Don't Make a Scene


Brendon stood in the elevator, his arms wrapped all the way around me. As if protecting me. And that's how I remembered why I fell in love with him.

"I'm really happy you decided to come with me." Brendon said as we walked along a pier.

"I am too." I smiled. He nervously reached over and laced his fingers with mine. I giggled and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"So, would you consider dating a rockstar?" He asked, his grin lighting up the dark boardwalk.

"Brendon, I would...But I'm terrified of cameras. Why do you think I became a roadie?" I asked. He laughed quietly, "I just don't want to be on the message boards and have every girl after me because I'm dating you. And if we break up I don't want girls mad at me because of it." I confess. He stopped walking and stepped in front of me, his eyes staring into mine.

"No matter what, Anna, I will always protect you. If you don't want the media to know, then I'll lie in every interview and say I'm single. I'll make sure everything is covered up. I'll say your a best friend from high school if someone asks. Please, I want this to work...You're the only girl I can trust with my career."

His eyes seemed so loving. A deep chocolate brown color. I could stare into them for days, and still be in bliss.

I bit my lip and took his hands in mine, "I'll date you, Brendon. Because I trust you too. And...I think I'm starting to fall in love with you." I said sheepishly. His eyes widened and he pulled me into his arms tightly. He kissed the top of my head.

"I already fell in love with you."

"Well, we'll see you later! Anna, call me tomorrow night and we'll think of a place to hang out." Gabe said, pecking my cheek before grabbing his car keys. I nodded and walked off with Brendon.

We strolled up to Brendon's Audi and I got in. He hopped into the driver seat and revved up the engine, "So I have a day off tomorrow." He grinned. I smiled.

Maybe he had forgotten about the 'Gabe' situation.

"We can spend the day together." I smiled. He stayed silent until we were on the freeway.

"When we get home, go straight up the stairs and wait for me in the room. Don't make yourself comfortable." He said.

I ball dropped in my stomach when he said that. He hadn't forgotten and I was going to pay. I took in a silent breath as we neared our exit. Our car got off the off-ramp and we were in our neighborhood. It didn't take long from there until we were in our driveway, "Go." He ordered when the car turned off.

I nodded and got out of the car silently before walking into the house. I heard Brendon's door slam, so I ran up the stairs. I shut the bedroom door and waited, standing in the middle of the large room. I could hear him throwing his keys on the counter before running up the stairs. I heard his quick footsteps and before I knew it the door swung open, "Do you honestly think you would get away with that!?" He yelled, pushing me to the ground.

"No." I whispered.

"Then why the fuck would you flirt with Gabe like that!? You love me and he's one of my best friends!? What kind of slutty person are you!?" He screamed, kicking me hard in the ribs. I smalled my eyes shut as he kicked me like a soccer ball.

"Brendon...please." I said, barely audible.

"Please!? Please what? Stop!? You want me to stop!? I can't fucking believe my own girlfriend would do this to me! I love you and give you a home and money to buy whatever the fuck you want and I buy you the best of the best and you treat me like shit!" He boomed.

I covered my ears with my hands, not able to take it anymore. His words hurt. They almost hurt as much as his relentless kicking.

Then he stopped.

I looked up and he stood there with his hands on his hips, scowling and breathing heavily, "Go sleep in the guest room. I'm too disgusted to even see you." He spat. I nodded and got up off the ground.

I knew he wouldn't break up with me...Because I'm the only one he trusts and he he always needs someone.

Sometimes I think he doesn't love me...But I know he does. If he didn't, he would have broken my heart by telling the media about our relationship. Sometimes I think he'll do it, but he never does.

And I love him for that.

I love Brendon, with all my heart.

I walked into the dark guest room. Brendon had shut the bedroom door and locked it. I was stuck. I couldn't go downstairs, because Brendon would hear me and get even more angry.

I made myself comfy on the bed in the left corner of the room. It wasn't the nice comfy mattress me and Brendon shared. He always wanted the best for us. The guest room felt like I cheap motel. The closet was empty, as was the bathroom. I decided to get up and explore the room I hadn't stepped in in ages.

I opened the closet door and turned on the light. I stopped and looked to the door. I locked it and listened before relaxing. I could hear Brendon's snores, so he was asleep. I looked around and found a few of our old boxes. Some family pictures and fan memorabilia that Brendon doesn't really need.

I looked around and noticed an opening in the ceiling. I stepped onto a box to reach it. I grabbed a flashlight from the corner and opened the small door. I pushed myself up and realized I was in an attic.

Brendon said we didn't have one.

I stood up and shined the light around. I stopped, noticing a few boxes thrown in the corner. I quietly walked over and examined the boxes. I turned one around and read the label.

Anna's Stuff

I opened the top of the box and glanced inside and gasped. It was all stuff that me and Gabe had done over the tour with him.


I opened a photo album that Victoria had made. She made one for me and Gabe, because she knew we were best friends. I smiled, tears coming to my eyes as I saw the picture of me and Gabe in matching purple hoodies. I was on his back because he was giving me a piggy back ride.

I turned the page and saw the pictures of me and Gabe at Disneyland. We were sharing a pretzel and Gabe had pushed me down some small stairs. It showed me falling, the pretzel in my hand. I remember that day. Gabe had felt so bad because I sprained my wrist. The whole day he kept saying sorry and offering to buy me weird Disneyland things. It was really funny.

Me and Gabe had good times. We were best friends...

Maybe it would have been best if I didn't meet Brendon.

Maybe I shouldn't have gone on that first date with him.

But that's crazy. Because I love Brendon.

So I put the lid back on the box and climbed back down into the closet. I put everything back where it was and climbed back into the bed. I snuggled up in the covers, thinking of all the good times me and Brendon have had.

And all of the good times me and Gabe shared.