Wild Secrets Within


These strange feelings didn’t go away as easily as I hoped they would. Even as I had found Riley and gotten the hell out of the party (and mentally noted that I would never return to another), I could still feel it. I could still feel him. Yes, there was something about Aidan that I couldn’t stand – but it didn’t matter. There was something even worse that felt as if the pieces of my heart were meant to fit into his. As we walked away from the party, I could still feel his aura all around me.

Needless to say, it was hard to do much else than think. I laid down in bed and counted too many sheep to actually remember how many I had counted. It wasn’t fair – the way I was so knocked out by one fair look from the boy. It was obvious neither of us could stand each other, but fate always had its funny ways of making us humans look foolish. I knew for a fact that this was one of those times.

“Juuuu –lee!” There was a call after a long night of twisting and turning. It was one of those times where I wished I could just bury myself in my mattress and sleep the rest of the day away – but I couldn’t. I hadn’t been in school long enough here to be the irresponsible one that skipped the weekend events on campus; I sure as hell wasn’t going back to John and Maria for so simple an excuse as skipping.

My first mistake was possibly the grunt and harsh “go away” that happened under my breath. Who knew - I probably could’ve gotten away without Maddi actually coming in to check on me if I had just pretended to not be there. But another three harsh poundings on the door and she had let herself in, along with a rush of sunlight and air that made me gasp like a vampire.

“Come on – it’s time to get up, sleepyhead!” She teased, plopping down beside me on the bed and completely unraveling the little cocoon that I had made out of my blankets. She had her head propped up on her arm, which was crushing down on my fluffy pillow, making me even more uncomfortable.

I rolled over and blinked. “How was your night?” I asked her. Maybe I could get her talking about Zane so that she wouldn’t ask me about how my night went.

Maddi let out an exasperated huff and let her head sink into the pillow. “No – that was going to be my question; you can’t steal my question!” She said teasingly. “Anyway, you can hear about my love life anytime,” she licked her lips in an innuendo and I nearly gagged. “So – how was your night?”

I rolled over to look up into the ceiling and just barely shook my head. “I never found him.” I lied simply, shrugging. “I don’t know what you were talking about – he certainly wasn’t looking for me.”

The response I got was a little unusual. I expected some more huffing and puffing (that was certain to blow the house down with the drama that Maddi used) – what I got was a whole lot of the opposite. Instead of being enraged, she merely laughed so hard that she had tangled all of my blankets to swaddle around her from rolling all over the bed.

“Julie, you can’t lie!” She burst my bubble in four simple words.

“It’s not a l-“

“Oh, sweetheart, I heard about the whole James fiasco. I swear, if the school had a newspaper – that would’ve made front page!” She giggled and I grimaced. “So tell me, what did your knight in shining armor do?”

To that, I almost wanted to laugh and show the same reaction that she had shown me. Of course, I was fairly pissed off at the fact that Aidan and I really had gotten off on such a bad note – and it was no laughing matter. I found myself giving the exact reaction I had expected from her in the first place and shook my head.

“Yeah – some knight in shining armor he is!” I replied, my voice dripping with the sarcasm and acid of having to deal with this interrogation. Couldn’t she simply take a break from this constant intrusion into my life? “We don’t…get along very well.”

“You both need to stop fighting it and just let it happen! I can see it now: you want him, and he wants you. Let. It. Happen!” She let out another giddy giggle as if this was all just peachy. It wasn’t. “He was there to save you from the evil James – at least show your thanksgiving for that!”

“He was just being nice – “

“He just happened to be standing by to save his little damsel in distress? Yeah right. You’ll see – you’re meant for each other!” She teased before sliding off of the bed. “Come on, let’s get up. I’m sure we could go find Aidan around the campus and you can tell him just how grateful you are for him being there for you!”

She winked – and I knew it. I should’ve known from the start that I was doomed by becoming friends with her. I found myself really wishing that the skies could just pulverize me to save me from this torturous thought, but I found myself realizing Maddi wouldn’t stand to let me die anyway. There was no way out of this one.