Don't Make a Scene


"Hey, Bren." Ryan said softly as he shut the door to the room. The doctors said only one visitor at a time while I was in here. I offered to leave so more could come in, but Brendon refused.

"Hey, Ry. How's is going?" Brendon asked, his voice raspy.

"I'm good. Really good." Ryan replied, fighting tears as the sight of his band mate and friend laying in a hospital bed.

"So, how is everyone else?"

"They're good. I mean, we all miss you. We're trying to get you out of here as soon as possible."

"You sound like I'm in prison." Brendon managed to laugh a little. Ryan did too.

"So yeah, Jon's gonna come say hi. But can I talk to Anna for a minute?"

"Yeah. That's cool." Brendon smiled. I pecked his cheek before walking out.

Ryan shut the door after Jon walked in. He sighed and handed me a bag, "Here's some clothes. That bloody wedding dress is starting to freak the nurses out." He stated. I laughed.

"Thanks. So...How's it been since we've been here?"

"Eh, the cameras are all trying to get a picture of you and Brendon. The story was already leaked by Gabe."

"Is Gabe okay? I mean, I don't want him to do anything stupid." I confessed. Ryan nodded.

"He flew to New York to visit his family."

"Yeah, I'll have to talk to his family too, sooner or later. His sister already hates me enough." Ryan shrugged.

"Pete was considering taking away Cobra's contract. Victoria talked him out of it. But everything is just a blur right now. Gabe's in New York, everyone's wondering what's going on with Brendon Urie and his girlfriend or ex-girlfriend or fiancee or wife...the fans are confused." He pointed out.

"Brendon wants to post a bulletin about the situation. I told him to wait a while."

"Good. We can't have him stressed right now."

"What have the doctors said?"

"He's doing well. After the surgery they said he did great and he's almost ready to go home. When he does get home he can't be back in the studio for a while. They told him to take it easy."

"Good. We need some alone time for a while."

"Yeah. So how are you doing? I know this is a lot." Ryan said softly. I sighed.

"I'm actually just happy I can be with Brendon. I was denying all of my feelings because of Gabe and the wedding. I just want my life to start again."

"Thats good," He nodded, "I mean, I love Gabe like my brother...But everyone has had enough of the Saporta Charm for a while."

"Yeah. I don't think we'll be friends anytime soon."

"True. Well, you should go back with Brendon. I know he's doing a lot better now that you're in there."

"I hope so."

"I know so. Take care, Anna."

I hugged Ryan and turned on me heels and walked into the room. Jon and Spencer hugged Brendon goodbye and I shut the door quietly. I changed in the bathroom and put my ring into my purse. I walked out and Brendon smiled, "You look beautiful." He smiled.

"Yeah, better than the blood huh?" I asked. He laughed and I sat down. He reached out his hand and I laced our fingers together.

"So, will you be moving back in with me when I get out of here?" He asked.

"Of course. Gabe will be in New York for a while. So maybe the guys can pick up my stuff from his house while I'm here. When you get out we'll move everything in." I explained.

"Anna, I'm gonna take anger management classes...and therapy." He added.

"Bren, you don'-"

"Yeah, I do. I want to. I want to be able to find out different ways to let out my anger...and I want to know why I think like the way I do. Maybe it'll help."

"Well," I paused and squeezed his hand tighter, "Whatever you do, I'll always be backing you up one hundred percent." He sighed.

"Thank you, Anna."

Brendon lazily closed his eyes and fell asleep. I made myself comfortable on the bed next to him. The doctors wheeled in a new, bigger, bed because Brendon couldn't sleep if I wasn't next to him. I knew hospitals frightened him a bit, so I knew I would stay with him 24/7. I cuddled into his side, still holding his hand, and let myself fall asleep on his shoulder.


I woke up to many smiling faces, Brendon talking softly next to me, "What time is it?" I asked sleepily.

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Brendon said softly. I smiled and shook my head. After rubbing my eyes, I realized that almost everyone from Decaydance was in the room.

"Ryan talked to the doctor and he said Brendon can leave today!" Alex said happily. I smiled and Brendon pulled me close and kissed my head.

"AWWW!" Everyone cooed.

"You know, we're really happy you two are together. This whole thing has gone back and forth for almost a year!" Pete exclaimed.

"Almost a year?" I asked. Brendon had the same look on his face.

"Well, you and Brendon broke up and stayed with Gabe in Las Vegas for a month. Then, you moved to California and lived there for two before you moved with Brendon. And you stayed with Brendon for almost four months. Then, you and Gabe started planning the wedding about three months. In two months that'll be a year." Keltie said. She was always the smartest.

"Wow." Brendon whispered.

"Yeah, you missed my birthday." Andy said sadly. Me and Brendon laughed.

"Mr. Urie?" A voice asked.

"Yes?" Brendon replied.

"Two women are here to see you. Erm...Maribel and Kara?" He questioned. Brendon's eyes widened and two women, one in her late fifties and the other in her early twenties, burst through the doors.

"BRENDON BOYD URIE!" The older one yelled. The younger one approached the bed and slapped Brendon across the face.

"That's for hitting a girl!" She yelled.


"Who's this, Brendon?" The older woman asked, while scolding the younger one.

"Um...Mom, Kara...this is Anna. Anna, this is my mom and my sister."

There was a thick pause. I had never met Brendon's family before.

"Is this the girl who got you here in the first place?"

I gulped.
♠ ♠ ♠
There isn't much left.
Just a few more surprises...maybe.
If you comment me =D
And a little more drama...
haha. I just had to say that.