Don't Make a Scene


"Erm...Mom, this is Anna."

"That didn't answer her question, Brendon." Kara cut in. I gulped.

"I admit it. This was all my fault." I said softly. I put my head down in shame. I felt a sharp sting against my cheek and my head shot up.

"Kara! Don't fucking touch her!" Brendon yelled.

"Bren, she put you in a hospital!" She protested.

"I love her! Gabe's the one who did this! Not her!" Brendon paused and calmed down, "Besides, this my fault....I'm the one who made her leave."

"Oh, so this is the girl you, erm....hit?" Mrs. Urie asked softly. Brendon nodded shamefully, but I laced my fingers with his.

"Uh, sorry about slapping you." Kara apologized, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Eh, I would have done the same thing." I replied. Kara smiled.

"So, what exactly happened?" Mrs. Urie asked. Brendon took in a deep breath.

"I'm going to tell you the whole story from the beginning. Besides, Ryan's still filling out paper work so there's nothing else we can really do," Brendon paused, closed his eyes, and relaxed again before opening his eyes and mouth to begin, "It all started when..."

I was overcome with emotion as he told the whole story. All about Gabe, me, our times together. He talked about me living with him for a while, he talked about our lost child, and what happened at the wedding.

He talked about how he felt and how terrible he was. He mentioned every detail and every feeling that ever occurred. Mrs. Urie and Kara sat there, their eyes and mouths wide open in shock and emotion.

It was pure silence when he finished.

"I-I would have been a grandma?" Mrs. Urie asked. I started to sob. The thought of her having joy, and how I hurt more people than I imagined, made me think of how much of a bad person I was.

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Urie. This is all my fault. I ran away in an argument with Gabe and I tripped down the stairs. It's all my fault!" I cried. I felt like jumping out the window next to me. This was too much to bare.

Then I felt a soft hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, Honey, this wasn't your fault. None of it was. Sometimes things happen unexpectedly. And I want you to know that we are more than happy to invite you to our family." Mrs. Urie smiled.

I couldn't believe it. She was so kind, like a mother should be. I smiled and she pulled me into a hug.

"Yeah, I mean, if anything it's Gabe. He's the one who provoked you to run away." Kara said. I shook my head.

"I'm tired of blaming people." I scoffed.

"Yeah, we should just get out of here and live our lives." Brendon smiled, taking my hand. I grinned and Ryan walked back in.

"Okay, Bren. Time to go. You'll be heading back to Vegas while me and Spencer go get Anna's stuff." Ryan informed him. I smiled Ryan a 'thank you' and helped Brendon out of the bed. The breathing tubes and machines had already been disconnected.

He took his clothes and walked into the bathroom. That's when Mrs. Urie and Kara walked over to me, "Anna, may we talk to you in private?" Mrs. Urie asked. I nodded and followed them out to the hallway.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked. Mrs. Urie smiled and shook her head.

"I just wanted to be sure you would take care of Brendon. I know he'll take care of you this time. I'm sure of it. I just wanted to know you're willing to be patient with him." Mrs. Urie explained.

"Yeah, my brother is a little weird sometimes." Kara smiled.

"Mrs. Urie...Kara, when I was with Gabe...away from Brendon, I felt so alone and incomplete. Now that I'm with him, I wouldn't let anything in the world take me away from him. I'm here to stay, and if that means taking care of Brendon then so be it. I'll do whatever it takes for this family to be happy...Including yours." Mrs. Urie smiled and pulled me close, Kara joining us.

"Thank You." She whispered.

Brendon walked out of the room, fully dressed, and took me into his arms. He held me tight, as tight as he could, as if he feared losing me, "Can we pick up where we left off?" He asked.

"Bren, of course I want to date you." I said. He shook his head and looked me in the eyes.

"I want to pick up where we really left off. I want you to be my wife." He said. My eyes widened. He pulled out a ring from his pocket and kneeled down.

"Bren..." I whispered.

"Anna, this is what...the third time I've asked you?" I managed to choke out a laugh, "Anna, will you marry me? For real this time? I'll help all that I can with the wedding and I won't go overboard and I won't get mad at you for anything...Please. All I want to do is spend the rest of my life with you."

I pulled him up to his feet. He looked down at me, due to my shortness, and bit his lip, "Yes." I whispered and pulled his lips to meet mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's the deal. I love this story, but the rest is really just them planning the wedding and getting into little fights. I was originally going to just post the epilouge as the wedding after a few chapters, but if you all want me to I'll keep going.
But...On one condition.
I want to start another story so the updates won't be regularly and they won't be as long either. My new story I want to put up today. I'm actually going to ask another author if I can use their idea, because I loved it.
So I will post the chapter and if she says to take it down, I will. But I also have other stories in mind.
So please comment and tell me if you want the story to keep going, or to just post the last few chapters.