Don't Make a Scene


I need to tell someone. Someone that wouldn't tell a soul, but silently help me. I need someone that could help me when Brendon has his rages.

"Alex? Can you come over?" I asked into the phone.

"Yeah! I'll be there in a few minutes." She said.

"Thanks." I said.

I started the coffee maker and turned on the television. Sure enough, a few minutes had passed and Alex walked into the living room. She had her own key, because she was like a sister to me, "Anna!" She greeted and hugged me. I smiled at her.

"Hey, Alex." I smiled.

"So, is there something on your mind?" She asked.

"Um, let me get some coffee first. Do you want any?" I offered. She nodded and I walked off tot he kitchen, she followed.

"So how are you and Brendon?" She asked.

"That's kind of what I wanted to talk about." I said.

I set down my cup and recalled the last few nights. It had been a week since the day I went to the studio with him. I watched the creamer swirl with the brown coffee and I started to remember.

"Baby, you know I love you." Brendon said, pulling me in his arms.

"I love you too, Brendon." I smiled. Why was he acting so caring and different?

"So, we've been dating for three years." He noted. What was he hinting at?

"I know. It's a long time." I grinned. He lifted me up from my spot on the couch and I half-expected a blow to the face. Instead, he stood me up and dropped to one knee.

Oh my god.

He can't do this.

"Anna Senners? Will you marry me?" He asked, pulling out a velvet box with a gorgeous diamond ring. I hesitated a moment, "Anna?" He asked. I examined the ring.

"Brendon, I love you so much. But I'm so young and this is a big decision...Can I think about it for a while?" I asked. Brendon didn't seem happy, but agreed.

He didn't hit me that night. He didn't hit me at all last night either. And now he wanted everyone to go out to a fancy dinner tomorrow. I know it's because he's going to ask me again. He thinks since more people will be there, I'll say yes.

"Anna, what's wrong?" Alex asked. I couldn't speak. So I just opened a small drawer and pulled out the box and opened it. She gasped.

"I can't do it." I whispered. Alex furrowed her eyebrows.

"How can you not do it? Anna, you love him? Are you just not ready?" She asked.

"Alex, what I'm about to tell you, you cannot tell a soul about. If you do, I would be hurt even more than I already am. I trust you with this." I said. She nodded.

"Anna, whatever it is...If it's this serious you can trust me. Are you sick? Pregnant? Worried?" She asked.

"It's none of those things...Alex," I paused, "Brendon is abusive." I say simply. Alex stares at me with a blank face.

"Abusive? As in...hurts you?" She asked softly, almost like a child. I nodded, "Oh, Anna!" She gasped and pulled me into her arms. I silently cried into her shoulder.

"I love him, Alex. I really do, and he loves me too. I think it's just a problem...But I'm scared if I marry him it'll get worse and I can never leave." I confess.

"Anna, you can't hide this forever. You're going to get hurt one day. Please, tell one of the guys." Alex said.

"No!" I growl. My sudden outburst startles Alex, "If I tell them they won't believe me. Who would believe that Brendon Urie, the sweet Mormon lead singer would hit his own girlfriend? I can't! It would make things worse. Brendon would find out and before I can do anything he would hurt me even worse. I'm trusting you Alex."

"Then...Why did you tell me?" She asked. I sighed.

"Alex, I want to know I have somebody to turn to if the going gets rough. I need to be able to call someone and talk to them about it. I can't tell any of the guys. Lord knows Pete would kill Brendon and Ryan would probably leave the band all together. Everything would fall apart. I just want somebody I can trust and talk to." Alex looked down, then up again.

"You can trust me, Anna. I'm your best friend. I know this isn't the smartest thing to do, and I might regret it later...But it's for you. I know you love Brendon, and it seems like he loves you. Maybe things will work out if you say yes."

I smiled at my best friend and hugged her.

"Thank you so much, Alex." I whispered.

"Sh, don't worry. I'm here, Anna." She said softly, rubbing my back as I cried.

I hurt so much, and to know one of my best-friends was there to help...made me feel loved. For moments I forgot about the scars, bruises, and cuts I had received from Brendon. They were all hidden. He would never hit me in the face enough to leave a permanent mark...He's too smart to do that. Everywhere else was a mess.

"So, you're going to be okay?" Alex asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, you should get home." I smiled.

"No, Anna. I'll stay with you." She said, grabbing the television remote. I took it away from her.

"You don't understand. If Brendon gets here before you lea-" I was cut off by the sound of the garage door opening. I quickly grabbed Alex and ushered her towards the backyard door.

Brendon's home early.

"Anna, let me tal-"

"No! Just go." I said quickly. She nodded, regret in her eyes. She grabbed her bag and ran around the pool and out the side door.

"Babe?" Brendon called. I shut the door and turned to face him.

"Hey, Brendon." I smiled.

"Hi. What's up?" He asked suspiciously, eying the door.

"Oh, I thought I saw someone walking back there. It was a bird's shadow. You're home early." I smiled, taking his hand in mine.

"Yeah," He said, sitting me on the couch, "I know we're supposed to go to dinner tomorrow...But Pete got all the bands down here today. They're leaving tomorrow so I figured we have it tonight." He grinned.

My stomach dropped.

I'm not ready for this.

"Yeah! Do you want me to get ready?" I asked. He nodded.

"Wear something nice...How about that dress I bought you in Paris last month." He smiled.

I nodded, kissed his lips, and walked up the stairs to find the black satin dress with the pink bow around the middle.

I was dreading tonight...

Not because I don't love Brendon. I'm just scared. Scared something worse will happen, or him leaving me.