Don't Make a Scene


Alex's P.O.V.

I sat on the couch in the recording studio. Patrick had his arm wrapped around me. Everyone was there besides Gabe and Anna. Travie had flown in from New York to record a track on the new Panic record. Ryan, Spencer, and Jon were currently sitting on the couch waiting for Brendon to show.

I personally did not want to see him. I knew today would not end well. How could I just go on knowing he had hurt my best friend? Thank god for Gabe. Brendon still doesn't know that they're together. They're coming today though, to give Brendon back the ring and house keys. It's been a few days and no one knows that Anna and Brendon are even done. They don't know what Brendon is really like. But I'll make sure they do, "Sorry, I'm late. What are we doing first?" Brendon asked. Pete looked up from his side-kick.

"We're gonna wait a little bit more. The system just turned on and we're waiting for it to load. It might take about thirty minutes." He informed him.

"Okay," Brendon smiled and sat down, "Hey, Alex, you haven't said hi to me today." He grinned jokingly. Was he serious? He's seriously just ignoring the fact that Anna is in serious pain and despair?

I stayed silent.

"Alex, Brendon was talking to you." Pete informed me. He hated rude people.

"And?" I questioned.

"What's going on?" Patrick asked.

"Ask Brendon. It's his fault." I replied.

"I don't know what she's talking about." Brendon cut in.

"Don't know what I'm talking about!?" I exclaimed, standing up to face him, "Don't know what I'm talking about!? I think I know what I'm talking about when I'm the one that picked up my best fucking friend at your house all black and blue!" I yelled.

"What!?" Everyone asked shockingly.

"What happened? Did she fall?" Ryan asked.

"No, Ryan, she didn't fall. That asshole over there beat the shit out of her!" I screamed, pointing a finger at Brendon. He just stood there.

"What is she talking about?" Andy asked.

"I don't know. Last time I checked, Anna was fine." Brendon stated.

"Oh, fuck you!" I spat.

"Alex!" Patrick said sharply.

"Honestly, Alex. I don't know what's going on." Brendon said, holding in his smirk. He thinks he has everyone on his side...not for long.

I took steps towards him so I was face to face, our noses just inches apart, "You fucking beat the shit out of her," I said darkly, "You ruined her life! You scarred her and now she has to live with that!" I yelled.

"Alex, calm down." Pete said, trying to grab my arm. I pushed him off.

"No! You need to know. Brendon isn't the perfect sweet guy everyone knows. He's a stuck-up asshole who beats up his own fiancee every night!" I yelled.

"Alex, I think we should go." Patrick said softly.

"Fine...But before I do," I turned back to Brendon, "I'm happy she left you," I stared right into his eyes, "I'm happy she left before you could do anything worse. But most of all...I'm happy that she found someone who will love her more than you could ever." I hissed.

"What?" He asked, almost out of breath.

"She's in love...With Gabe. She didn't cheat on you. Gabe took her in after he found you beating the shit out of her," I smirked, "As a matter of fact...I set it up," His eyes widened, "I told Gabe to go down there because Anna wasn't answering her phone. I told him to get down there as fast as possible and he did...Because he loves her." I confessed.

Brendon glared at me. He was silent for almost minutes.

"You bitch!" He yelled and pushed me back. I fell onto the floor so he stood tall over me, "You ruined everything! She was supposed to crawl back to me and you fucking let her go!" He screamed. I stood up tall and looked down at my clenched fist. My sparkling diamond that Patrick gave me on our wedding day shining like stars.

I raised my fist and punched him.

"I fucking hate you, Brendon Urie!" I screamed, punching him again, "I wish I never met you and I wish Anna never met you!" Another punch, "I wish you would just fucking disappear! You ruined her life! After all she's fucking done for you! She's been nothing but perfect," I hit him again, square in the nose, "I hope you get beat up one day for every time you've hit Anna!" I screamed finally.

He held his bleeding face, cut up from my ring. And just when I thought everything would be okay, Gabe and Anna walked in. Hand in hand.

Brendon sat up and glared, "You." He growled. He stood up.

"Don't come near her, Brendon." Gabe ordered, standing in front of Anna to block her.

"You knew how much I loved her and you stole her from me." Brendon spat.

"You didn't love her!" Gabe yelled.

Brendon raised his fist and punched Gabe in the face. Gabe's head snapped to the side. He turned back quickly, a bruise forming on his cheek-bone.

"Brendon!" Anna shrieked and stepped in front of Gabe. She turned to him and softly put a hand on his cheek.

"Stay out of this, Bitch!" Brendon yelled, slapping her away. She screamed. He turned to her again, "You ratted me out! I was going to stop all of this after we were happily married!" He screamed and pushed her down to the ground.

"Hey!" Gabe yelled and pulled Brendon back, "Don't you ever fucking touch her again!" Gabe yelled and punched Brendon back. He stumbled, but came back with full force and pushed Gabe into the wall.

"Brendon! Stop it!" I screamed, trying to pry him off my other best-friend. Brendon was full on trying to choke Gabe now.

Gabe raised his foot up and kicked Brendon in the stomach. He gasped for air and Anna rushed to him, "Stop, I don't want you in this." Gabe said firmly, gently pushing her towards the guys.

"No, Gabe, let's just go. This was a bad idea." She cried.

"I'm not finished with him. He's going to pay." Gabe growled.

Brendon stood back up and walked over to Gabe. I could see Gabe's fists clenching as tight as the pants he was wearing. He raised his right hand up and punched Brendon's face with full force. I could hear the crackling sound from his nose. Brendon fell back onto the floor, defeated.

"That's my true fucking love." Gabe spat before gently grabbing Anna and leading her out the door. Anna stopped and grabbed a few things from her pocket. She set down her engagement ring, her house keys, and a picture of her and Brendon.

Gabe laced fingers with her and they walked out. I turned to Brendon, all the guys were surrounding him, angered. He was going to have to deal with them next.