The Bendy Articles

Account Number One

My name is Wendy Garcia. And this is the story of my successful life. Aside from being the well know author you all know under the pen name Bendy, I am also a lawyer. The elusive one they call me. The shark they call me. I can bend any rule in the book. Find every loop in every hole.
At the moment I am going to the courtroom of course. Why? Because somebody needs my help to get out of the watchful eye of… the man.
It’s been thirty minutes. They are currently stating the case.
“Brenden Urie, you are currently under lawsuits against you set anonymously by a party who only refers to herself as the Vinny. You are being charged with violating the fan’s entertainment rights by the removal of a punctuation mark. Please know that anything you say can be used against you in the court of law.”
Gasp! He couldn’t say anything. Curse Vinny, or whoever this person is… I had to do something, I simply had to!!!
Subtly, I maneuvered my way up to Brenden. “Psst. How many years do you want?”
He gifted me with a stack of cash. Hmmm…. I don’t know… “I think I could let you get away with just a fine.”
He just gave me another stack! This’ll so go for my hologram projector fund. “With any luck, I might be able to prove you innocent…”
I think that was the last of his wallet… Ah well. “JUDGE! LET’S JUST NAME HIM INNOCENT.”
And that my friends. Is just one of the examples of my awesome and sexy maneuvers in the court of law.