "It's off. Do I run up, or what?"

"No. That's to make sure you have the right door. So now go around and you'll see an elevator with another door next to it. Take the elevator."

I got into the elevator, "What floor?" I asked.


I pressed the button and I was on the way up. The doors opened, "Now what?" I asked.

"Turn left and walk down the hall. You'll come to another door and there should be a guest book off to the side. I saw the guest book and walked in through the doors, "Okay, you're in Anna's dressing room. To your left there's two doors. Take the right."


I did and I was in a hallway with marble flooring, "Go left and you'll see a turn. Don't turn yet. Wait a little because there's security. I'm estimating that in about thirty seconds they'll ask if there's any objections."

"You have this all planned out, don't you?" I asked.

"I watch spy movies way to much. Now hurry!" She hung up the phone and I sighed.

I pocketed my phone and looked around the corner. There were two guards, pretty small, so I could take them, "Hold up, there." A voice said from behind me. I went stiff. But why does that voice sound familiar. I turned around and my eyes nearly popped out of my sockets.

"Zack?" I asked in disbelief.

"You honestly thought I would let you take on two security guys at a wedding...alone?" He shook his head and walked around the corner.

"Hey, you have to leave-AH!"

I heard punches, groans, and kicks, "Come on!" Zack said. I turned to corner and the two guards were on the floor, groaning in pain.

"Well, do your thing." Zack said. He turned and walked down the hall.

"I knew we hired him for a reason." I laughed.

I put my ear to the door and waited for the infamous line.

I waited.

And waited.

It felt like it was years.

"Does anyone have any objections?"

There was a silence.


Shit. More guards.

I burst through the doors.


General P.O.V.

"Yeah, I have a few!" Brendon yelled, bursting the doors open.

"Brendon." Anna whispered, whipping her head to see him.

Gabe glared at Brendon then turned to Anna, "Ignore him, Babe. Let's just get on with this." Gabe said.

"Anna, don't do it." Brendon said, walking down the aisle.

"Bren...just leave." Anna said, a hint of pain in her voice.

"Anna. You don't want this. You'll be miserable your whole life...I don't want you to go through with that." He said softly.

Anna stood there, staring at Brendon. The whole room was silent. Alex, Keltie, Ashley, and Victoria all held hands for good luck. Then the guards ran in.

"Get him!" Gabe yelled, pointing at Brendon.

"No!" Anna yelled. She went to run to Brendon but Gabe held her hand tightly.

A guard came behind Brendon. He turned around and punched him in the nose. The guard groaned and pushed him back. Brendon fell back on his backside and another guard went to cuff him. Brendon rolled to his side and kicked the guard's shin. Another guard went to grab Brendon, but he was too fast. Brendon got up and punched the guard's chest. The guard paused to catch his breath.

Just as Ryan, Spencer, and Jon were about to step in and help....


Brendon looked down at his stomach, his hand covered with a red and stick substance. He looked up at Anna, before falling to the ground, "BRENDON!" She screamed.

She threw her bouquet down and ran down the aisle, "Anna! Get back here!" Gabe yelled. She ignored him and dropped to her knees.

"Anna." Brendon whispered. Anna's eyes filled with tears.

"Brendon...Oh God." She grabbed the end of her dress and used it to try and clot the bleeding.

"Anna, medics are on the way." Ryan whispered to her. Anna shook her head, her tears running down her face to Brendon's shirt.

"I'm so sorry, Brendon." She whispered.

"I-It's o-okay." Brendon choked back. She sobbed harder.

"This is all my fault. I'm a bitchy in denial slut." She spat, mainly at herself.

"Don't say that. You're a wonderful, beautiful, amazing girl." Brendon whispered back. Anna could hear the sirens outside the hotel. She laced her fingers with Brendon's.

"I should have just stayed." She confessed. He shook his head.

"I didn't want to hurt you anymore." Brendon said.

"But it would have been worth it to be with you...Besides, you're a changed man." She smiled.

"And I did it all for you, Baby."

Paramedics rushed to put Brendon on a gurney. They put him on a stretcher, placing a breathing tube in his mouth. Anna stood back, horror in her eyes.

And as fast as it happened, Brendon was gone. Rushing towards the hospital for immediate surgery.

Anna turned to Gabe, her eyes locking with his.