Don't Make a Scene

Seven head.

I sat up and looked around. I was in the guest bedroom on the cold hard floor. I stood up on shaky knees and looked into the mirror on the wall and gasped. I ran a hand along the marks on my face. Brendon had never gone that far before.

I was bruised on the cheeks and had a cut over my eyebrow and a few other cuts. I looked down and realized that I was almost covered in bruises. I sat down on the bed and tried to remember what had happened.

"W-We went to do some shopping." I answered. Brendon turned off the television and stood up.

"What did you buy?" He asked.

"A few shirts and a pair of shoes." I replied.

"You didn't even bother with the wedding today?" He asked, almost outraged.

"G-Gabe went with me to look at dresses."

"Where at?" He asked.

"Some place in the mall." Brendon looked shocked.

"I can't have my fiancee get married in some cheap dress. No way. I'll make a flight so we can fly out to Milan next week to get it." Brendon said. I sighed and thought of what Gabe had said.

"Brendon, I found a dress. I didn't buy it...yet."

"What?" Brendon asked.

"I-I found the perfect dress. I don't want another one. The one I found is perfect." Brendon shook his head.

"I don't care. What am I supposed to say when the press asks what dress you're wearing? Do you know how bad I would look if I said David's Bridal?!" He said it as if it were a disgusting piece of trash.

"The press won't be there." I said. He glared at me.

"How can there be no press at the wedding? This is going to be one of the biggest weddings of the year!" He exclaimed.

"I. Don't. Care," I stated, sticking up for myself, "Brendon, you know how I feel about it. I don't want it!" I screamed. That had set him off. I felt a powerful slap sting my left cheek. A hit so hard sent me to the ground.

"Get up!" He growled. I obeyed and stood, facing him, "You don't fucking talk back to me!" He said, shoving me into the wall.

"You don't fucking touch me!" I don't know why I'm so outgoing tonight...maybe it was my day with Gabe.

"I can do whatever the fuck I want!" He screamed.

"No you can't! You can't fucking hurt me anymore, Brendon!" I yelled back. He grabbed my upper right arm in a tight fist and pulled me so his lips were inches from mine. He stared directly into my eyes.

"Yes. I. Can. I'll prove it to you...By teaching you until you understand." He said darkly. His last remark confused me, but I understood when he threw me into the stair banister.

"Stop!" I exclaimed in a whisper. He ignored me. I fell and he kicked me into the wall. My back arching from hitting the bottom step made of wood.

He picked me up and forced me up the stairs. Once we got there he pushed me into the wall before throwing me down on the ground. His fist connected with my right eye and I fell to the ground. I moved my hand to stop his when he moved to pick me up, but he slapped it away and continued. He picked me back up and threw me into the railing of the stairs. I felt the sharp wood jab into my side and he had slapped me three times.

He pushed me back into the guest room and threw me on the floor. He grabbed the closest thing to him, my phone, and threw it at my face. It hit my cheek bone before falling to the floor. I fell too and Brendon stood above me. Brendon towered over me, looking down, "I hope you learned who fucking owns this house. Don't ever talk back to me again. Do you understand?" He asked grimly. I tried to speak, but couldn't, "Do you understand!?"

"Y-Yes." I managed to whisper. He kicked my ribs and I groaned.

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Brendon." I said in a raspy voice.

"Good. Sweet dreams, Honey." He said sickeningly sweet before slamming the door, leaving me there to drown in my tears.

I grabbed the phone, still laying on the ground, and scrolled down my contacts. I was almost tempted to call Gabe...but that would end horribly. I pressed 'talk' and counted the rings, trying to calm myself.

"Hello?" Alex's cheery voice rang in my head.

"A-Alex?" I stuttered hoarsely. She could already sense something was wrong.

"P-Please come over...B-Before he gets back." I cried. I could picture her thinking of what to do.

"I'll go pick you up. You're not staying there tonight." She stated firmly.

"No, Alex, you don't understand."

"Pack a bag. Patrick left for the week so you don't have anything to worry about." She said, more warmly.

"O-Okay." I agreed.

"I'll see you in a few." She stated. I could hear the jingling of her keys on the other line.

"Thank you." I whispered.

I heard the click of the phone and grabbed the largest suitcase I had. I didn't know when I was coming back, so I decided to fill it...Maybe to scare Brendon into stop hitting me. I grabbed all of my shirts and shorts and threw them into my bag. I quickly grabbed my jeans and shoes too. I left the designer purses and shoes, along with the expensive dresses.

I heard the door open and I froze with fear. I heard footsteps walking up the stairs slowly, approaching my door. I turned to face the door, hoping to see Alex.

It wasn't.

"Oh my god, Anna!" Victoria screamed and rushed to me, "What happened?" She asked, concerned. She examined my cuts and bruises.

"I-I...Fell. Down the stairs." I said. It was the lamest thing ever. She scowled.

"Anna." She stated with authority.

"Anna! Anna where are you!?" Alex called.

"Up here!" I called back. Alex walked into the room and gasped. Not only at my damage, but Victoria's presence.

"What's going on?" Victoria asked. Alex looked from me, to Victoria, to my bag, to the clock.

"Let's go. I'll explain at my house. Victoria, just follow us in your car." Alex said. Victoria nodded and hugged me before grabbing one of my bags. Alex grabbed another one and I grabbed the smallest.

I sat in the car and turned to look at the beautiful house Brendon and I shared, "Anna, don't look back. I don't know when you'll be there again." Alex stated. She was right.

I turned back around and we rounded the corner to her house. She pulled into the driveway. It wasn't long after that before Alex, Victoria, and I were on the couch in silence.

"So...what's the truth? I know Gabe didn't drop you off like that." Victoria said. I sighed.

"After Gabe dropped me off I faced Brendon. He was mad because me and Gabe looked at some wedding dresses. He doesn't want anything from here though. The plans can be made here...but everything has to be bought in Paris or Milan. He won't settle for anything else. I tried sticking up to Brendon, telling him that I found the dress I wanted.

"He didn't listen. We started arguing about him bringing the press to the wedding...even though he knows that would ruin everything. So...he did this." I finished. I held my breath.

"Brendon?" Victoria asked. I nodded.

"It's been happening for a while...But it was never this bad." Alex said.

"I didn't think he would go this far." I cried. Alex sighed.

"Anna, now is the time to tell the guys. They can help. Just one call to Patri-"

"No. Alex, do not bring your boyfriend into this. You two really are in love and I don't want this to jeopardize that."

"What about Gabe?" Victoria asked. Alex looked to me with hope.

"No. I don't want to think about it now." I said softly. Victoria nodded.

"Why don't' we watch some t.v. for a while." Alex suggested. I nodded and she turned on the plasma on the wall. I sat back and got comfortable and watched MTV.

"I just want to see the news really quick. Maybe they mentioned Trick's new producing job." Alex grinned.

"This is Las Vegas Channel Nine News. I'm Tammy Florez and we have some exciting news from the lead singer of local band, Panic At The Disco."

"Oh god. Oh god. Oh god."

"Sorry girls. This fish was snatched up! Brendon Urie called today to tell us that he's had a girlfriend for the past two and a half years. Now, they're tying the not. Brendon told us the wedding will be held hopefully in the summer of this year-"

Alex quickly shut it off. I sat there in disbelief. I could hear my phone starting to ring constantly, along with Victoria's and Alex's.

"I can't believe him." I whispered.