Don't Make a Scene


I sat on the couch, eating out of Alex's five-pound box of Godiva chocolates. I was crying my eyes out. Let's just say the message boardies aren't the nicest people in the world. Jeez, how do Alex and Keltie put up with that?

I shut my eyes and tried to picture a peaceful place, instead of facing Brendon about canceling the wedding, "Hello?" I heard Alex answer her phone. I looked over and saw her eyes widen.


I motioned for her to put it on speaker, "Alex! I can't find Anna anywhere! All of her stuff is gone. Will you help me find her!? Do you know where she is!?" Brendon asked frantically.

"Um...I don't know where she is," She said, obviously wanting to tell him off and beat the shit out of him, "I'll try calling her."

"I just want her back." Brendon whined.

"Maybe you should have stopped to think before announcing something like that to the world." Alex spat. There was a silence.

"We talked it over. She was fine with it."

"Maybe she'll be back tonight then."

"Should I check Gabe's place?" Brendon asked, anger rising.

I shook my head frantically. If he checked Gabe's house then he would come down here and see my face then find out what Brendon's been doing to me. It'll all end horribly.

"Just sit tight, Brendon. She'll be back."

"No. I need to find her." Brendon said, a slight growl in the back of his neck.

"Bren, calm down. She loves you more than anything in the world. She'll come back." Brendon groaned.

"Fine." He said before hanging up.

Alex sighed and tossed her phone on the counter. She walked up the stairs, I could hear her shuffling around in the bathroom, then she walked back down, "Here." She said hanging me a make-up bag.

"What's this for?" I asked.

"I have to go pick up Patrick. He texted when you were asleep and he's coming home today. Most of the marks are gone, the rest you can cover up with make-up." She explained.

"Oh...okay." She sighed again.

"Listen, while you do that I have to go." She said softly. I quickly looked up at her.

"What!? Alex you can't leave me here! What if Brendon comes!?" I asked.

"Shh, don't worry. I'm gonna text Bren and tell him I'm out looking for you. I'll tell him to go check the mall or something. I'll be back before you know it." She cooed. I sighed.

"Okay, Alex."

"I'll call every thirty minutes if you want...I can have Gabe come down." She suggested. I shook my head.

"He would question me and then I would spill everything. That's not a good idea." I said. She nodded.

"I'll send the text right now. If you need anything call me...and if anything happens call Gabe or one of the guys." I nodded in response. She leaned down and pecked my forehead.

"Bye. Don't burn my house down." She laughed. I smiled and grabbed the mirror and started to apply make-up to my face.

I had covered up my marks an hour later. Alex called me and I promised I was alright. So I sat back and turned down the television so I could hopefully fall asleep. I sighed and watched the bright colors lighten the dark room.

I suddenly jumped when I heard a door shut, "Alex? That you?" I questioned. I heard some footsteps come closer to the living room. Or...maybe away? With the echoing in the house I couldn't tell where it was coming from.

"Patrick? Ryan?" I paused, "Gabe?" I asked. Well, it was more of a whimpering for Gabe. I was scared and I really wanted him near me.

"Wrong lover." A voice whispered harshly from behind me.

I screamed.

A gut-wrenching, blood-crawling, ear-splitting scream.

I felt a hand cover my mouth and I began to sob. I knew he would come. I knew he would find me, "Decided to leave me? Let me tell you...nobody dumps me." He spat, throwing me onto the floor.

"No, Brendon. Please don't." I cried, shaking my head furiously as tears streamed down my cheeks. I could feel the mascara bleeding down my eyes.

"You left me!" He yelled and kicked me in the stomach. I winced.

"We're going down, down in an earlier round..."

Alex was calling me. Brendon turned to me and glared, "When will she be back?" He demanded.

"I-I don't know." I answered truthfully. He kicked me again.

"Lying bitch!" He pulled me up and crashed me into the wall.

"Brendon...please." I whispered.

"You're in for a rude awakening," His voice was dripping with venom. He crashed me against the corner of a wall, the edge slicing my back. I screamed in pain, "Shut-up! You're lucky Alex wasn't here when I came or else she would have gotten it too." He spat. My eyes widened and I was suddenly grateful that fate made Alex leave.

I could feel the warm blood on my shirt as he crashed me into a door hinge. I knew I would have scars there. I was about give up and just ask Brendon to take me home...when another door opened. I opened my mouth to call out but Brendon slapped me to the ground.

As I fell to the wooden floor, I saw a figure standing in the hallway, "Anna!" A familiar voice called. My eyes were staring to slip shut, but I heard Brendon yell.

"Get out of here, Gabe! This has nothing to do with you!" Brendon yelled. He moved over to me and punched me in the cheek. I could see Gabe standing in shock at what Brendon just did, but when it processed in his mind he sprung into action.

"Don't fucking touch her!" Gabe yelled, pulling Brendon back by the shoulders. He pushed Brendon into the wall and trapped him, "Let me explain something to you...You don't ever fucking touch Anna like that ever again." He growled.

"Watch me." Brendon hissed before pushing Gabe off. Gabe lunged for my cellphone.

"You touch her one more time and I'll call the cops!" Gabe yelled, the number already pre-dialed. Brendon stopped, his hand inches from my face.

Brendon glared at me, long and hard. He stood up, flipped Gabe off, then walked out the door, slamming it. I heard his car start up then he was off. As soon as the sound of a running engine disappeared, Gabe rushed to me.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" He asked, pulling me into his arms. I held him close, smelling his scent on his signature purple hoodie.

"I'm fine." I whispered.

"Okay...Let's go," He whispered back. I didn't object. I grabbed my bags quickly and Gabe took them from me before leading me out to his car quickly. It took me a little longer, seeing as I was injured, "Do you need a doctor?" He asked. I shook my head and got into the car.

He sped down the street and before long we were in the parking lot of a nice apartment complex, "Where are we?" I asked.

"Well, I bought this a while back. I was staying in my hotel and I completely forgot about it. So I flew some of my stuff out here and moved in." He explained.

"How long have you been staying here?"

"A week." I nodded and he parked in a numbered space. He got out and quickly opened my door and picked me up bridal style.

"Gabe, put me down!" I laughed. He shook his head.

"I'll come back down for the bags later." He smiled. He kicked the door with his foot, causing it to shut. He carried me up some stairs before boarding an elevator. I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder. I looked down and smiled. I close my eyes and inhaled his scent.

Worn out Axe mixed with his sweet smelling shampoo. I cuddled into his warm jacket more, "Are you cold?" He asked.

"No. Just perfect." I smiled. I could feel his grip get tighter and he kissed the top of my head. The doors opened and he carried me down a hall to a door numbered 407. He pulled out his keys with one hand and opened the door.

He set me down in the hall and shut the door, "I haven't really decorated. It kind just came like this." He smiled. It was a large luxury apartment with marble counter tops in the kitchen and tile floors in the open area. I peeked around the corner to see everything else was carpeted.

"Sit down. I'll make something to eat." He smiled.

"You don't have to cook." I replied. He shook his head.

"I cook every night." He replied.

He turned on the television and handed me the remote. I scanned the channels and settled on a random movie. I watched Gabe walk into the kitchen. I watched the way he walked. The way his jeans hugged him perfectly. The way his arms lingered at his sides. He was so tall, though. But I didn't mind...I could picture me standing on my tippy-toes to kiss his pink lips.

"I'm making fideo. It's like a soup." He said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"It's not spicy, right? Let's not forget the last time I ate your food." I smiled. He laughed, probably remembering the time I searched the bus for at least three gallons of water after eating some Spanish dish he made.

He put some noodles in a pot and let them boil. It wasn't long before the noodles were done and he was pouring a sauce on them. He poured the soup into two bowls and sat down next to me on the couch. I took in the moment. When was the last time someone cooked me a home style meal? I had always done it when I moved in with Brendon, "Thanks." I smiled.

He nodded and we sat back and ate our soup. After a few minutes we were both done and watching some random show, " can sleep in my room on the bed. I don't mind sleeping here." He motioned to the couch.

I looked down and shook my head, "I don't want to be alone." I whispered. He pulled me into a hug and held me tight. His long arms wrapping all the way around me. I felt secure. Safe.

I looked up into his dark brown eyes as he stared into my own. I couldn't help it anymore. I wanted Gabe. I admit it. I love Gabe.

So I leaned in and placed my lips on his. He seemed shocked at first, but he started moving his lips with my own. He kissed me so softly...lovingly. He laced his fingers with mine and used his other hand to rest on the back of my neck.

In need of air, I pulled back and stared at him, "I've been waiting to do that since the day I met you." He confessed in a whisper.

"You have?" I asked. He nodded.

"Once you met Brendon, I thought I wouldn't be able to deal with it...Then when you were going to get married...Are you going to go back with him? Is this just to get him off your mind?" He asked painfully. I sat there.

"I love you, Gabe. I think I've always have....Brendon was just a distraction." I replied. He sighed with relief and pulled me close into a hug.

"I love you too, Anna. More than anything. I can't bear knowing he hurt you like that...Has he done it before?" He asked.

I looked down, "Once I moved in with him he became abusive. He hits me every night."

"Then why did you agree to marry him?" He almost demanded.

"Because I thought once we were married things would get better...But they didn't. They got worse." I confessed. He pressed me against him again. I sighed.

I looked down at his hand in mine. It felt warm and tingly in my palm...Just like Christmas.